Monday, October 29, 2007

Your Stories Wanted

We need your stories about Reliv. If you have had some health problems, lack of results, or just failed at the business, please send us your stories. Remember that I will NOT post your name or contact information. Your story will be completely anonymous. Please send your story to,


Anonymous said...

I have been on Reliv for 6 weeks now. I feel great! I'm sleeping better, I have more energy during the day, my blood sugar levels are much more even, and this is the first period where I have not had severe cramps in many years. I have not taken a single Ibuprofen during this period, when I used to take 3-4 every 6 hours!
Previously, I have been somewhat intolerant of other soy products (bloating, gas, etc.). This has not been the case with Reliv. My body seems to be responding well. My husband likes it, too.

The_Reliv_Watchdog said...

Hello Poster - Since your comments came in about the same time as another one I am assuming that you are the same person. It is good to hear that you have had positive results with Reliv but please remember that this is NOT the purpose of this Blog. I want to give people a chance to see the other side of Reliv. I want to give people a chance to read stories about people that didn't have good results.

But here is my question to you. Have you tried getting off the products? I know of a number of people that once they start, they are unable to stop and in the end, they feel worse than before.

Are you willing to take the chance at getting a Breast Cancer or something other form of Health problem from Reliv?

And this is not to mention the amount of money Reliv is costing you each month. If you are willing to spend the money then I would suggest that you try a few other products that are on the market. They are whole foods and don't contain all of the chemicals that Reliv has.

Dr. Organics -

Lifeforce -

Eniva Vibe -

Please keep an eye on my main page. Soon I will be posting a new article about Vitamins and another new product that is completely a non-mlm that you can buy directly. If you would like to know more you can read the article at the Dr. Mercola website.