Why are Reliv distributors so pushy when it comes to their products? I am sure there are some who truly care about the people they are reaching out to and these few are selling the product at or close to their cost as they believe in helping. The rest and I believe the majority, are only selling the products for the money. The Bible is clear that the "love of money is the root of all evil". Few if any distributors have seen actual results themselves but rather regurgitate the lies they hear in their meetings and phone calls.
"Hi, I had a very pushy realtor who insisted Reliv was the cure-all to everyone's
problems. According to her, everyone should be taking Reliv and it is our job to
tell others about it because it could help them and blah blah blah ( I heard
hours of this talk) My husband took the Reliv vitamin about once or twice a day.
The next time he went to the doctor he had a vitamin D deficiency and very low
good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. He is now on prescription strength vitamin
D and was told to eat more avocados, olives, but also bacon and burgers. Because
of the low vitamin D he suffered from a few anxiety attacks which is common in
those who have low vitamin D. We have no doubt in our minds that Reliv was the
cause of this. Just recently our friends who we like to call "crunchy" gave us a
pamphlet on the dangers of soy hoping we would not give anything with soy to our
new baby. After reading it we concluded that it must have been the soy in Reliv
since it specifically mentioned soy depleting vitamin D and lowering