The purpose of this site is to give people a chance to see there is ALWAYS more than one side to a story. I am sure you have listened to "pre-recorded" messages promising healing or the chance to make an easy dollar with little or no effort. But sadly this is the real world. I created this site to give people a chance to see the down side to Reliv. If you have had a bad experience with Reliv, the products or business, please share it with us in a comment.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
People Need You! - Share Your Negitive Reliv Experience
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Reliv is NOT Healthy - Soy is Bad!
More Evidence Soy is Not as Healthy as Originally Believed
This fascinating report in the UK Guardian Limited details some of the earliest evidence that soy can be harmful to your health.
One investigation began when multimillionaire lawyer Richard James became convinced that soy beans were killing his rare parrots.
Parrots do not eat soy in the wild, but a high-protein feed containing soy had been marketed as a new miracle bird food. When James fed it to his parrots, however, the birds became infertile, died, or aged prematurely.
Researchers initially thought that James must be mistaken about the cause, but when he financed an exhaustive study of soy, they found that soy contains toxins and disruptive plant estrogens, and could also damage the thyroid.
James's lobbying gradually forced governments to investigate. In 2002, the British government concluded that there was little evidence for the supposed health benefits of soy, and a good deal of evidence for its risks.
Soy's health claims are usually based on the low rates of heart disease and certain cancers in east Asian populations. However, Asians do not actually eat as much soy as has been generally assumed, and what they do eat tends to have been fermented for long periods. Fermentation considerably reduces the levels of dangerous isoflavones in soy.
Dr. Mercola's Comments: | ||
Related Articles:
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Reliv Classic - Do you Know What It Is???
Monday, March 24, 2008
Reliv - Are Your Vitamins Killing You?
Your Vitamins & Health
Nutrients from organic plant source
Vitamins are organic micronutrients that are required (compared to other nutrients) in small amounts in order to sustain human life. Vitamins (with few exceptions) cannot be manufactured endogenously and must therefore be obtained from supplements or from Foods via the diet.
Are Your Vitamins Killing You?
People in the U. S. are taking billions of dollars worth of isolated or synthetic vitamins with the thought in mind that these are going to keep them healthy when just the exact opposite is probably true.
Broccoli is Broccoli is Broccoli - But is a Vitamin, a Vitamin, a Vitamin?
In today's world you can buy vitamins everywhere. Health food stores, grocery stores, drug stores, convenience stores, truck stops, etc. Millions of people take one or more vitamins daily, and yet over half of the people in the United States are chronically ill. Something must be wrong.
Don't believe the advertisements from all the different companies saying their products are vitamin enriched. These almost always are chemicals and not real vitamins.
How can you tell if a vitamin is organic as opposed to an isolated or synthetic chemical vitamin? If you will look on the label and it tells you how many I.U.'s or how many milligrams of different vitamins there are, you can bet that the vitamins are isolated or chemical.
When you buy organic vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, etc. or plants and herbs such as Green Barley, Bee Pollen, The Thalophyte, etc., it doesn't say how many I.U's or milligrams of this, that, or the other thing these plants contain because they are in their natural whole organic form, in just the right amounts in the way God made your body to use them.
Please, if you remember from this information, remember this! We are to get all of our nutrients from organic plant source in its whole natural form, not from some isolated or man-made chemical source.
I firmly believe and have documented evidence to prove that we live longer or die sooner depending on whether we take natural whole organic nutrients OR isolated and synthetic vitamins.
One word of caution -- a natural isolated vitamin may not be any better than a synthetic or man-made chemical vitamin. We are emphasizing whole natural organic complexes, such as a product called DOCTORS TOTAL NUTRITION that is whole natural food and herbs that the body knows exactly what to do with.
Both the recent Finnish studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine and the experiments at the University of California, Berkley, California proved that taking synthetic vitamins is worse than starvation. The synthetic vitamins will kill you quicker.
In the Finnish study, there was a statistically significant loss of protection from lung cancer, stroke, and all other forms of death. So beware of so-called "enriched" bread with synthetic chemical vitamins. In reality, these chemicals should not be called vitamins at all. They are not vitamins and they are not food. This is a part of the deception. The majority of vitamins sold are synthetic, causing sickness and death to unsuspecting people who believe that they are health conscious and doing the right thing.
The synthetic vitamin producers and sellers all claim that synthetic vitamins have the same molecular structure as the Natural whole plant, and are therefore the same or at lease have the same effect. They never tell you that the polarity of the synthetic is opposite to the Natural and has the opposite effect. Synthetic vitamins always refract light, the opposite of the Natural Organic vitamin complexes. This suggests that you do not get protection from synthetic vitamins. In fact, the studies above show an actual loss of protection.
Though synthetic vitamins have the same molecular structure, they are a mirror image of the Natural. A MIRROR IMAGE? This suggests that they are identical in every detail. But a mirror image is the exact opposite of the real thing, in this case Natural organic vitamins.
Try to shake hands with yourself in the mirror. You can't do it. Everything is opposite. Bet you thought a mirror image is an exact duplication. To give you some examples of the synthetic as opposed to the real thing: Ascorbic acid, which most people think is Vitamin C, which it is not, is being called into question. In the past synthetic vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene have failed to reduce cancer rates and have even made some cancers worse. Now the latest study of synthetic vitamin C reports that synthetic vitamin C's ability to protect against cancer and heart disease appears to diminish at high doses and the vitamins might even become harmful.
Similar to published reported in Health Alert, the Study found evidence that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) at doses greater than 500 mg both suppresses and promotes oxidation, the very culprit that anti-oxidants are supposed to be fighting. This study showed that the anti-oxidant function and the pro-oxidant function of ascorbic acid, which is synthetic C, cancel themselves out, thus providing no benefit.
The facts are, synthetic anti-oxidants, including so-called vitamin C, in the form of ascorbic acid, are not Vitamins. Let me repeat! They are not Vitamins. In fact, vitamins are living enzyme complexes that naturally produce biochemical reactions in the human body. Synthetic Vitamins are chemicals that produce drug reactions in the body.
If you doubt what we have been saying, try spending a little time with an endocardiograph. This is a highly sensitive machine that records, amplifies and makes a graph of heart sound. As the heart becomes diseased, the sounds become abnormal. The abnormal sounds clearly depict what areas of the heart are malfunctioning and what nutrients are needed to allow the heart to normalize. The heart is the one organ in your body most responsive to nutritional therapy.
For example,
There is a characteristic sound and graph made by a heart that is in fibrillation. This heart needs the "G" portion of the organic Vitamin B complex. Tachycardia has its own characteristic graph and requires organic Vitamin C. Regurgitation of one or more valves has its graph and requires real Vitamin E. Angina has its graph and requires real selenium-rich Vitamin E. And so on.
When the correct organic nutrients are given to the patient while he or she is on the endocardiograph, the heart sound and graph start to normalize within 15 minutes. One thing is certain - take all the synthetic vitamins A, B, C, E, etc., in the world; take them over and over again. They can be the very nutrients your doctor tells you are "just exactly the same as organic, natural, real vitamins". But they are simply mirror-image chemicals and not nutritional complexes. They never reverse the abnormal heart graph whereas real nutrition does it on a regular basis. What more proof is needed that these chemicals are "just exactly not the same as real vitamins".
The latest studies show the failure of high dose synthetic vitamins and anti-oxidants. The ones that work are those made from herbs and food that are truly nutritional complexes based around enzyme actions.
God created a perfect body that can only be sustained by perfect foods that God also created. Anyone who desires good health must have proper nutrition every day or good health is not going to happen.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Reliv is Creating Conflict of Interests - Reliv is MLM
"I was recently put on Reliv by my Doctor. He said it was natural and that the percentages of nutrient value was 100% unlike pill supplements. I was to drink this 3 times a day and see him in six weeks. He said they would follow up with me during that time. He put me on three products; Original, Innergize and Fibrestore and I was to stop all the supplements I had been taking. I found that I was tired all the time and my eyes were itchy and burning. I have never done well on any soy products and this product is soy-based. I only could do the Reliv for a week and had to stop to see if the Reliv was the problem. I went to a person who does muscle testing and she found these products were not a good thing for me. Once off the product, I felt better and was taking my original supplements. Still, since I had spent so much money for them I decided to give it another try. Same thing... just didn't feel very good when on this product. Today the doctor's wife called me. She is the one who stays in contact with the people who are put on this. I had already deduced this was a MLM company from the literature he gave me. She told me to go back on the products and cut down the amount of powder I use from one scoop to 1 teaspoon per serving. She also told me she would call me several times during the first month and have me listen in on other people's testimonies of what the product did for them and also to the 'business' information. I told her I would not be interested in being a distributor, she said that was okay but it was at the end of each testimonial. I am rather upset about this. I don't and won't listen to these testimonials. I am not going to take anymore of this product. I am disappointed in my doctor for doing this. He's a very nice doctor and he follows a more natural practice instead of prescribing drugs. But, now I may have to change doctors to avoid the uncomfortable situation that has arisen from this product and how it affects me."
I think it's absolutely WRONG for a doctor to be prescribing any MLM products to his patients. This is a conflict of interest.
And sadly this doctor has either been misled himself or is outright lying to you. Reliv is not a Natural product. If you take a moment to look at the ingredients from any one of them products, most of the items listed are chemicals.
I am not sure how long ago you purchased these products but Reliv does offer a 100% money back guarantee and so if it hasn't been more than a month you could ask for your money back.
I DO NOT sell any vitamins and I will never be involved in any MLM again. But if you want to check for yourself, here are a few natural products.
Dr. Organics -
Lifeforce -
Eniva Vibe -
Also a few other products I have heard about is, Purity Products and also Dr Mercola. If go to their websites they have some vitamins as well.
Anyway, thank you again for posting your experience and I am going to post this on our main page as well.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Soy is No Health Food - Reliv is NOT HEALTHY
Manufacturers of soy products have been able to label them “heart healthy” since 1999. The Weston A. Price Foundation’s 65-page petition was filed in response to the FDA’s request for public comment on the issue.
"We have filed this petition because there was never a sound basis for a soy health claim and the heavy marketing of soy as a 'miracle food' has put American men, women and children at risk," said Kaayla Daniel, lead author of the petition that was officially filed by Sally Fallon, president of the foundation.
The petition documents longstanding concern in the scientific community -- including the FDA’s own Laboratory for Toxicological Research -- regarding soy’s possible role in:
- Carcinogenesis
- Thyroid disease
- Reproductive health problems including infertility
- Other illnesses
Dr. Mercola's Comments: | |
As of 2007, 85 percent of people in the United States perceive soy as healthy (this is according to the Soyfoods Association of North America). This incorrect assumption has, in large part, been propagated by the FDA’s 1999 approval of this health claim for soy foods: “Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease." Sound familiar? If you eat any processed soy foods, it would be hard to miss this claim, as soy manufacturers took it and ran, adding it to every so-called soy health food they could create. Yet, as is typical when industry marketers dip their hands into a traditional food, the resulting soy burgers, soy ice cream, soy cheese, soy milk (need I go on?), are not even close to the fermented soy foods consumed, with good health results, by many cultures for countless generations. And so I say … Excellent Work by the Weston A. Price Foundation! They are taking matters into their own hands and asking the FDA to do what it should have done long ago: get rid of the preposterous claim that processed soy is good for your heart. Even the conservative American Heart Association knows better. In 2006 they told physicians that soy is unlikely to prevent heart disease. Yet, walk into any supermarket, and even health food store, and you will be inundated with “heart healthy” soy products. How did things go so very wrong? It all started when the food industry, presented with a quandary over what to do with the byproducts of their ever-growing soybean oil industry, had an idea. With some processing, and some added flavorings, preservatives, sweeteners, emulsifiers and synthetic nutrients, they turned soy protein isolate, “the food processors' ugly duckling,” as Sally Fallon put it, “into a New Age Cinderella.” What they did not know is that their processing could not come close to the traditional fermentation process that took place before any ancient cultures would consume soy. You see, fermenting the soybeans makes an otherwise inedible food quite nutritious. But the food industry knew they did not have the time to create traditionally fermented soy foods, nor the market to sell them to. And, as a result, most of today’s soy foods are loaded with anti-nutrients and are a nutritional nightmare linked to:
But before you swear off all soy foods for good, there is something you should know. Fermented Soy Foods ARE Healthy You may recall me talking about the wonderful health benefits of traditionally fermented foods. Well, this is true of ALL varieties, including fermented soy. After a long fermentation process, the phytate (which blocks your body’s uptake of essential minerals) and antinutrient levels of soybeans are reduced, and their beneficial properties become available to your digestive system. So am I opposed to eating soy? Absolutely not -- as long as it is in one of the fermented forms that follows:
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Lose the Pyramid (Reliv), Keep Your Friends
Pasadena City College Courier, March 3, 2005
By Caroline Ikeji, Opinion Editor
"Oh, you'll make lots of money in no time, without a lot of work."
"It's such a great opportunity, and I don't want to see you let it pass by."
Ever heard someone explain a "money-making opportunity" using those lines? Welcome to the world of pyramid schemes.
In these types of businesses, a person involved tries to sell a company's product or service while recruiting others to do the same. The recruiter then gets a percentage of the recruit's income. Then they earn a portion of their recruit's money, and so on and so forth.
In other words, the few people at the top make the most the money without doing anything. You, on the bottom, barely make any, while you will be working your butt off to make money for the people who get into the business first.
Get rich quick? Huge opportunity? I think not. Sounds like a lot of work to me. I also have a much better chance to make more money by finding a "real" job that doesn't involve brainwashing my friends into becoming my source of income.
I have several acquaintances who are involved in a business of this type. I have had a few try to recruit me into their company, and I have seen one lose several friendships over it.
It is also amazing how annoying these people can get while trying to suck you into their world.
Take acquaintance No. 1 as an example. He gave me his pitch and added that I was the perfect candidate for the "job." He also would not stop raving about what a great company it was and why I should get involved. This was getting extremely annoying. Luckily, my cell phone hung up on him while he made his pitch so I missed the rest. I guess even my cell phone knows how stupid this type of thing is.
He tried to give me the pitch again, but irritated me to the point that I now refuse to talk to him. The same person tried to recruit two of my friends on separate occasions. He told them that he wanted to hang out with them. Instead, he took them to one of his company's introductory meetings. Both angry friends reported to me that they wasted precious hours of their lives by going to this meeting.
One of those friends spoke up at the meeting and said that she would rather have the satisfaction of helping people than being filthy rich. Yet, this statement didn't even register with these people, and they just continued to try to convince her to join their company.
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with making m oney that they're willing to lose friendships over it. Friendships are invaluable and cannot have a dollar amount put on them. Personally, I would rather be penniless and surrounded by friends than a lonely millionaire. Money can buy lots of material things, but it definitely cannot buy friends.
These people seemed to have forgotten the meaning of "no." Acquaintance No. 2 also tried to pull me into another scheme. He told me he wanted to hang out but would not tell me what he was planning to do. I was suspicious because I had not talked to him in ages. After prying some information out of him and telling him that I was not interested, he kept going on and on that he did not want me to miss out on such a wonderful opportunity.
Maybe you are gullible enough to believe in the claims of people who guarantee to make you rich quickly, but don't assume that I am. You may think that you are trying your best to convince me, but in reality, you are really putting me off by not taking "no" for an answer.
These get-rich-quick schemes may seem enticing, but they really are not. Do you really want to use and maybe lose your friends just for your material satisfaction? Do you really think that being rich is the key to happiness?
If you really want to make money, go find a real job and leave the rest of us alone.
Maybe you'll keep your friends while you're at it.
And for the rest of you, if your "friend" suddenly wants to take you somewhere, or promises you a way to make easy money, beware!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Reliv DOES NOT Need You! - Please Help!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Reliv is a BAD Idea for Cancer Patients
Millions of U.S. cancer survivors take vitamin supplements. However, there is little evidence that supplements help, and worries that some may actually fuel the disease.
A review of 32 studies conducted between 1999 and 2006 found that 64 percent to 81 percent of cancer survivors take extra vitamins or minerals (excluding multivitamins). But little is known about how megadoses of vitamins affect cancer.
A 1995 report showed that cancer cells in a petri dish thrive in the presence of vitamin C, and subsequent studies have suggested that vitamin C supplements may lower survival rates. A study of vitamin E showed patients with cancers of the head and neck who took supplements increased their risk for developing a second cancer.
The American Cancer Society says use of vitamins and supplements during cancer treatments should be avoided.