I just got this a little bit ago from one of our readers. I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to send in info about Reliv, the products or the business. I get a lot of attack posts and emails from Reliv users and distributors saying I have no right to post what I do on this blog but I want to give people a chance to see that there are always two sides to every story. While Reliv might work for some, it's not a cure all and does not work for everyone. Reliv Distributors take WAY too much liberty in pretending to know more than doctors and this is extremely wrong. Reliv REALLY need to get better control on their distributors and what is being said about the products.
"When does "None of your business" become my business???? As I type this I'm watching an elderly friend here in the clubhouse get taken for his retirement by a woman signing him up for a multi-marketing scheme. (And looked up reliv.com while they were talking.) She says if he drinks her powdered supplements he will be on the way to weight loss and get off his meds! I asked her if she was a doctor or registered nurse. She said no. Then she said many of her distributors are multi-millionaires. I said results are not typical. The old guy hesitated to sign, and the pushy wench pretended not to hear me. I asked her out-right about the effects of soy, especially on men. She said soy is perfectly safe. She is evil."