The purpose of this site is to give people a chance to see there is ALWAYS more than one side to a story. I am sure you have listened to "pre-recorded" messages promising healing or the chance to make an easy dollar with little or no effort. But sadly this is the real world. I created this site to give people a chance to see the down side to Reliv. If you have had a bad experience with Reliv, the products or business, please share it with us in a comment.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Your Stories Wanted
We need your stories about Reliv. If you have had some health problems, lack of results, or just failed at the business, please send us your stories. Remember that I will NOT post your name or contact information. Your story will be completely anonymous. Please send your story to,
Friday, October 26, 2007
Twelve Tests for Evaluating a MLM
Twelve Tests for Evaluating a Network Marketing (MLM) “Opportunity”
By Jon M. Taylor, Ph.D., Consumer Awareness Institute
Network marketing (a.k.a. multi-level marketing or MLM, consumer direct marketing, purchasing or gifting network, etc.) developed from pyramidal concepts, which initially led to pyramid schemes, chain letters, and chain selling. While pyramid schemes are illegal, many MLM programs have managed to circumvent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rulings and applicable state laws.
Legislation and court cases have defined pyramid schemes as plans which concentrate on commissions earned for recruiting new distributors and which generally ignore the marketing and selling of products and services. However, many MLM promoters, even with good products, emphasize rec
ruiting simply because of a compensation system that rewards recruiting much more than retailing. I call these “recruiting MLM’s,” or “product-based pyramid schemes.”An MLM program that some enforcement agencies may not classify as an illegal pyramid scheme may for all practical purposes still be a product-based pyramid scheme. Strong pyramidal elements remain for most MLM programs, leaving approximately 99% of participants with losses (after subtracting all purchases from the MLM company). Commissions from purchases made by new recruits provide handsome rewards for a tiny percentage at the top of a hierarchy(pyramid) of participants. And with high profit margins, MLM companies profit from the product investments of new participants, the vast majority of whom eventually drop out, but are continually replaced by still more participants in an endless chain of recruitment.
So why does law enforcement allow these endless chain selling schemes to occur? The primary reasons for regulators not taking action against product-based pyramid schemes is that it is extremely rare for victims to file complaints with authorities. Victims of MLM fraud blame themselves for their “failure,” having been conditioned to believe that success was possible for those who “work the plan.” They also fear consequences from or to their upline and/or downline–who may be close friends or relatives. Victims also fear self-incrimination, since in every endless chain-selling scheme, major victims are of necessity perpetrators –having recruited others to recover their own investment and in hopes of eventually realizing a substantial profit. For more information on MLM regulatory issues, go and read the pages related to law enforcement.
The following tests should help you avoid programs in which you will only be wasting your money, time, and effort.
Were you approached primarily on the basis of the actual value and needfor the products – or for the “opportunity?” If the latter, the program may be actually a pyramid device for enriching the company and a small group of promoters at the top of a hierarchy of participants.
Another red flag to look for is promoters who talk of “getting in on the ground floor,” or “riding the wave” of opportunity. Usually, the bulk of the income in these cases is already locked in by the founding distributors in the pyramidal hierarchy.
May MLM recruiters point to the huge growth potential of their programs without considering the normal dynamics of supply and demand. Without adequate controls, saturation in any given market may soon be reached – at least in peoples’ minds.
Are five or more levels of distributors allowed – more than is needed to get the products out to customers? Also, ask if the company allows unlimited recruiting of distributors in an area – with no territorial protection or other provisions for preventing market saturation? If so, you may be buying a ticket for a flight that has already departed. You could be left holding a bag of empty promises and a worthless ticket.
Review the products offered and ask yourself:
Is it likely the products could be sold successfully on their own merits without going through a MLM distribution system? If nothing comparable is on the market, find out why.
Does the MLM company focus on legitimate products of value to consumers, or does it emphasize fleeting trends and timing, and exotic or secret formulas?
Are products of consistently high quality, and do they carry a buy-back guarantee? Can all product claims (such as health claims) be backed up by reliable research? Are orders filled and shipped promptly? And are manufacturing and expiration dates printed on consumable products?
Can you as a distributor make a good income for the time you spend selling the products – without recruiting a single person? Or is the commission paid by the company for selling the products so low that you have to recruit a downline in order to earn a significant income?
Would distributors several levels above you – who had nothing to do with the sale – receive as much or more total payout per sale (including commissions and bonuses) from the company as you would get for selling the product or providing the service?
If the latter is the case, the emphasis is on income from a downline of distributors (that you would have to recruit), not on the sale of products. Even though such a MLM program may have escaped prosecution as a pyramid scheme, it may still be a de facto pyramid scheme.
Your odds of success in such a program will not be favorable. While a few participants at the top of the pyramid will be rewarded handsomely, approximately 99.9% of participants in recruiting MLM’s will come away empty –most actually losing money, after subtracting expenses and product purchases. Also, in some programs, your quitting merely enhances the income of your upline – because income from your downline “rolls up” to those above you.
Don’t fall for the line that it takes months or even years for most businesses to show a profit and that if you just “work hard and hang in there” you will make lots of money in this MLM program. Be aware that in other comparable settings, sales distributors usually show a respectable income within a couple of months, or they turn to something else.
Ask distributors who have been with the company for two or three months if they are turning a respectable profit – after operating expenses and product purchases are subtracted. If not, they are only fattening the pockets of their upline.
For more on the effects of MLM compensation plans on participant loss rates, goto the consumer guide page at –
If an MLM recruiter touts huge income figures of top distributors, request that the company disclose average payout to distributors by percentiles (highest 1%,second highest 1%, and so on to the lowest 1%), so that you can determine your chances of success. Ask for net payout (after subtracting product purchases) for all distributors who ever signed up, including those not now active. If they fail to furnish such data, they are not providing the balanced information you need to make an informed decision.
Estimate the operating expenses for building your distribution network. For anyone serious about building an MLM business, a significant amount will be spent on telephone costs, travel, samples, sales materials, office supplies, mailing costs, printing and duplication, and (when friends and family don’t respond) some advertising. Most distributors wind up spending far more money on products and operating expenses than they bring in. The best source for expense information is ex-distributors, not current distributors who are in denial about how much they are actually spending. If less than 1% of all distributors earn a profit, or at the very least the equivalent of a minimum wage for their time (after subtracting all expenses and MLM products purchased), you might want to consider a more profitable use of your money, time, and energy. But do your homework – the best income opportunities don’t come looking for you.
Another acid test of the profitability of an MLM distributorship is to ask the person recruiting you to show you his/her last year’s tax return. It has been found that it is extremely rare for network marketing participants to show a profit for MLM participation on their annual tax returns. For more information on observations by tax professionals about MLM, go to the research page at –
Find out how high the expectation is for you to purchase products, services, training, etc., over a period of time, in order to be a serious participant. In other words, what will it cost you to “play the game?” Don’t be fooled by a simple request for a small sign-up fee, soon to be followed by endless invitations for specials on purchases of samples or inventory, accelerating bonus levels for higher sales plateaus, paid seminars, and training sessions or retreats.
The requirement (or strong suggestion) that you make regular purchases of products over a period of time to qualify for increasing bonus levels or purchasing discounts is one sign of a product-based pyramid scheme. After months or years of fruitless effort and a garage full of products, some participants come to realize they have merely been paying into a pyramid scheme in the form of payments forum needed products.
Are the company’s wholesale prices low enough to allow a respectable profit when marking up for resale –at a retail price that is still competitive with comparable products through other sources? Or are retail prices so high that they must be sold at wholesale to achieve any volume?
If products are priced at a premium to support a large network of distributors, then the premium portion of the price could be considered the pyramid portion. So if a MLM product sells for $40 and a comparable product would sell for $20 at a typical retail outlet, the $20 premium may be deemed the pyramid portion of the price and would flow to top distributors in typical pyramid fashion.
How did you feel about the way you were recruited to do the business, and how do you feel about approaching your family and friends in the same way? How important are your relationships to you? Are you offended when they attempt to exploit your connection with them for monetary gain? Would you want to do the exploiting?
The perennial dream of those with a pyramidal mentality is to be successful at recruiting a downline that will bring in enough money to support them so they won’t have to work themselves –thus giving them “time freedom.” They can then “leverage” their time by living off the efforts of others.
If a recruiter promises that by working hard for a brief time period you will never have to work again, ask what percent of their top “distributors” are no longer actively involved with the company – and never attend opportunity meetings.
Ask veteran distributors when they last took an extended vacation. Were they able to do so without significant losses for not tending their downlines? And did any of them quit or scale down without experiencing major financial losses?
Better yet, ask for a copy of the recruiter’s downline and upline. Contact participants at several different levels to see if any have achieved “time freedom.” And if you know the spouse of any of the distributors, you might ask what problems the family has experienced due to MLM participation (intrusive phone calls, untimely visits to the home, and neglect of family and other duties by the distributor).
Has the recruiter been devious or up front in his or her inviting attempts?
And can the products and “opportunity” be sold without making exaggerated product and income claims? Ask for validation of each of the claims made.
If you find the truth frequently distorted, powerful and escalating incentives may be driving the recruitment. If normally honest persons feel the need to exaggerate claims to sell the products and the program, you may find yourself having to do the same.
MLM promoters who don’t command respect themselves may lean heavily on the “credentials” or “character” of others involved in the “opportunity.” If such references are used to excess, watch out. Such credibility links can be deceptive. Why? Because the ethics of MLM are so tricky to sort out that respectable and high-level people have been drawn into the most problematical of programs.
Does the company offer an adequate support infrastructure to handle a temporary burst of volume? Will your upline be there when you need them, or do they have a history of jumping ship when the next hot MLM deal comes along?
Are conferences and training programs, audio and video tapes, etc., free of charge (as is the case elsewhere for company sponsored programs), or are you expected to pay for them – as another revenue source for the company and upline?
If you have found this flyer helpful in deciding about participation in MLM, you could be doing your friends and family a favor by sharing this information with at least five of them. Then ask each of them to share it with five more persons, and suggest they tell each of them to share it with five more, and . . .
© 2000, 2005 Jon M. Taylor. This article may be reproduced in its entirely for consumer awareness, but may not be sold or packaged for sale without the author’s written permission.
For more information on problems with MLM/network marketing and possible solutions, visit our web site – Or e-mail to:
By Jon M. Taylor, Ph.D., Consumer Awareness Institute
Network marketing (a.k.a. multi-level marketing or MLM, consumer direct marketing, purchasing or gifting network, etc.) developed from pyramidal concepts, which initially led to pyramid schemes, chain letters, and chain selling. While pyramid schemes are illegal, many MLM programs have managed to circumvent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rulings and applicable state laws.
Legislation and court cases have defined pyramid schemes as plans which concentrate on commissions earned for recruiting new distributors and which generally ignore the marketing and selling of products and services. However, many MLM promoters, even with good products, emphasize rec

So why does law enforcement allow these endless chain selling schemes to occur? The primary reasons for regulators not taking action against product-based pyramid schemes is that it is extremely rare for victims to file complaints with authorities. Victims of MLM fraud blame themselves for their “failure,” having been conditioned to believe that success was possible for those who “work the plan.” They also fear consequences from or to their upline and/or downline–who may be close friends or relatives. Victims also fear self-incrimination, since in every endless chain-selling scheme, major victims are of necessity perpetrators –having recruited others to recover their own investment and in hopes of eventually realizing a substantial profit. For more information on MLM regulatory issues, go and read the pages related to law enforcement.
The following tests should help you avoid programs in which you will only be wasting your money, time, and effort.
Were you approached primarily on the basis of the actual value and needfor the products – or for the “opportunity?” If the latter, the program may be actually a pyramid device for enriching the company and a small group of promoters at the top of a hierarchy of participants.
Another red flag to look for is promoters who talk of “getting in on the ground floor,” or “riding the wave” of opportunity. Usually, the bulk of the income in these cases is already locked in by the founding distributors in the pyramidal hierarchy.
May MLM recruiters point to the huge growth potential of their programs without considering the normal dynamics of supply and demand. Without adequate controls, saturation in any given market may soon be reached – at least in peoples’ minds.
Are five or more levels of distributors allowed – more than is needed to get the products out to customers? Also, ask if the company allows unlimited recruiting of distributors in an area – with no territorial protection or other provisions for preventing market saturation? If so, you may be buying a ticket for a flight that has already departed. You could be left holding a bag of empty promises and a worthless ticket.
Review the products offered and ask yourself:
Is it likely the products could be sold successfully on their own merits without going through a MLM distribution system? If nothing comparable is on the market, find out why.
Does the MLM company focus on legitimate products of value to consumers, or does it emphasize fleeting trends and timing, and exotic or secret formulas?
Are products of consistently high quality, and do they carry a buy-back guarantee? Can all product claims (such as health claims) be backed up by reliable research? Are orders filled and shipped promptly? And are manufacturing and expiration dates printed on consumable products?
Can you as a distributor make a good income for the time you spend selling the products – without recruiting a single person? Or is the commission paid by the company for selling the products so low that you have to recruit a downline in order to earn a significant income?
Would distributors several levels above you – who had nothing to do with the sale – receive as much or more total payout per sale (including commissions and bonuses) from the company as you would get for selling the product or providing the service?
If the latter is the case, the emphasis is on income from a downline of distributors (that you would have to recruit), not on the sale of products. Even though such a MLM program may have escaped prosecution as a pyramid scheme, it may still be a de facto pyramid scheme.
Your odds of success in such a program will not be favorable. While a few participants at the top of the pyramid will be rewarded handsomely, approximately 99.9% of participants in recruiting MLM’s will come away empty –most actually losing money, after subtracting expenses and product purchases. Also, in some programs, your quitting merely enhances the income of your upline – because income from your downline “rolls up” to those above you.
Don’t fall for the line that it takes months or even years for most businesses to show a profit and that if you just “work hard and hang in there” you will make lots of money in this MLM program. Be aware that in other comparable settings, sales distributors usually show a respectable income within a couple of months, or they turn to something else.
Ask distributors who have been with the company for two or three months if they are turning a respectable profit – after operating expenses and product purchases are subtracted. If not, they are only fattening the pockets of their upline.
For more on the effects of MLM compensation plans on participant loss rates, goto the consumer guide page at –
If an MLM recruiter touts huge income figures of top distributors, request that the company disclose average payout to distributors by percentiles (highest 1%,second highest 1%, and so on to the lowest 1%), so that you can determine your chances of success. Ask for net payout (after subtracting product purchases) for all distributors who ever signed up, including those not now active. If they fail to furnish such data, they are not providing the balanced information you need to make an informed decision.
Estimate the operating expenses for building your distribution network. For anyone serious about building an MLM business, a significant amount will be spent on telephone costs, travel, samples, sales materials, office supplies, mailing costs, printing and duplication, and (when friends and family don’t respond) some advertising. Most distributors wind up spending far more money on products and operating expenses than they bring in. The best source for expense information is ex-distributors, not current distributors who are in denial about how much they are actually spending. If less than 1% of all distributors earn a profit, or at the very least the equivalent of a minimum wage for their time (after subtracting all expenses and MLM products purchased), you might want to consider a more profitable use of your money, time, and energy. But do your homework – the best income opportunities don’t come looking for you.
Another acid test of the profitability of an MLM distributorship is to ask the person recruiting you to show you his/her last year’s tax return. It has been found that it is extremely rare for network marketing participants to show a profit for MLM participation on their annual tax returns. For more information on observations by tax professionals about MLM, go to the research page at –
Find out how high the expectation is for you to purchase products, services, training, etc., over a period of time, in order to be a serious participant. In other words, what will it cost you to “play the game?” Don’t be fooled by a simple request for a small sign-up fee, soon to be followed by endless invitations for specials on purchases of samples or inventory, accelerating bonus levels for higher sales plateaus, paid seminars, and training sessions or retreats.
The requirement (or strong suggestion) that you make regular purchases of products over a period of time to qualify for increasing bonus levels or purchasing discounts is one sign of a product-based pyramid scheme. After months or years of fruitless effort and a garage full of products, some participants come to realize they have merely been paying into a pyramid scheme in the form of payments forum needed products.
Are the company’s wholesale prices low enough to allow a respectable profit when marking up for resale –at a retail price that is still competitive with comparable products through other sources? Or are retail prices so high that they must be sold at wholesale to achieve any volume?
If products are priced at a premium to support a large network of distributors, then the premium portion of the price could be considered the pyramid portion. So if a MLM product sells for $40 and a comparable product would sell for $20 at a typical retail outlet, the $20 premium may be deemed the pyramid portion of the price and would flow to top distributors in typical pyramid fashion.
How did you feel about the way you were recruited to do the business, and how do you feel about approaching your family and friends in the same way? How important are your relationships to you? Are you offended when they attempt to exploit your connection with them for monetary gain? Would you want to do the exploiting?
The perennial dream of those with a pyramidal mentality is to be successful at recruiting a downline that will bring in enough money to support them so they won’t have to work themselves –thus giving them “time freedom.” They can then “leverage” their time by living off the efforts of others.
If a recruiter promises that by working hard for a brief time period you will never have to work again, ask what percent of their top “distributors” are no longer actively involved with the company – and never attend opportunity meetings.
Ask veteran distributors when they last took an extended vacation. Were they able to do so without significant losses for not tending their downlines? And did any of them quit or scale down without experiencing major financial losses?
Better yet, ask for a copy of the recruiter’s downline and upline. Contact participants at several different levels to see if any have achieved “time freedom.” And if you know the spouse of any of the distributors, you might ask what problems the family has experienced due to MLM participation (intrusive phone calls, untimely visits to the home, and neglect of family and other duties by the distributor).
Has the recruiter been devious or up front in his or her inviting attempts?
And can the products and “opportunity” be sold without making exaggerated product and income claims? Ask for validation of each of the claims made.
If you find the truth frequently distorted, powerful and escalating incentives may be driving the recruitment. If normally honest persons feel the need to exaggerate claims to sell the products and the program, you may find yourself having to do the same.
MLM promoters who don’t command respect themselves may lean heavily on the “credentials” or “character” of others involved in the “opportunity.” If such references are used to excess, watch out. Such credibility links can be deceptive. Why? Because the ethics of MLM are so tricky to sort out that respectable and high-level people have been drawn into the most problematical of programs.
Does the company offer an adequate support infrastructure to handle a temporary burst of volume? Will your upline be there when you need them, or do they have a history of jumping ship when the next hot MLM deal comes along?
Are conferences and training programs, audio and video tapes, etc., free of charge (as is the case elsewhere for company sponsored programs), or are you expected to pay for them – as another revenue source for the company and upline?
If you have found this flyer helpful in deciding about participation in MLM, you could be doing your friends and family a favor by sharing this information with at least five of them. Then ask each of them to share it with five more persons, and suggest they tell each of them to share it with five more, and . . .
© 2000, 2005 Jon M. Taylor. This article may be reproduced in its entirely for consumer awareness, but may not be sold or packaged for sale without the author’s written permission.
For more information on problems with MLM/network marketing and possible solutions, visit our web site – Or e-mail to:
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Reliv isn't a Silver Bullet
""If they are radically altering their diet where they're only eating soy in the hopes that this is going to bring their cholesterol down, they're deluding themselves," said Crawford, who was not on the panel that issued the new statement." I think this statement has a lot of truth and we need to pay close attention to it. Many use Reliv assuming that it will do them good but sadly like some of our posters have noted, Reliv has not helped them. Reliv has been presented as a "Silver Bullet" but sadly this isn't always the case. While some have had positive results, is what I am concerned about is what will happen in 10 or 20 years from now by consuming these large amounts of Soy based products.
Review casts doubt on soy health benefits
JAMIE STENGLE, Associated Press
DALLAS - Veggie burgers and tofu might not be so great at warding off heart disease after all.
An American Heart Association committee reviewed a decade of studies on soy's benefits and came up with results that are now casting doubt on the health claim that soy-based foods and supplements significantly lower cholesterol.
The findings could lead the Food and Drug Administration to re-evaluate rules that currently allow companies to tout a cholestorol-lowering benefit on the labels of soy-based food.
The panel also found that neither soy nor the soy component isoflavone reduced symptoms of menopause, such as "hot flashes," and that isoflavones don't help prevent breast, uterine or prostate cancer. Results were mixed on whether soy prevented postmenopausal bone loss.
Based on its findings, the committee said it would not recommend using isoflavone supplements in food or pills. It concluded that soy-containing foods and supplements did not significantly lower cholesterol, and it said so in a statement recently published in the journal Circulation.
Nutrition experts say soy-based foods still are good because they often are eaten in place of less healthy fare like burgers and hot dogs. But they don't have as much direct benefit as had been hoped on cholesterol, one of the top risk factors for heart disease.
"We don't want to lull people into a false sense of security that by eating soy they can solve the problem (with cholesterol)," said Dr. Michael Crawford, chief of clinical cardiology at University of California San Francisco Medical Center.
"If they are radically altering their diet where they're only eating soy in the hopes that this is going to bring their cholesterol down, they're deluding themselves," said Crawford, who was not on the panel that issued the new statement.
The FDA in 1999 started allowing manufacturers to claim that soy products might cut the risk of heart disease after studies showed at least 25 grams of soy protein a day lowered cholesterol. A year later, the Heart Association recommended soy be included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
But as more research emerged, the Heart Association decided to revisit the issue. The committee members reviewed 22 studies and found that large amounts of dietary soy protein only reduced LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, about 3 percent and had no effect on HDL, or "good" cholesterol, or on blood pressure.
They did a separate analysis of isoflavones. The review of 19 studies suggested that soy isoflavones also had no effect on lowering LDL cholesterol or other lipid risk factors.
"Soy proteins and isoflavones don't have any major health benefits other than soy protein products are generally good foods," said Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston who led the committee. "They're good to replace other foods that are high in cholesterol."
Still, the Heart Association statement notes that soy products like tofu, soy butter, soy nuts and some soy burgers should be heart-healthy because they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals and are low in saturated fat.
"Soy isn't a magic bullet, but it can be a valuable contributor to a heart-healthy diet," said Jo Ann Carson, a professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas who was not part of the panel.
It's important not to think about foods in black-and-white terms, said Dr. Michael Lim, director of the cardiac catheterization lab at Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
"There's no quick fix," he said. "Our bad cholesterol numbers would certainly get worse if instead of eating tofu burgers we went out and had hamburgers each night of the week."
American Heart Association:
Review casts doubt on soy health benefits
JAMIE STENGLE, Associated Press
DALLAS - Veggie burgers and tofu might not be so great at warding off heart disease after all.
An American Heart Association committee reviewed a decade of studies on soy's benefits and came up with results that are now casting doubt on the health claim that soy-based foods and supplements significantly lower cholesterol.
The findings could lead the Food and Drug Administration to re-evaluate rules that currently allow companies to tout a cholestorol-lowering benefit on the labels of soy-based food.
The panel also found that neither soy nor the soy component isoflavone reduced symptoms of menopause, such as "hot flashes," and that isoflavones don't help prevent breast, uterine or prostate cancer. Results were mixed on whether soy prevented postmenopausal bone loss.
Based on its findings, the committee said it would not recommend using isoflavone supplements in food or pills. It concluded that soy-containing foods and supplements did not significantly lower cholesterol, and it said so in a statement recently published in the journal Circulation.
Nutrition experts say soy-based foods still are good because they often are eaten in place of less healthy fare like burgers and hot dogs. But they don't have as much direct benefit as had been hoped on cholesterol, one of the top risk factors for heart disease.
"We don't want to lull people into a false sense of security that by eating soy they can solve the problem (with cholesterol)," said Dr. Michael Crawford, chief of clinical cardiology at University of California San Francisco Medical Center.
"If they are radically altering their diet where they're only eating soy in the hopes that this is going to bring their cholesterol down, they're deluding themselves," said Crawford, who was not on the panel that issued the new statement.
The FDA in 1999 started allowing manufacturers to claim that soy products might cut the risk of heart disease after studies showed at least 25 grams of soy protein a day lowered cholesterol. A year later, the Heart Association recommended soy be included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
But as more research emerged, the Heart Association decided to revisit the issue. The committee members reviewed 22 studies and found that large amounts of dietary soy protein only reduced LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, about 3 percent and had no effect on HDL, or "good" cholesterol, or on blood pressure.
They did a separate analysis of isoflavones. The review of 19 studies suggested that soy isoflavones also had no effect on lowering LDL cholesterol or other lipid risk factors.
"Soy proteins and isoflavones don't have any major health benefits other than soy protein products are generally good foods," said Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston who led the committee. "They're good to replace other foods that are high in cholesterol."
Still, the Heart Association statement notes that soy products like tofu, soy butter, soy nuts and some soy burgers should be heart-healthy because they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals and are low in saturated fat.
"Soy isn't a magic bullet, but it can be a valuable contributor to a heart-healthy diet," said Jo Ann Carson, a professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas who was not part of the panel.
It's important not to think about foods in black-and-white terms, said Dr. Michael Lim, director of the cardiac catheterization lab at Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
"There's no quick fix," he said. "Our bad cholesterol numbers would certainly get worse if instead of eating tofu burgers we went out and had hamburgers each night of the week."
American Heart Association:
Monday, October 22, 2007
WARNING - Reliv SoySentials Ruined My Health
I really don't have much to say about the story below. I think once you read it, you will understand. Though I have heard many other stories about SoySentials causing problems for women. It is really too bad the FDA does not do more checking but please send me your stories so that others don't have to repeat these problems.
Reliv and Soysentials"
Posted by Rondi on 06:01:31 2/15/2006
I sold Reliv several years ago. I also started
using the products Classic and SoySentials. To make
a long story short, At first I felt that Soysentials had
helped me with my menopausal symptoms. I took it for
almost 11/2 years give or take. The longer I took it the
worse I started to feel. My hair started falling out, my
nails were breaking, terrible brain fog, memory loss,
anxiety attacks, joint pain especially in my hips, vision
problems, rash on my upper eyelids, eventually I had to
stop working which was very traumatic for me. Upon
going to my doctor he informed me that my thyroid
numbers were the worse they had seen, not to mention
I had developed osteoporosis and a blood clotting
condition. In the process of seeking knowledge about
my new condition I came across many sites talking
about soy and thyroid. Everything I read sounded
exactly like me. It wasn't hard to figure out the reason
for my rapidly developing health issues! Recently I met
a women who is much worse than I, she too had
faithfully used Soysentials from Reliv. This is my story, I
will not make any money by saying this, I have nothing
to gain from spreading this information, except peace of
mind that maybe I can stop someone from having to
suffer like I have. Check out the website or just punch in soy and thyroid.
Good Luck and be careful!
Reliv and Soysentials"
Posted by Rondi on 06:01:31 2/15/2006
I sold Reliv several years ago. I also started
using the products Classic and SoySentials. To make
a long story short, At first I felt that Soysentials had
helped me with my menopausal symptoms. I took it for
almost 11/2 years give or take. The longer I took it the
worse I started to feel. My hair started falling out, my
nails were breaking, terrible brain fog, memory loss,
anxiety attacks, joint pain especially in my hips, vision
problems, rash on my upper eyelids, eventually I had to
stop working which was very traumatic for me. Upon
going to my doctor he informed me that my thyroid
numbers were the worse they had seen, not to mention
I had developed osteoporosis and a blood clotting
condition. In the process of seeking knowledge about
my new condition I came across many sites talking
about soy and thyroid. Everything I read sounded
exactly like me. It wasn't hard to figure out the reason
for my rapidly developing health issues! Recently I met
a women who is much worse than I, she too had
faithfully used Soysentials from Reliv. This is my story, I
will not make any money by saying this, I have nothing
to gain from spreading this information, except peace of
mind that maybe I can stop someone from having to
suffer like I have. Check out the website or just punch in soy and thyroid.
Good Luck and be careful!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Cut Sugar and Reliv -- and Live 15 Years Longer?
"Even though this study was conducted on worms, and therefore may not translate directly to people, it still reveals some interesting points to consider." The majority of research is done on animals as laws prevent humans from being the test subjects. And just the same there has been a lot that we can learn and understand even from animal testing. And this current study is at least important to consider. Many doctors in Europe already tell people to NOT take high dosage vitamins and this article just gives more proof.
If you want to be healthy, loose the junk food and cut down on the high dosage vitamins.
Cut Sugar and Supplements -- and Live 15 Years Longer?
Restricting the simple sugar glucose from your diet, while avoiding vitamin supplements, may extend your lifespan, according to German researchers.
While your body needs glucose, a sugar found in high amounts in sweets, too much of it is harmful.
When the researchers used a chemical to block worms’ ability to process glucose, their lifespan was extended by up to 25 percent, which is equal to 15 human years.
The beneficial effect came from an unlikely source: free radicals. Typically, free radicals are thought to cause damage to your body, and many consume antioxidants and vitamins to fight them.
However, when the worms were unable to use glucose for energy, they increased energy power from other cells -- a process that generated more free radicals than normal.
In response, the worms generated enzymes that fought the free radicals and strengthened their long-term protection against the damaging molecules.
The study also points to a reason why antioxidants may not be beneficial in the long run.
When some of the worms were given antioxidants, the free radicals were neutralized. However, this also prevented the worms from generating the beneficial, long-term defenses.
Cell Metabolism October 2007, Vol 6, 280-293, 03
Reuters October 2, 2007
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Even though this study was conducted on worms, and therefore may not translate directly to people, it still reveals some interesting points to consider.
First, limiting glucose (sugar) in your diet is a well-known key to longevity. In worms, cutting down on this one element increased their lifespan the equivalent of 15 human years, which is a major improvement.
If you avoid glucose in your diet, does this mean that you’ll live for another 15 years? It’s impossible to say, but what I can say is that you may very likely live quite a bit longer.
Your blood glucose levels actually rise slightly every time you eat. This is natural. What is not natural is that, with the average American now eating about 2.5 pounds of sugar every week, your blood glucose levels may very likely become excessively elevated, then stay that way.
It is a well proven fact that sugar increases your insulin and leptin levels and decreases receptor sensitivity for both of these vital hormones. This can lead to:
When you eat these low-quality carb foods -- things like white bread, sugar, pasta, pastries, cookies, and candy -- your blood sugar levels rise. This, in turn, causes your insulin and leptin levels to rise as well, which will accelerate the effects of aging.
Avoiding sugar, on the other hand, helps you to control your insulin and leptin levels, which will help you to feel and look younger for longer.
If you’re having trouble with the notion of giving up your favorite sweet treats and refined carbs, The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is one of the best solutions I know of for this challenge. EFT is an energy psychology tool that includes a marvelous technique called Turbo Tapping, which has helped tens of thousands of people kick the sugar habit.
Also, instead of focusing on what you will be losing (negative focus), it helps to look at all the things you will be gaining, such as increased energy and a lower risk of many diseases. Meanwhile, you can enjoy healthy foods that are in-line with your nutritional type, such as meats, dairy products, fresh veggies, nuts and seeds, and much more.
Are Supplements Healthy or Harmful?
The above study also raised an interesting point about free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that steal electrons from the first thing they encounter, such as a cell wall, or a strand of DNA. The loss of an electron, in turn, oxidizes these cells, which makes them unstable and easily breakable.
As this free-radical damage continues, your cells can no longer perform properly, and hence, tissues begin to degrade and disease sets in.
An interesting point to consider is that it is not unusual that in trying to do a good thing, some supplements could actually harm you. Depending on your clinical circumstances, suppression of free radicals may actually be harmful. It all depends on your specific circumstances. So the key here is to realize that fact.
It seems that, once again, your body may have far more intelligence in knowing the appropriate actions to take for you.
No matter what, you still need a certain level of free radicals, as your body uses the chain reaction of the free radicals to turn air and food into chemical energy. They also play a vital role in your immune response, attacking foreign invaders and bacteria.
It is certainly possible that taking some antioxidants may actually prevent some free radicals from doing the job they were designed to do. Playing doctor with using supplements as drugs can clearly cause complications, so don’t play with them lightly or use them willy nilly. You need to have expert counsel or carefully study the literature before you embark on a supplement regimen.
So it turns out that it may not be wise to drastically cut back on these natural free radicals in your body (even breathing produces free radicals).
That said, it’s not wise to let them get out of control, either.
If you eat a lot of junk food and sugar, don’t sleep enough, are stressed, and are exposed to a lot of environmental pollution, your body could easily become overwhelmed by free radicals, and be unable to neutralize them on its own.
Your ticket to keeping free radicals in check, and to leading a long, healthy life, remains leading a balanced lifestyle that includes antioxidants and vitamins from fresh, whole foods, with a minimum of artificial interventions.
If you want to be healthy, loose the junk food and cut down on the high dosage vitamins.
Cut Sugar and Supplements -- and Live 15 Years Longer?

While your body needs glucose, a sugar found in high amounts in sweets, too much of it is harmful.
When the researchers used a chemical to block worms’ ability to process glucose, their lifespan was extended by up to 25 percent, which is equal to 15 human years.
The beneficial effect came from an unlikely source: free radicals. Typically, free radicals are thought to cause damage to your body, and many consume antioxidants and vitamins to fight them.
However, when the worms were unable to use glucose for energy, they increased energy power from other cells -- a process that generated more free radicals than normal.
In response, the worms generated enzymes that fought the free radicals and strengthened their long-term protection against the damaging molecules.
The study also points to a reason why antioxidants may not be beneficial in the long run.
When some of the worms were given antioxidants, the free radicals were neutralized. However, this also prevented the worms from generating the beneficial, long-term defenses.
Cell Metabolism October 2007, Vol 6, 280-293, 03
Reuters October 2, 2007
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Even though this study was conducted on worms, and therefore may not translate directly to people, it still reveals some interesting points to consider.
First, limiting glucose (sugar) in your diet is a well-known key to longevity. In worms, cutting down on this one element increased their lifespan the equivalent of 15 human years, which is a major improvement.
If you avoid glucose in your diet, does this mean that you’ll live for another 15 years? It’s impossible to say, but what I can say is that you may very likely live quite a bit longer.
Your blood glucose levels actually rise slightly every time you eat. This is natural. What is not natural is that, with the average American now eating about 2.5 pounds of sugar every week, your blood glucose levels may very likely become excessively elevated, then stay that way.
It is a well proven fact that sugar increases your insulin and leptin levels and decreases receptor sensitivity for both of these vital hormones. This can lead to:
- High blood pressure and high cholesterol
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Weight gain
- Premature aging
When you eat these low-quality carb foods -- things like white bread, sugar, pasta, pastries, cookies, and candy -- your blood sugar levels rise. This, in turn, causes your insulin and leptin levels to rise as well, which will accelerate the effects of aging.
Avoiding sugar, on the other hand, helps you to control your insulin and leptin levels, which will help you to feel and look younger for longer.
If you’re having trouble with the notion of giving up your favorite sweet treats and refined carbs, The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is one of the best solutions I know of for this challenge. EFT is an energy psychology tool that includes a marvelous technique called Turbo Tapping, which has helped tens of thousands of people kick the sugar habit.
Also, instead of focusing on what you will be losing (negative focus), it helps to look at all the things you will be gaining, such as increased energy and a lower risk of many diseases. Meanwhile, you can enjoy healthy foods that are in-line with your nutritional type, such as meats, dairy products, fresh veggies, nuts and seeds, and much more.
Are Supplements Healthy or Harmful?
The above study also raised an interesting point about free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that steal electrons from the first thing they encounter, such as a cell wall, or a strand of DNA. The loss of an electron, in turn, oxidizes these cells, which makes them unstable and easily breakable.
As this free-radical damage continues, your cells can no longer perform properly, and hence, tissues begin to degrade and disease sets in.
An interesting point to consider is that it is not unusual that in trying to do a good thing, some supplements could actually harm you. Depending on your clinical circumstances, suppression of free radicals may actually be harmful. It all depends on your specific circumstances. So the key here is to realize that fact.
It seems that, once again, your body may have far more intelligence in knowing the appropriate actions to take for you.
No matter what, you still need a certain level of free radicals, as your body uses the chain reaction of the free radicals to turn air and food into chemical energy. They also play a vital role in your immune response, attacking foreign invaders and bacteria.
It is certainly possible that taking some antioxidants may actually prevent some free radicals from doing the job they were designed to do. Playing doctor with using supplements as drugs can clearly cause complications, so don’t play with them lightly or use them willy nilly. You need to have expert counsel or carefully study the literature before you embark on a supplement regimen.
So it turns out that it may not be wise to drastically cut back on these natural free radicals in your body (even breathing produces free radicals).
That said, it’s not wise to let them get out of control, either.
If you eat a lot of junk food and sugar, don’t sleep enough, are stressed, and are exposed to a lot of environmental pollution, your body could easily become overwhelmed by free radicals, and be unable to neutralize them on its own.
Your ticket to keeping free radicals in check, and to leading a long, healthy life, remains leading a balanced lifestyle that includes antioxidants and vitamins from fresh, whole foods, with a minimum of artificial interventions.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Reliv Innergize - Is it Junk Food?
"The fact is that the food industry spends about $40 billion a year on advertising, brainwashing you to believe that junk food is somehow good for you and your kids. And the beverage industry is part of that pack." The problem with Sports Drinks and Sodas in the Public schools and in general is becoming a real problem and not many are willing to even stop and look.
When I read this article this morning, my thoughts drifted to Reliv Innergize. Though it does not contain as much "sugars" as some of the other products, many people are drinking much more than the suggested 1 scoop a day. If you take 2 scoops a day you are getting as much sugar drinking a can of Pepsi. The problem with the American Diet today is the amount of sugars we are consuming and Reliv is just adding to the problem. My advice, find a more natural product and if you think you need the Reliv Innergize, then find a cheaper alternative.
Reliv Innergize - 14g.
Pepsi - 28g.
Gatorade - 14g.
Powerade - 17g.
7UP - 25g.
Are Sports Drinks Junk Food?
Public health advocates are pushing for a ban on the sale of sports drinks and flavored waters in schools, warning that drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade contain as much as two-thirds the sugar of sodas, and more than three times the sodium.
Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has introduced a bill that would let the government decide, and set nutritional standards for all foods and drinks sold in schools. The issue of whether sports drinks and vitamin waters should be considered “healthy alternatives,” or “junk food,” has now brought this bill to the forefront in congress.
The trade group representing bottlers like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are vehemently countering the bill, stating sports drinks are lower in calories, “appropriate” for high school students, and “essential” to young athletes.
But a report from the University of California at Berkeley warns that students who drink one 20-ounce sports drink every day for a year may gain about 13 pounds. This is no surprise to some nutritionists, who note that when you look at the ingredients, it’s water, high-fructose corn syrup, and salt.
According to Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “For years we’ve been programmed to believe that sports drinks are healthy and you need to replenish those electrolytes after you go out and walk your dog. They don’t want any official sanctioning of the idea that sports drinks are associated with obesity.
Washington Post September 26, 2007
Science Daily September 26, 2007
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
It wasn’t until earlier this year that I realized the food industry actually outspends the drug industry in seeking to brainwash you, and manipulate the truth so you will increase their profits, usually at the expense of your long-term health.
The fact is that the food industry spends about $40 billion a year on advertising, brainwashing you to believe that junk food is somehow good for you and your kids. And the beverage industry is part of that pack.
Sports drinks hit $7.5 billion in sales last year alone, and according to the trade journal Beverage Digest, sports drinks were the third fastest growing beverage category in the United States in 2006, after energy drinks and bottled water. Of course they want you to believe sports drinks are healthy!
But when you look at the main ingredients: water, high-fructose corn syrup, and salt, how healthy is that really?
Not very.
The Problem with Sports Drinks
There are situations where use of sports drinks is an option, but after mild exercise, or no physical exertion, it’s just not a wise choice. Unfortunately, less than one percent of those who use sports drinks actually need them.
The only time you should resort to these drinks is after vigorous exercise, such as cardiovascular aerobic activity, for a minimum of 45 minutes to an hour, and you’re sweating profusely as a result of that activity.
Anything less than 45 minutes will simply not result in a large enough fluid loss to justify using these high-sodium, high-sugar drinks. And, even if you’re exercising for more than an hour, I still believe there are far better options to rehydrate yourself.
There are many reasons why you should stay away from sports drinks in all instances. For example, they’ve been found to corrode your teeth. As it turns out, ironically, drinking sports drinks when you exercise is particularly problematic because your mouth is dry, which means you don't have enough saliva in your mouth to combat the drink's acidity.
But that’s just for starters. The real problem lies in their choice of ingredients – the use of high-fructose corn syrup in particular – which should be your first tip-off that this stuff is bad news.
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the number one source of calories in the US. It is the most prevalent sweetener used in foods and beverages today, and has been clearly linked to the rise in obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Just like other sugars it disrupts your insulin levels, and elevated insulin levels are going to increase your risk of nearly every chronic disease known to man, including:
There’s also new evidence that HFCS increases your triglyceride levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Part of what makes HFCS such an unhealthy product is that it will tend to raise your blood sugar levels and cause sugar to attach to many of your body’s proteins, thus causing permanent damage to them. Because most fructose is consumed in liquid form, these negative metabolic effects are significantly magnified.
Although these drinks are often referred to as “energy” drinks, in the long run, sugar does just the opposite. It acts like an H-bomb – a quick explosion of energy followed by a plummeting disaster, as your pancreas and other glands do all they can to balance out the toxic stimulation to blood sugar. Any kinesiologist or chiropractor will show you how sugar dramatically reduces strength!
Your Best Alternatives to Sports Drinks
It is, however, important to replace the water you’ve lost during exercise. But the question is: are sports drinks really as “essential” to young school athletes for this purpose as the manufacturers would like you to believe? Are they the best alternative for your children?
Well, no. They’re not. (After all, these trade group representatives are paid to say whatever their clients want them to say. They’re not nutritional experts.) Neither are “energy” drinks like Red Bull and many others, which are high in caffeine – a natural diuretic – which will actually dehydrate your body further.
Your best bet for your primary fluid replacement is pure, fresh water.
If your child is going to be involved in a long game or match, drinking simple carbs (sugar, corn syrup, and so on), will give him or her a quick spike in blood sugar followed by a fall, causing sluggishness and hampering overall performance. Pure water is a far better alternative to rehydrate.
If your child is involved in athletics, I highly recommend you review my related article, Energy Rules, for great tips on how to optimize your child’s energy levels and physical performance through correct nutrition.
When I read this article this morning, my thoughts drifted to Reliv Innergize. Though it does not contain as much "sugars" as some of the other products, many people are drinking much more than the suggested 1 scoop a day. If you take 2 scoops a day you are getting as much sugar drinking a can of Pepsi. The problem with the American Diet today is the amount of sugars we are consuming and Reliv is just adding to the problem. My advice, find a more natural product and if you think you need the Reliv Innergize, then find a cheaper alternative.
Reliv Innergize - 14g.
Pepsi - 28g.
Gatorade - 14g.
Powerade - 17g.
7UP - 25g.
Are Sports Drinks Junk Food?
Public health advocates are pushing for a ban on the sale of sports drinks and flavored waters in schools, warning that drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade contain as much as two-thirds the sugar of sodas, and more than three times the sodium.
Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has introduced a bill that would let the government decide, and set nutritional standards for all foods and drinks sold in schools. The issue of whether sports drinks and vitamin waters should be considered “healthy alternatives,” or “junk food,” has now brought this bill to the forefront in congress.
The trade group representing bottlers like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are vehemently countering the bill, stating sports drinks are lower in calories, “appropriate” for high school students, and “essential” to young athletes.
But a report from the University of California at Berkeley warns that students who drink one 20-ounce sports drink every day for a year may gain about 13 pounds. This is no surprise to some nutritionists, who note that when you look at the ingredients, it’s water, high-fructose corn syrup, and salt.
According to Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “For years we’ve been programmed to believe that sports drinks are healthy and you need to replenish those electrolytes after you go out and walk your dog. They don’t want any official sanctioning of the idea that sports drinks are associated with obesity.
Washington Post September 26, 2007
Science Daily September 26, 2007
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
It wasn’t until earlier this year that I realized the food industry actually outspends the drug industry in seeking to brainwash you, and manipulate the truth so you will increase their profits, usually at the expense of your long-term health.
The fact is that the food industry spends about $40 billion a year on advertising, brainwashing you to believe that junk food is somehow good for you and your kids. And the beverage industry is part of that pack.
Sports drinks hit $7.5 billion in sales last year alone, and according to the trade journal Beverage Digest, sports drinks were the third fastest growing beverage category in the United States in 2006, after energy drinks and bottled water. Of course they want you to believe sports drinks are healthy!
But when you look at the main ingredients: water, high-fructose corn syrup, and salt, how healthy is that really?
Not very.
The Problem with Sports Drinks
There are situations where use of sports drinks is an option, but after mild exercise, or no physical exertion, it’s just not a wise choice. Unfortunately, less than one percent of those who use sports drinks actually need them.
The only time you should resort to these drinks is after vigorous exercise, such as cardiovascular aerobic activity, for a minimum of 45 minutes to an hour, and you’re sweating profusely as a result of that activity.
Anything less than 45 minutes will simply not result in a large enough fluid loss to justify using these high-sodium, high-sugar drinks. And, even if you’re exercising for more than an hour, I still believe there are far better options to rehydrate yourself.
There are many reasons why you should stay away from sports drinks in all instances. For example, they’ve been found to corrode your teeth. As it turns out, ironically, drinking sports drinks when you exercise is particularly problematic because your mouth is dry, which means you don't have enough saliva in your mouth to combat the drink's acidity.
But that’s just for starters. The real problem lies in their choice of ingredients – the use of high-fructose corn syrup in particular – which should be your first tip-off that this stuff is bad news.
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the number one source of calories in the US. It is the most prevalent sweetener used in foods and beverages today, and has been clearly linked to the rise in obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Just like other sugars it disrupts your insulin levels, and elevated insulin levels are going to increase your risk of nearly every chronic disease known to man, including:
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Premature aging
- Arthritis and osteoporosis
There’s also new evidence that HFCS increases your triglyceride levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Part of what makes HFCS such an unhealthy product is that it will tend to raise your blood sugar levels and cause sugar to attach to many of your body’s proteins, thus causing permanent damage to them. Because most fructose is consumed in liquid form, these negative metabolic effects are significantly magnified.
Although these drinks are often referred to as “energy” drinks, in the long run, sugar does just the opposite. It acts like an H-bomb – a quick explosion of energy followed by a plummeting disaster, as your pancreas and other glands do all they can to balance out the toxic stimulation to blood sugar. Any kinesiologist or chiropractor will show you how sugar dramatically reduces strength!
Your Best Alternatives to Sports Drinks
It is, however, important to replace the water you’ve lost during exercise. But the question is: are sports drinks really as “essential” to young school athletes for this purpose as the manufacturers would like you to believe? Are they the best alternative for your children?
Well, no. They’re not. (After all, these trade group representatives are paid to say whatever their clients want them to say. They’re not nutritional experts.) Neither are “energy” drinks like Red Bull and many others, which are high in caffeine – a natural diuretic – which will actually dehydrate your body further.
Your best bet for your primary fluid replacement is pure, fresh water.
If your child is going to be involved in a long game or match, drinking simple carbs (sugar, corn syrup, and so on), will give him or her a quick spike in blood sugar followed by a fall, causing sluggishness and hampering overall performance. Pure water is a far better alternative to rehydrate.
If your child is involved in athletics, I highly recommend you review my related article, Energy Rules, for great tips on how to optimize your child’s energy levels and physical performance through correct nutrition.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Reliv - Some Facts Seldom Known
I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my Blog and I hope that you take some time to read some of my posts. Sadly I think that many people that visit come with a bias and are blind to the other side of Reliv. In the past I have seen articles about how MLM companies become a Cult and I think this true about many involved in Reliv. The Love of money is a dangerous thing and thus many are blind to what really happens in Reliv and other companies.
But here are some of the FACTS that many Distributors don't tell you when you join up. Maybe you aren't one of these but I would dare to say that most fail to tell their future downline the whole truth.
They DON'T tell you that you must "re-qualify" every year. To re-qualify you MUST buy another 5,000 dollars of Retail products in one month or you must sell 3,000 dollars of retail products two months in a row.
They DON'T tell you that you MUST pay the Signup fee of 40$ every single year.
They DON'T tell you that you MUST sell 1,000 dollars a month in order to get 4% of your downlines business or 2,000 dollars a month to get 8%.
They DON'T tell you that you CANNOT use any form of online sales for selling off your products. No website, No eBay, No Online ACCEPT the Reliv website and this is just a waste of time.
They DON'T tell you that you MUST file forms every month to Reliv to show how much you have sold. Currently I think very few actually do this but it's still required by Reliv Policy.
This is just to name a few of the items I was not told when I joined and I am sure many don't know this. Many are convinced to join Reliv at the 40% Level which is the highest discount level so they can get the products cheaper for themselves.
If you want to get the products cheaper, go to eBay, you can get them for a 25 to 35% discount and you don't need to deal with the business part.
While some do succeed in Reliv, what about the Millions who fail that we don't hear about? What about the Millions who are encouraged to CHARGE the products so they can join the company? What about the Millions who have 100s of products that they can't get rid of?
But here are some of the FACTS that many Distributors don't tell you when you join up. Maybe you aren't one of these but I would dare to say that most fail to tell their future downline the whole truth.
They DON'T tell you that you must "re-qualify" every year. To re-qualify you MUST buy another 5,000 dollars of Retail products in one month or you must sell 3,000 dollars of retail products two months in a row.
They DON'T tell you that you MUST pay the Signup fee of 40$ every single year.
They DON'T tell you that you MUST sell 1,000 dollars a month in order to get 4% of your downlines business or 2,000 dollars a month to get 8%.
They DON'T tell you that you CANNOT use any form of online sales for selling off your products. No website, No eBay, No Online ACCEPT the Reliv website and this is just a waste of time.
They DON'T tell you that you MUST file forms every month to Reliv to show how much you have sold. Currently I think very few actually do this but it's still required by Reliv Policy.
This is just to name a few of the items I was not told when I joined and I am sure many don't know this. Many are convinced to join Reliv at the 40% Level which is the highest discount level so they can get the products cheaper for themselves.
If you want to get the products cheaper, go to eBay, you can get them for a 25 to 35% discount and you don't need to deal with the business part.
While some do succeed in Reliv, what about the Millions who fail that we don't hear about? What about the Millions who are encouraged to CHARGE the products so they can join the company? What about the Millions who have 100s of products that they can't get rid of?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Confused About Soy?--Soy Dangers Summarized
Confused About Soy?--Soy Dangers Summarized
- High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.
- Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.
- Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.
- Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.
- Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12.
- Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.
- Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.
- Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.
- Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.
- Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.
Monday, October 8, 2007
WANTED - Your Stories
Have you had problems with Reliv?
Have you lost money joining the business?
Do you know someone who has had problems?
We want your stories! Please send me an email and I will post your story. I will not publish your name or email address. Please send your stories to,
Have you lost money joining the business?
Do you know someone who has had problems?
We want your stories! Please send me an email and I will post your story. I will not publish your name or email address. Please send your stories to,
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Puberty at 8? - Could Reliv Be a Problem?
I received this article in the mail this morning and found Dr. Mercola's comments very interesting and very alarming. More and more we are finding that girls are going through puberty earlier and earlier and they have found that this can increase their chances for breast cancer and other health and social issues. Though the causes can be many, I did find it interesting that Soy and Soy products were one of the things listed. Since Reliv is so high in soy, this should be a concern if you have your children on the Kid's Now or any of the other Reliv Products. There are so many other options out there for vitamins, you don't need to give your children something that is so strongly Soy based.
Puberty at 8? Girls' Earlier Puberty Puts Them at Higher Risk for Cancer
POSTED BY - Dr. Mercola - October 06 2007

Girls in the United States are reaching puberty at very early ages, increasing their risk of breast cancer, social problems, and emotional problems.
While the biological signs of female puberty -- menstruation, breast development, and growth of pubic and underarm hair -- typically occurred around 13 years of age or older just decades ago, today girls as young as 8 are increasingly showing these signs.
African-American girls are particularly vulnerable to early puberty.
Aside from the social and emotional implications, early puberty exposes girls to more estrogen, which increases their risk of breast cancer because the disease thrives on estrogen.
According to biologist Sandra Steingraber, the author of the report titled "The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know," "The data indicates that if you get your first period before age 12, your risk of breast cancer is 50 percent higher than if you get it at age 16."
"For every year we could delay a girl's first menstrual period,” she says, “we could prevent thousands of breast cancers."
Theories behind what is causing the early-puberty trend abound, but the actual causes are not known. Potential causes noted in the paper include:
The Breast Cancer Fund, “The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know”
Chicago Tribune September 16, 2007
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
It is becoming increasingly common for young children, even 5- and 6-year-olds, to go through precocious puberty (aka early sexual development). The introduction of this report even states that studies have found girls as young as 2 years old entering puberty!
This is clearly a multi-faceted problem, but I believe one of its main causes stems from your environmental exposure to a whole slew of endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
These man-made chemicals affect your hormones, which control development and function in your body. There is mounting evidence that they can cause harm in the development of fetuses and children, who are particularly sensitive to the chemicals because they have not yet developed the protective mechanisms present in adult bodies.
If you think you and your children are not exposed to endocrine disrupters, think again. They’re commonly found in many household products and cosmetics, including:
Meanwhile, some misinformed moms are still feeding their vulnerable babies soy infant formula, which exposes their child to the equivalent of five birth control pills’ worth of estrogen every day. For this same reason, it’s also important for pregnant women to avoid eating soy, as a high estrogenic environment in utero may increase their child’s subsequent breast cancer risk.
Other environmental chemicals like PCBs and DDE (a breakdown product of the pesticide DDT) may also be associated with early sexual development in girls. Both DDE and PCBs are known to mimic, or interfere with, sex hormones.
What is even more troubling is that endocrine-disrupting environmental chemicals can actually increase your child’s risk of obesity, which in turn may increase their likelihood of early puberty.
Early Puberty is Only the Tip of the Iceberg
Meanwhile, the same chemical exposures that are causing young kids to enter puberty well before their time can also lead to increased infertility and breast cancer rates down the road.
So if you have children, or are planning to, avoiding environmental contaminants and soy foods as much as possible (unless they are in the traditional, fermented form such as natto, miso, or tempeh), is a wise choice.
Here are some measures you can take to protect yourself and your children from common toxic substances that could cause them to go into puberty years before they were designed to:
Puberty at 8? Girls' Earlier Puberty Puts Them at Higher Risk for Cancer
POSTED BY - Dr. Mercola - October 06 2007

Girls in the United States are reaching puberty at very early ages, increasing their risk of breast cancer, social problems, and emotional problems.
While the biological signs of female puberty -- menstruation, breast development, and growth of pubic and underarm hair -- typically occurred around 13 years of age or older just decades ago, today girls as young as 8 are increasingly showing these signs.
African-American girls are particularly vulnerable to early puberty.
Aside from the social and emotional implications, early puberty exposes girls to more estrogen, which increases their risk of breast cancer because the disease thrives on estrogen.
According to biologist Sandra Steingraber, the author of the report titled "The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know," "The data indicates that if you get your first period before age 12, your risk of breast cancer is 50 percent higher than if you get it at age 16."
"For every year we could delay a girl's first menstrual period,” she says, “we could prevent thousands of breast cancers."
Theories behind what is causing the early-puberty trend abound, but the actual causes are not known. Potential causes noted in the paper include:
- Rising childhood obesity rates and inactivity
- Formula-feeding of infants
- Excessive TV viewing and media use
- Family stress
- Exposure to environmental chemicals
The Breast Cancer Fund, “The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know”
Chicago Tribune September 16, 2007
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
It is becoming increasingly common for young children, even 5- and 6-year-olds, to go through precocious puberty (aka early sexual development). The introduction of this report even states that studies have found girls as young as 2 years old entering puberty!
This is clearly a multi-faceted problem, but I believe one of its main causes stems from your environmental exposure to a whole slew of endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
These man-made chemicals affect your hormones, which control development and function in your body. There is mounting evidence that they can cause harm in the development of fetuses and children, who are particularly sensitive to the chemicals because they have not yet developed the protective mechanisms present in adult bodies.
If you think you and your children are not exposed to endocrine disrupters, think again. They’re commonly found in many household products and cosmetics, including:
- Bovine growth hormones commonly added to commercial dairy
- Soy foods, which are loaded with hormone-like substances
- Bisphenol A, commonly used in many plastics such as baby bottles, food-storage containers, and the lining of soda cans
- Phthalates, also commonly used in plastics
- Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) -- better known as Teflon
Meanwhile, some misinformed moms are still feeding their vulnerable babies soy infant formula, which exposes their child to the equivalent of five birth control pills’ worth of estrogen every day. For this same reason, it’s also important for pregnant women to avoid eating soy, as a high estrogenic environment in utero may increase their child’s subsequent breast cancer risk.
Other environmental chemicals like PCBs and DDE (a breakdown product of the pesticide DDT) may also be associated with early sexual development in girls. Both DDE and PCBs are known to mimic, or interfere with, sex hormones.
What is even more troubling is that endocrine-disrupting environmental chemicals can actually increase your child’s risk of obesity, which in turn may increase their likelihood of early puberty.
Early Puberty is Only the Tip of the Iceberg
Meanwhile, the same chemical exposures that are causing young kids to enter puberty well before their time can also lead to increased infertility and breast cancer rates down the road.
So if you have children, or are planning to, avoiding environmental contaminants and soy foods as much as possible (unless they are in the traditional, fermented form such as natto, miso, or tempeh), is a wise choice.
Here are some measures you can take to protect yourself and your children from common toxic substances that could cause them to go into puberty years before they were designed to:
- Store your food in glass containers whenever possible, as it is the most inert container you can use.
- Only use natural cleaning products in your home. Most health food stores will have these available or you can search online for them.
- Buy and eat, as much as possible, locally grown, organic foods that do not contain pesticides and added hormones.
- Avoid processed foods, which are loaded with soy and other unsavory ingredients.
- Switch to natural brands of toiletries, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants, and cosmetics. Use the same sources as above for these, either your local health food store or you can search online.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Reliv - The Newest Birth Control??
The dangers of Soy and Soy based products are becoming very well known. Many choose to ignore the facts as they have been lead to believe the lie that Soy is a "Health Food Product". And sadly 1000s of people taking Reliv believe that Soy is Healthy as Reliv has "Scientists" working on their "Perfect" vitamin. How could something be bad with Reliv when they have professionals working on it? Please don't be fooled by the Smoke and Mirrors of a Multi-Million dollar business that is doing nothing but trying to make money. Read the facts, study for yourself, and then decide.
Eating Soy Can Decrease Your Fertility
BBC News June 21, 2005

Women who are trying to conceive may want to heed the following: Avoid eating too much soy. According to a study involving humans, a compound found in soy known as genistein has been found to impair sperm as they swim toward the egg. Even tiny doses of the compound in the female tract could destroy sperm.
What's more, researchers explain avoiding soy around a woman's more fertile days of the month might actually aid conception.
Genistein can be found in all soy-containing products, including:
Researchers tested what happened to human sperm when it was exposed to genistein in a dish in the laboratory: The soy chemical was found to create a premature reaction in the sperm, forcing them to peak long before they could fertilize an egg.
In real life, this does not usually occur until the sperm have been inside the female for some hours and are close to completing their long swim toward the egg. Without the presence of genistein around a woman's womb, sperm would peak as they should--far closer to completing their journey to the egg.
Moreover, what was surprising and telling about soy's harmful effects on human health was that it took smaller doses of genistein to create infertility problems in human females than in mice.
Based on the findings, a spokeswoman for the Vegetarian Society said that for anyone trying to become pregnant, avoiding soy products for a few days a month is worth a try ... even if there is a slim chance it will aid in fertility.
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
Traditionally, soy is viewed as having many health benefits, but there is increasingly strong scientific support that this may not be the case.
When reviewing the effects of soy consumption in your body, it's usually important to consider the difference between fermented and non-fermented versions of this food.
Fermented soy products include:
While in most cases fermenting soy makes it an acceptable food, in light of the above study, this, unfortunately, does not appear to be the case for women who are trying to conceive.
Studies have shown isoflavones like genistein are among the nutrients whose bioavailability actually increases when the soy food they come from is fermented. In other words, if you ferment a soy product, the genistein becomes more readily absorbed.
Eating Soy Can Decrease Your Fertility
BBC News June 21, 2005

Women who are trying to conceive may want to heed the following: Avoid eating too much soy. According to a study involving humans, a compound found in soy known as genistein has been found to impair sperm as they swim toward the egg. Even tiny doses of the compound in the female tract could destroy sperm.
What's more, researchers explain avoiding soy around a woman's more fertile days of the month might actually aid conception.
Genistein can be found in all soy-containing products, including:
- Soy milk
- Many vegetarian foods
- Some pre-packed meals and pizzas
Researchers tested what happened to human sperm when it was exposed to genistein in a dish in the laboratory: The soy chemical was found to create a premature reaction in the sperm, forcing them to peak long before they could fertilize an egg.
In real life, this does not usually occur until the sperm have been inside the female for some hours and are close to completing their long swim toward the egg. Without the presence of genistein around a woman's womb, sperm would peak as they should--far closer to completing their journey to the egg.
Moreover, what was surprising and telling about soy's harmful effects on human health was that it took smaller doses of genistein to create infertility problems in human females than in mice.
Based on the findings, a spokeswoman for the Vegetarian Society said that for anyone trying to become pregnant, avoiding soy products for a few days a month is worth a try ... even if there is a slim chance it will aid in fertility.
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
Traditionally, soy is viewed as having many health benefits, but there is increasingly strong scientific support that this may not be the case.
When reviewing the effects of soy consumption in your body, it's usually important to consider the difference between fermented and non-fermented versions of this food.
Fermented soy products include:
- Miso
- Soy Sauce
- Natto
- Tempeh
- Tofu
- Soy milk
- Soy hot dogs and other "meatless" products made with soy or textured vegetable protein (TVP), which is usually soy based
- Soy yogurt and ice cream
- Soy protein
While in most cases fermenting soy makes it an acceptable food, in light of the above study, this, unfortunately, does not appear to be the case for women who are trying to conceive.
Studies have shown isoflavones like genistein are among the nutrients whose bioavailability actually increases when the soy food they come from is fermented. In other words, if you ferment a soy product, the genistein becomes more readily absorbed.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Reliv Problem - It's a Waste of Money
The problem with Reliv that keeps coming up over and over again is something that I found out myself. Reliv is "Vile Tasting" no matter how hard you try to hide it's flavor. Since this time, a friend of mine shipped me some Dr. Organics, which is also powder and I can't get the stuff down. Dr. Organics is MUCH better tasting but just the thought of Powders starts me gagging.
And sadly this person was duped by a church member. I think it should be sin for one church member to prey on another. Church should be a safe place to go to learn about Jesus and the forgiveness of sins but instead, you will hear about how "great" Reliv is or how "much" money you can make. :(
And lastly, this guy used Reliv for more than 1 year. I will have to congratulate him of his effort. He spent 100s if not 1000s of dollars on Reliv and NO RESULTS. But thankfully he did return to something that was helping him, a cheap chewable vitamin. :)
Waste of money
by skydog2 ,Sep 11 '06
Pros: It at least gives you vitamins
Cons: Vile tasting and extremely expensive
My wife and mother-in-law convinced me to start taking Reliv based on the fabulous review it got from a member of our church (who, of course is a dealer). I was skeptical, but tried to give it a fair trial -- I used it (and Arthaffects for more than a year and a half. The stuff tastes vile, regardless of what it's mixed with, and I couldn't tell any difference in health, energy, joint pain, or any other factor.
I went back to my Flintstones vitamins (all you need, chewables are absorbed well by your body, and they're relatively inexpensive) and have been happy and healthy in the 20 months since I gave up Reliv.
My in-laws still swear by it (more power to them), and my mother-in-law has become a dealer. She showed me the materials Reliv gave her, including a tape -- the methods and materials the company uses to get dealers to push the product are truly obscene (and almost cult-like), regardless of how well it works/doesn't work.
And sadly this person was duped by a church member. I think it should be sin for one church member to prey on another. Church should be a safe place to go to learn about Jesus and the forgiveness of sins but instead, you will hear about how "great" Reliv is or how "much" money you can make. :(
And lastly, this guy used Reliv for more than 1 year. I will have to congratulate him of his effort. He spent 100s if not 1000s of dollars on Reliv and NO RESULTS. But thankfully he did return to something that was helping him, a cheap chewable vitamin. :)
Waste of money
by skydog2 ,Sep 11 '06
Pros: It at least gives you vitamins
Cons: Vile tasting and extremely expensive
My wife and mother-in-law convinced me to start taking Reliv based on the fabulous review it got from a member of our church (who, of course is a dealer). I was skeptical, but tried to give it a fair trial -- I used it (and Arthaffects for more than a year and a half. The stuff tastes vile, regardless of what it's mixed with, and I couldn't tell any difference in health, energy, joint pain, or any other factor.
I went back to my Flintstones vitamins (all you need, chewables are absorbed well by your body, and they're relatively inexpensive) and have been happy and healthy in the 20 months since I gave up Reliv.
My in-laws still swear by it (more power to them), and my mother-in-law has become a dealer. She showed me the materials Reliv gave her, including a tape -- the methods and materials the company uses to get dealers to push the product are truly obscene (and almost cult-like), regardless of how well it works/doesn't work.
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