Monday, October 18, 2010

Reliv Unfair / Wrongful Business Practices

One of our readers posted a link and I found this on that website. Thought I would post it here.

"Reliv International is very savvy about getting complaints against it removed from websites by strong-arming, fear-tactics and ominous threats of lawsuits that complainants are liable for ‘defamation of the Reliv brand’ should anything be said that could be deemed negative or against the company, whether online or off.

Allegedly many top level Reliv Ambassadors have been terminated or had their income yanked for posting complaints about the company online, so its not surprising why you won’t easily find complaints against Reliv, they have a track record for going into arbitration to settle all legal battles, which is to say SETTLE OUT OF COURT, and therefore appears “squeaky clean” on the surface, but if you know where to look, you’ll find Reliv International is anything BUT lawsuit-free.

There are however, still plenty of complaints appearing on the web (perhaps too fast for Reliv to sweep them all up) and range from concerned distributors losing results, health discussions about soy and even some “negative testimonials” about Reliv International’s products or the Reliv pyramid scheme.

Many 3rd party reviews about Reliv fall under the inalienable rights and protections under “Freedom of Speech,” and therefore more difficult for Reliv to get deleted or removed from web host servers via threat of litigation.

You will find more than a few complains against Reliv here:

The blog still appears to be up and running (for the time being anyway.) I suppose Reliv Watchdog is as good a starting point as any, if you’re looking for honest reviews about Reliv International, Inc. or any of its toxic, Monsanto-soy products."

From a post on,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Reliv Dangerous? Does Reliv still make the same products?

I have removed this article due to a lack on info on the topic. I wish someone had some hard facts about Reliv and Monsanto but I have tried and have been unsuccessful. IF anyone has any proof or info on this topic, please contact me and I will re-post this article. I try to keep my info on here as factual as possible and therefore I will remove any article that is not accurate.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Your Stories Wanted - Reliv Negative Stories

Hello Readers - I am constantly getting comments from "pro-reliv" people and I delete them. Many have wrote and wondered why I haven't posted their comments, I did not create this blog for the positive about Reliv. There are many websites and phone calls were you can hear those phony stories. My sole purpose for this blog is to give people a chance to see the other side, the negative side of Reliv without having to wade through all of the other BS posted online or what you hear from a money hungry distributor. So please, if you intend to post something positive, don't waste you time as it won't get posted.

If you have some negative stories or experience, please send it to us so others can learn from your mistakes!