Thursday, September 13, 2007

Reliv Madness - Reliv Hype

MLM Madness - MLM Hype
Learn the Truth!

Far too many people are falling prey to the lies and hype that run rampant in the MLM industry. One section of the population that concerns us the most is the Stay at Home Mom, better known as SAHM. We care about moms because we are moms too.

The Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) is a prime target for MLMers because she typically is desperate to contribute financially to the household. We got tired of hearing the same lies over and over from MLM reps and decided to create a site to help other SAHMs learn the facts. In these pages, we hope to share enough information to help SAHMs decipher the truth about what they are being told by MLMers.

Is MLM Ethical?

We don't think so. In fact, we think it's a faulty business model. One that requires a blind eye in order to do business. Are there MLM reps with scruples? Most definately. But we think that no matter how ethical a person is, they can't fix an unethical business model. MLMs rely on the constant flow of new members enrolling and failing.

Less than 2% of those that get involved in MLMs will ever make ANY money. YOU are needed to be loyal to the business by placing your monthly qualifying orders while receiving little to no commission month after month. What else do you suppose pads the paychecks of those above you.

Can you Say "Cult"?

Okay, so MLMs are not truly cults but there are enough similarities to mention it. The stress and focus on total commitment, the avoidance of answering critical questions and the emotional manipulation used to achieve devotion - all very cultlike.

Bottom Line

Your enroller and upline become your family. They become your friends. They become the ones you count on. And when you have trouble making your monthly quotas, they suggest that you get yourself in further debt by opening new credit cards to make your qualifying orders. They tell you about the mother of 4 who was living in her car and managed to make her monthly orders. If you go to these people because you heard something negative about the company or MLMs, you will be told, "Those people are just negative and not worth the energy - don't waste your time on it." Your concerns will not be addressed.

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