The following is from an email that I received a few days ago, followed by my response. I don't care how many Reliv Distributors write in to tell me that I have an axe to grind and that Reliv is "really good for me", it does not work for everyone and does cause problems.
"I started taking Reliv 1 week ago. I was convinced by a family member this product would build my child's immune system. My entire family started taking it, and we saw amazing results with energy level, appetite, and overall feeling good. Once we started to research the products more, we found it was full of bad soy, and artificial sweeteners and additives. All along we have been told this stuff is "food" for our bodies, but that is far from the truth.
First my children's behavior has been out of control this past week. Once fairly obedient children turned into hyper active, non-listening children constantly in trouble. I contribute that to the high sugar content in the Kids Now.
Here's where I believe Reliv is BAD! I was diagnosed with a sinus/ear infection and given antibiotics. I had already been taking Reliv so I continued, but also began taking the antibiotics. After 5 days I still wasn't better, and began assuming the soy was interfering with the antibiotics. I decided that night to stop Reliv so I could get better. I have been off Reliv for 24 hours now and it has been the worst 24 hours of my LIFE! I feel like I"m going through a drug withdrawal. I've never been addicted to drugs, tobacco, or alcohol, but I've been dizzy, nauseous, hot/cold spells, foggy headed, and craving Reliv. I was pretty much in bed all day yesterday because I couldn't function normally. This was after only being on the product for 1 week. How can something so "natural" cause withdrawal symptoms so massively? I wanted to contact you because I don't know of anyone else who has tried to get off the products after such a short time and had these symptoms. I am hoping you have some information/advice for me since you've researched this so much. I feel miserable, but I refuse to continue taking these products. I firmly believe there is something addicting in them that causes people to feel so good when on them, but so bad when they stop taking them. Just like a drug huh? Do you know how long it should take to detox from this junk? I started taking a regular multivitamin and a huge dose of Vitamin B. Is there anything I can take to flush this crap out of my body?"
My Responce
"I have heard of a number of people where this has happened to and the same thing happened to us when we stopped the Reliv products. The only thing that I have heard of is to simply stop taking the products and soon your body will balance back out. I have heard of one extreme case where the poor girl couldn't stop taking the products. She tried time and time again to stop but the withdrawals were so bad that she couldn't quit. She posted a number of times telling of her attempts but I have not heard from her in about 6 months.
Thank you for taking the time to post your story to us."