Friday, February 29, 2008

Reliv Is Not Natural - Dangers of Synthetic Vitamins

I think the comments from this former Reliv Distributor are very important something that we should all consider. Many people believe or are led to believe that the Reliv Products are completely natural but sadly this is not true. If you take a look at any one of their products you will see a very long list of ingredients and most of them are different chemicals. I would assume that most of them are harmless but some of them can be and are very harmful.

Read this article below;

When I was in Reliv, I used to tell people that we didn't have synthetics in the products until I received this information below from the company:

"Reliv follows the FDA guidelines and manufacturing practices, but the products are not classified as foods found in grocery stores. Reliv's products are not whole foods. The source of the nutrients in the products is from foodstuffs and synthetics as Reliv' uses both synthetic and natural vitamins and minerals.

"We use no ingredients, which are considered unacceptable by the FDA. We purchase them in powdered form from leading food ingredient companies and formulate them into finished products."

Hilda K. Hansen
Reliv Product Information
Reliv' International Inc.

I also remember Carl Hastings telling us at conference that our bodies don't know the difference between synthetic and natural which is what I told countless people who didn't want to use synthetics. I finally gave up and found a company that has natural ingredients, such we find in Life Force products and other nutritional companies.

Quote from "...The synthetic vitamin producers and sellers all claim that synthetic vitamins have the same molecular structure as the Natural whole plant, and are therefore the same or at least have the same effect. They never tell you that the polarity of the synthetic is opposite to the Natural and has the opposite effect. Synthetic vitamins always refract light, the opposite of the Natural Organic vitamin complexes. This suggests that you do not get protection from synthetic vitamins. In fact, the studies above show an actual loss of protection."

For myself, I choose to feed my body the best I can to prevent cancers and immune diseases. And when cancer does strike, we need to fight it with natural, organic food. Synthetic? That's one of the reasons I left Reliv and joined Life Force.

Then when I learned that we need to feed our cells first, it made sense. Get the cells talking and repairing years of stuffing ourselves with mega amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements that we think are being absorbed but our trillions of cells hardly recognize the nutrients. Think micro so the cells communicate! Here's more about it.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Run From Reliv - It May Be Deadly!

I was surfing tonight looking for some more articles and I came across this one in a Cancer Discussion Board and thought I would cut and paste it for you to read. Bottom line, RUN RUN RUN from Reliv.

"Please, all you who have cancer or have had cancer or have especially a CHILD with cancer - run from RELIV as soon as you possibly can! Flee from this product!

Google "dangers of soy" and read up on the first website that pops up. Documentation is provided for the link between soy and breast cancer. Soy acts like an estrogen in the breast and greatly increases the risk of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. (This is why menopausal women ceased taking estrogen - HRT - to treat hot flashes: its impact upon breast cancer risk.)

My 37yo. sister came down with estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. Her husband, a biomedical researcher at UVA who earned his post-doc degree at Johns Hopkins Medical School, poured himself into researching how to fight and prevent breast cancer. He will not permit my sister to TOUCH soy! Only the fermented versions of soy, such as tempeh, are risk-free and only in small quantities.

Please, read up on "dangers of soy" for the sake of you and your loved ones, and recognize that Reliv despite all the hype may not be the best choice for you. Yes, good nutrition can accomplish miracles, and many of the anecdotes you read/hear may be true, but you can get your hands on great nutrition without turning to a soy-based supplement. And in the long run, you may run into life-threatening problems which come only after taking Reliv for many years. (It takes years for cancers to build.)"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Another Reliv Alternitive - Omega 3

I got this article this morning from Dr. Mercola. I am really sorry it's so long but I think you will find it worth reading. And I would encourage everyone to visit his website and sign up for his wonderful free health newsletter. Anyway, if you looking for optimum health, Reliv is NOT the answer.

What You Don’t Know about Weight Loss Can Hurt You…
Limited Time Exclusive Offer:
(Offer expires February 28, 2008)

FREE SHIPPINGGet Free Shipping On Your Entire Order* When You Order a Krill Oil 3 Pack
From This Page

*U.S. and Canada orders only

“Success is in the margins” – they say.

Perhaps you’ve heard that statement about business and sports. Well, I believe it’s true of your health also.

Most of the time it’s little things that make a big difference…

  • Changing to positive expectations of your staff (or yourself)
  • Trying to achieve a 1% or 2% improvement in a test score (or anything else!)
  • Achieving an edge athletically by slightly altering your diet, your training, or your attitude
  • Resolving to turn off the TV and exercising instead
  • Promising package delivery by 10:30 the next morning

It’s no different with your health.

As you probably know I’m extremely passionate about providing you with the best possible tools to help you start taking control of your health. So, I’m always on the lookout for ways to improve our product offerings.

Recently I learned about a new “delivery system” that could substantially improve the bioavailability of one of our most popular products, you have to know I was thrilled to assimilate it into our line. And that’s how we got our New and Improved Krill Oil.

What You Can Learn From FedEx

Back in the ‘70’s when FedEx began, people didn’t believe a delivery system like FedEx’s could be done – or could work! But Fred Smith had a vision and worked to fulfill it.

Please note that the contents of the packages he delivered didn’t change at all. Only the delivery method. And Fred Smith changed the package delivery landscape of America and the world through FedEx.

We at are likewise improving our krill oil delivery package for your improved and optimized health. A no-holds-barred effort to help you show off your health…and do all the things in your life that great health allows you to do!

Just let this sink in for a minute…

If you can improve the bioavailability of one of your best options for enhancing your health, even by a small margin, you could stand to see big results in your health and wellbeing.

But before I jump into the details on this, let me back up and remind you of just why krill oil is so important for your health in the first place* – and which type is most effective.

Two Simple Ways to Improve Your Health*

Two of the best and yet simple ways to improve your overall health with supplements include*:

  • Increasing your intake of antioxidants ...
  • Increasing your intake of omega-3 oils ...

If you recall, antioxidants are your body's #1 way to neutralize free radicals, those harmful metabolic byproducts that damage cells and tissues throughout your body.

Scientific evidence has repeatedly demonstrated that antioxidants are a cornerstone in the promotion of heart health, immune system support, and memory support.* Antioxidants also appear to play a role in helping to slow your signs of aging.*

Although many foods contain antioxidants, today's poor-quality diets are nearly always insufficient in the full range of these beneficial free radical scavengers.* That's why I strongly recommend increasing your antioxidant intake as a valuable way to optimize your health.*

The Two Vital Fats That Are KEY to Your Health

I'm sure you've heard by now about two fats in omega-3 oils that are crucial to your health -- DHA and EPA*. These compounds are not only essential to maintaining your health -- scientific research indicates that they may also promote heart health and provide immune system and mood support.*

Now in a perfect world, you would be able to get all the omega-3s you need by eating fish. Unfortunately, studies show that eating fish can potentially expose you to a high degree of contamination with industrial pollutants and toxins like mercury, PCBs, heavy metals and radioactive poisons.1

In fact, the FDA and EPA have put out health advisories warning against certain fish and shellfish consumption for young children, women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, and nursing mothers.2

I formerly recommended that you take fish oil to enhance your intake of omega-3 fats. And high-quality fish oils are certainly great products, with many important health benefits.

But there are drawbacks.

Such as…fish oil is weak in antioxidant content. As you increase your intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids by consuming fish oil, you actually increase your need for even more antioxidant protection.

Why? Well, fish oil is very perishable. Antioxidants are necessary to ensure that the fish oil doesn't oxidize and become rancid inside your body. As we just noted, oxidation leads to the formation of those unhealthy free radicals.

So, you need to consume additional antioxidants for your health in general, and for your increased need for antioxidants when using fish oil.

This was a vexing problem for a long time…

Until the introduction of Antarctic Pure Krill Oil (now known as New and Improved Krill Oil)a marine oil of genuine Neptune krill solved the dilemma by uniquely and synergistically combining antioxidants and omega-3s.

It proved itself far superior to previously-recommended fish oils. Here’s how…

Powerful Antioxidants + Essential Omega-3 Oils =
Startling Health*

When I first learned about this pure marine oil, I was extremely impressed with its many benefits and the solid research behind its unique combination of antioxidants, omega-3 oils and other ingredients*.

The list of how krill oil supports you will likely impress you too:

Many Ways Krill Oil Supports You*

  • A healthy heart*

  • Support for concentration, memory & learning*

  • Blood sugar health*

  • Healthy joints, with an increase in joint comfort*

  • Fighting your signs of aging*

  • Healthy brain and nervous system function and development*

  • Protection for cell membranes*

  • Cholesterol and other blood lipid health*

  • Healthy liver function*

  • Relief of normal PMS symptoms*

  • Bolstering your immune system*

  • Healthy mood support*

  • Optimal skin health*

  • Improved quality of life when compared with fish oil*

So, if you’re looking for a way to enhance your health with a product that really delivers the goods, then please take a minute to discover how New and Improved Krill Oil can help you.*

The Ins and Outs of the New Krill ‘Delivery System’

So, here’s the long-awaited story about your krill’s new delivery system.

You loved our Antarctic Pure Krill Oil…so I’m thrilled to be able to announce that my team and I just found a way to make it even better for you!

Remember, we didn’t do anything to change the krill oil that is so beneficial for your health.* You still get a rich source of omega-3s with DHA and EPA – along with protective antioxidants and phospholipids – promoting your health with vital 3-pronged support*.

But we found a vastly improved way to deliver the nutrients to your body. Only the packaging of your Krill Oil changed … the delivery agent if you will…

New and improved Krill Oil

Instead of gelcaps, your New and Improved Krill Oil will be contained in 2-piece hard shell capsules, sealed with a band, called Capliques. Capliques favor you with these advantages:

  • Gives you a more pure product by reducing the number of inactive ingredients that act as a carrier for the active ones.
  • Helps you avoid potentially allergenic ingredients.
  • Improves bioavailability by promoting absorption.*
  • Avoids the use of plasticizers – chemicals that can exert a negative effect on your endocrine system.
  • Protects contents more by providing a strong barrier to oxygen.
  • Possesses greater bioavailability due to reduced sensitivity to heat and moisture.*
  • Provides you with a good alternative to bovine capsules…it is formulated with fish gelatin.
  • Allows you to see your product’s purity through increased visibility of contents.
  • Resists tampering.

And guess what?

Pledge of Quality

There’s another very important assurance that you are getting the very best quality product.

Just as you look at credentials when you’re hiring a contractor or an employee, so you’d be wise to look at the credentials of the company making your supplements.

That’s why our team chose the production company for our New and Improved Krill Oil very carefully, paying special attention to their quality practices – so you would have the very best product for your health.

Our selected manufacturer relentlessly pursues superb quality control standards which include actions like…

  • Mapping out all key processes and monitoring them rigorously
  • Establishing quality objectives for each product
  • Internal audits to assess performance
  • Appropriate testing at each stage of development
  • Extensive documentation of all steps

And a whole lot more!

All their processes are backed up by stringent certifications – ISO 9001, ISO 17025, and NSF – giving you peace of mind that you are getting the best quality product that money can buy.

Giant Whales Tell Their Tiny Health-Boosting Secret*

Just what are krill anyway?

Krill are small shrimp or prawn-like creatures that feed the world’s most mammoth animals – the great whales. Toothless great whales gulp down huge quantities of krill to provide the energy they need to fuel their massive bulk. A blue whale eats up to 8,000 pounds of krill each day during feeding season.

These highly intelligent great whales aren’t the only animals that depend on krill for their nutritional needs. So do seals, penguins, sea birds, squid and fish.

New and improved Krill Oil

Tiny krill fuel giant whales…what can they do for you?

The hardy Neptune type of krill harvested from harsh Antarctic waters – the ones that comprise our New and Improved Krill Oil – are so important they are considered a “keystone species”, an organism upon which many Antarctic predators depend.

These semi-translucent crustaceans congregate in dense masses or swarms that can turn the ocean’s surface pink or red.

Together with plankton, krill make up the largest biomass on earth…one of the most easily renewable food resources available, an excellent nutritional source from an environmental perspective.

Krill aren’t a new source of nutrition either. They’ve been harvested as a food source for both humans and domesticated animals since the 1800s. Possibly even earlier in Japan where they’re considered a delicacy.

However, you need to know that…

Cheap Imitators are on the Prowl

Just as not all fish are the same, not all krill are the same…even without talking about an effective delivery system!

That’s why there is ONLY ONE high-quality brand of krill oil I recommend– New and Improved Krill Oil made of Antarctic Pure Krill Oil.


The secret is … Antarctic Pure Krill Oil is the only brand that I can confidently report contains genuine Neptune processed krill. Neptune krill oil is the only one studied and shown to provide these incredible benefits*.

There are others that don’t actually contain Neptune krill but are apparently trying to claim the same benefits or use the designation, so be very cautious which brand you choose.

Avoid any brand that only has “krill oil” versus those that you are certain contain Neptune krill oil.

The pure Neptune krill in our New and Improved Krill Oil are:

  • Collected in pristine deep-water seas far from industrial areas and harvested in compliance with international conservation standards.
  • Processed with a unique patented cold extraction method, which preserves the biological benefits of the Neptune krill*, plus creates a safe oil, free of heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and contaminants.3
  • Created with a patented and proprietary bio-molecular profile that sets New and Improved Krill Oil apart from inferior krill products and even the very best fish oil4

The key reason New and Improved Krill Oil with genuine Neptune krill is so unique is the synergistic natural combination of its three functional nutrients:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA
  • Protective phospholipids*
  • Antioxidants

Why EFA Balance is Critical to Your Health*

Caution: Antarctic Pure Krill Oil
Does NOT Have Vitamin D

Don't be confused -- I still recommend the Carlson fish oil and cod liver oil products, which are excellent. Antarctic Pure Krill Oil is the only marine oil product I have seen that is an even better option.

And another thing -- a caution. While the Antarctic Pure brand of pure Neptune krill oil has many amazing benefits, it does NOT contain more than a trace of vitamin D. As you know, vitamin D is nearly as important as omega-3 fats. The best way to obtain your vitamin D is from sunshine. Unfortunately, most people don't get enough sunshine, particularly during the winter.

So, during the winter or if for any reason you do not get much sun exposure, I recommend you take cod liver oil -- the best solution for obtaining the vitamin D you need. Additionally you may want to continue using fish oil if you find it particularly helpful. Antarctic Pure Krill oil has a better version of omega-3 with DHA and EPA as you will read about later on this page. So it is perfectly acceptable to continue taking fish oil and Antarctic Pure Krill Oil as you will get benefits from both.*

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) include both omega-3 fats (high in the vital compounds EPA and DHA) and omega-6 fats. EFAs cannot be manufactured in your body but are beneficial to normal health and metabolism.* Therefore, EFAs must be obtained through your diet.

Although some omega-6 fats are good for your health, the balance of omega-6s to omega-3s is crucial.* Unfortunately, most people consume an overabundance of omega-6 fats.

Your ancestors embraced a diet with a healthy balance of approximately equal omega-6 and omega-3 fats. But the current Western diet is far too high in omega-6 fats. The average omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is now closer to 20:1, and in some cases even 50:1. This can keep you from optimal health.

Due to this imbalanced ratio, and because you could likely benefit from more omega-3 fats*...

I strongly recommend adding New and Improved Krill Oil to your health arsenal.*

Besides DHA and EPA, this unique marine oil has another "secret weapon" not found in fish oils which explains why it has proven superior...

Another Krill Secret Weapon

Unlike fish oils, pure Neptune krill oil carries omega-3s in the form of phospholipids – liposomes or little packages that deliver the fatty acids directly to your body's cells.

Scientific evidence to date has shown that the safest and most effective carriers of EPA and DHA are these phospholipids.

Unfortunately, standard fish oils (and inferior krill oil brands) lack this phospholipid complex. Instead they contain omega-3 fatty acids in the less-beneficial form of free triglycerides.5

Why are phospholipids important?

Customer Clifton P. reports…“I used to take Carlson’s Fish Oil before switching to this product and I can tell you this is far better. When taking fish oil it sometimes caused me to belch, however, this krill oil does not give me that problem. I have noticed taking it definitely helps my overall health and feeling of well being.”

They are the building blocks for your cell membranes, regulating cellular transport by functioning as ‘gate-keepers.’* In this role, they protect cell membranes from free radical attack.*

This unique relationship between the phospholipids and omega-3 fatty acids greatly facilitates the passage of the fatty acid molecules through your intestinal wall.* This helps you in two ways…

  • Makes the omega-3 fats in New and Improved Krill Oil significantly more bioavailable than those in fish oil by allowing EPA and DHA to directly enter your cells.
  • Improves your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.6

Another important fact: The most predominant phospholipid in pure Neptune krill oil is phosphatidyl choline, which is partially composed of choline.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of choline in brain development, learning and memory.* In fact, choline is particularly important for fetal and infant brain development in pregnant and nursing women.*

Choline is the precursor for the vital neurotransmitter acetylcholine (which sends nerve signals to the brain) and for trimethylglycine, a recognized liver protector.*

Further, it also boasts a full complement of necessary antioxidants not seen in fish or cod liver oil…

Why New and Improved Krill Oil Is a Slam-Dunk Winner Over Fish Oil

There is no question that you can benefit from taking a high-quality fish oil.
However, New and Improved Krill Oil offers clear advantages to fish oil in a number of important ways.

You get all the same multi-system health benefits of omega-3-rich fish oil,* including crucial EPA and DHA ...

But genuine Neptune-type New and Improved Krill Oil also offers:

  • MUCH Better Absorption Than Fish Oil

    This means you can take 1/5 the dose – two small capsules rather than 10 large ones. The phospholipid binding increases the bioavailability of the omega-3s, improves the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and supports healthy cell membrane functioning.*

  • Superb Antioxidant Protection

    Unique antioxidants – including astaxanthin and a novel marine flavonoid – may protect you from damaging free radicals.*

  • Pollution-Free

    Krill are at the bottom of the food chain and collected far from pollution in the pristine seas surrounding Antarctica. So you don't have to worry about unsafe accumulations of mercury, PCBs, heavy metals or other toxins.

  • Ongoing Supply

    Krill are a highly renewable source. They are the largest biomass in the ocean and there is simply no risk of causing them to perish from over-harvesting.

  • Safe Processing Method

    With New and Improved Krill Oil, you can be assured you are truly getting oil made from pure Neptune krill (be very careful of other's claims out there!). And that it is processed safely to ensure your health using a special patented process. This cold organic solvent extraction method:

    New and improved Krill Oil

    Your brain is a huge "consumer" of DHA. Antarctic Pure Krill Oil is made from Neptune krill with health-promoting DHA and choline, which are absolutely essential not only for adults, but also for normal fetal and infant brain development!*
    Order Now
    • Is free of harmful additives or preservatives ...7
    • Preserves the biologically useful properties of krill nutrients by avoiding the use of heat in processing*...
    • Produces highly-stable and safe, bacteria-free products...8
  • Stability

    Antarctic Pure Krill Oil is more stable and more resistant to rancidity than conventional fish oils. This means it will last longer and won't oxidize in your body due to rancidity. It will last for TWO years at room temperature. (Please do not refrigerate.)

  • No Fishy Aftertaste, Reflux Or Other Side Effects

    Although fish oil consumption commonly leads to side effects of fishy aftertaste, reflux or belching of fish flavors, this has not occurred with Antarctic Pure Krill Oil. No adverse effects have been noted even at high dosages.

  • Renewable Food Source

    Krill represent a renewable, sustainable and environmentally positive nutrition source.

Score Big for More Antioxidants

New and Improved Krill Oil is jam-packed with antioxidant power, including the antioxidant vitamins A and E, plus astaxanthin and canthaxanthin.

Astaxanthin is a natural carotenoid-type of antioxidant that is even more powerful than beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, lycopene and lutein.

Customer Judith A. says…”I like the Krill Oil very much. I have always used the super refined fish oils. But the Krill Oil is better. I feel quite relaxed and am thinking better. This means a lot to me, as I am studying for the United States Medical Licensing Exam.”

New and Improved Krill Oil also contains a newly-discovered flavonoid with a novel molecular structure. You've probably heard that flavonoids are powerful antioxidants. Surprisingly, before now, they had not been found in anything except plants – vegetables, fruits and algae.

Astaxanthin and this unique marine-source flavonoid in New and Improved Krill Oil create a special bond with the EPA and DHA, allowing direct metabolism of the antioxidants. Making them more bioavailable than other antioxidants on the market.9*

The antioxidant values of New and Improved Krill Oil with genuine Neptune krill shown on the chart below were obtained by independent evaluation of leading national brand products. It measures their antioxidant power using the scientifically-recognized ORAC method (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).

As you can see from the above graph, these ORAC studies show that New and Improved Krill Oil contains:

  • Over 300 times the antioxidant power of vitamin A and vitamin E!
  • Over 47 times the antioxidant power of fish oil and lutein!
  • Over 34 times the antioxidant power of coenzyme Q-10!

And if that weren't enough...10

What Scientific Research Says About Krill’s Health-Promoting Advantages*

Researchers continue to study the many health benefits of Neptune krill oil.* Some of the promising findings garnering attention in the medical community include:

  • Excellent Support for Blood Lipid Health,* Including Cholesterol Health*

    Researchers performed a double-blind randomized trial comparing Neptune krill oil to high EPA and DHA fish oil and a placebo. The study's findings, published in Alternative Medicine Review in 2004, showed:

    • Krill oil is effective for blood lipid support, including support for cholesterol and triglycerides.*
    • At lower and equal doses, krill oil was significantly more effective than fish oil in blood lipid support.*
  • Emotional & Physical Relief of Normal PMS Symptoms*

    A double-blind, randomized clinical trial reported in a 2003 issue of Alternative Medicine Review evaluated the effectiveness of Neptune krill oil for management of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

    Researchers in this study concluded that genuine Neptune krill oil:

    • Significantly reduced the normal physical and emotional symptoms of PMS.*
    • Was significantly more effective for the management of normal PMS symptoms than omega-3 fish oil.*
  • Significant Joint Support*

    A 2004 randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study by JSS Medical Research, Inc. showed that Neptune krill oil reduced inflammation by inhibiting C-reactive protein (CRP).*

    After taking 300 mg of krill for 7, 14 and 30 days, CRP was reduced by 19.3%, 29.7% and 30.9% respectively.* Patients were split into a Krill Oil group and those taking placebo. The Western Ontario and McMaster (WOMAC) University Osteoarthritis index was administered to validate the results.

  • Promote Skin Health*

    A preliminary randomized and controlled animal study evaluated the effects of Neptune krill oil on skin health in mice. Results of this 2002 study indicated that pure krill oil (from genuine Neptune krill) significantly promoted skin health.*

The Easiest Way in the World to Improve Your Quality of Life*

New and improved Krill Oil

Have more fun feeling great when you take New and Improved Krill Oil.

A quality of life study (one that’s been used reliably by researchers in thousands of other studies), was used in conjunction with the clinical trial examining the effectiveness of the Neptune-type of Krill Oil on cholesterol and lipid health.

As you can see on the graph below, this pure Neptune krill oil (noted as NKO) was compared with fish oil on a number of different measures: physical function, energy levels, social function, emotional role, mental capacity, general health and physical appearance.

Although fish oil did produce positive effects on quality of life, it is obvious that the genuine Neptune krill oil – the type you can be certain you’re getting with New and Improved Krill Oil – fared substantially better…in every single index! Krill oil supported general health nearly 16 times better.*

Quality of Life Chart

Why Genuine Neptune Oil Gets My Vote

Watch out for cheap imitations that do not support your health as well as New and Improved Krill Oil.* As the word about the benefits of krill oil spreads,* you can expect to see many brands of inferior krill oil flood the market, trying to pass themselves off as high-quality products.

Don't be fooled by imitators. Many companies say they use "Neptune" krill, even if it's untrue. They may also try to piggyback other types of krill (not genuine Neptune) on the researched benefits of real Neptune krill.

John D says…This krill oil is TOPS. I have been giving it to my 71 year-old Mom, and in 1 month she is looking and feeling 100% better. No more concern with her joints and her friends are asking her what she is doing to look so much younger!!!!”

Unfortunately, most of these purported krill oil products contain less than 10 percent omega-3, and all in the form of triglycerides, without the unique phospholipids and astaxanthin antioxidant protection. One new product bills itself as "pure and natural antarctic krill oil with astaxanthin." Unfortunately, this brand contains only 13 g/100g oil of omega-3 fatty acids.

New and Improved Krill Oil made from genuine Neptune krill contains a hefty 30 g/100g of omega-3s. Plus at least 300 mcg/g more astaxanthin antioxidants than this other new product.

Look for a brand that contains the genuine Neptune krill oil that’s found in New and Improved Krill Oil, which…

  • Has been granted New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) status by the FDA.
  • Is patented and patent-pending in 35 countries around the world.
  • Has been evaluated for safety and effectiveness in Phase I-IIIa clinical trials.
  • Uses a patented and proprietary cold extraction process.
  • Contains a synergistic balance of fatty acids, functional phospholipids and potent antioxidants.

And we didn’t stop there…

Because it’s not just the contents that are important – as valuable as they are. It’s the delivery system that gets it into your system faster and more effectively…

Take Your Wellbeing to New Levels

New and improved Krill Oil

Take your health and quality of life to new levels…New and Improved Krill Oil can help you get there.

So here’s what’s in store for you:

  • A rich source of omega-3s with DHA and EPA – along with protective antioxidants and phospholipids – that promote your health*
  • Caplique style packaging that improves bioavailability and avoids potential allergenic ingredients*
  • High quality standards that give you total peace of mind

Ready to see for yourself how your health and quality of life can prosper to new levels?

You may be wondering how much Antarctic Pure Krill Oil you need ... and what kind of investment is involved.

Actually, the amount you need depends largely on your personal health needs. But just two Capliques of this natural supplement with your first meal every day supports you with a bountiful assortment of health-boosting ingredients …and absolutely NO TRANS-FAT!

(2 Softgels)

1,000 mg genuine neptune Krill Oil
100 IU vitamin A
400 mg omega-3 rich phospholipids
150 mg EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
90 mg DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
20 mg omega-6 fatty acids
1.5 mg astaxanthin

Although the fat-soluble vitamins in New and Improved Krill Oil are best absorbed with food, the phospholipid content assists the emulsification and absorption of fat, so taking it with food is not essential.

I'm sure you can agree that $24.95 is very reasonable for such a high-quality product with so many ways to keep you feeling great.*

Each bottle contains 60 Caplique tablets, a full month's supply, if you take two Capliques per day. That’s a mere 83 cents per day to get the benefits of heart health, support for joint health, and so much more*!

So you see, I've given you every conceivable reason to invest a small amount in supporting your health with Antarctic Pure Krill Oil.*

I believe you owe it to yourself to take this step ... adding these two crucial nutritional elements -- more omega-3 oils and more antioxidants -- to your diet. Why not use the same proven source that I now use to stay healthy?*

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Reliv Made Me Nauseas

I just received this response to one of my Articles. I thought this was interesting and so I wanted to post this in the main for everyone to find easily. I don't know how many of you have had the chance to taste any of Reliv's products, especially the Classic but it will make just about anyone sick as it's HORRIBLE tasting. And yes, as this poster has said as well as many others, MLM products do seem to be sold at a much higher cost. Buy a simple vitamin if you feel you need them or if you are going try or buy Reliv's products, look on eBay. You will save money and you don't have to join.

". . My girlfriend is lying on the sofa with nausea. Oddly, it was just after ingesting Reliv Classic. I was surprised to see so many hits on Google concerning vitamins and nausea. I was not so surprised to find out that Reliv was a MLM product. So many MLMs are based on taking a product, spinning it with some "magic" propriety secret blend, and charging an inflated amount for it to fund the down-line pay line. Most are harmless such as Rexall’s “weight loss product” that was basically psyllium husk, “some propriety ingredients” and orange flavoring if I remember correctly. Would you pay $25 for a bottle of Metamucil? Duh -- 25 years ago I did.

I think I'll just stick with eating vegetables and take my Costco vitamins."

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Reliv is Unhealthy - Reliv is Soy Based

I am sure that some of you have read my articles about the dangers of Soy but here is yet another one. More and more Soy is being proven to be dangerous to our health yet many continue to claim that it is "good for you". I would encourage you to read this article and it's links carefully as Reliv has a very High Soy content and might not be as good for you as you might think or have been led to believe.

Soy Milk is Unhealthy

Still on the fence about the value of soy products, even after health claims have been hugely debunked? If there's any lingering doubt in your mind, I urge you to read this interesting piece from Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food Revealed, who describes how soybeans are "milked" and transmogrified into health-harming products nobody needs.

Take, for example, the process by which soybeans are converted into a milk. After presoaking beans in an alkaline solution, the resulting paste is cooked in a pressure cooker, eliminating key nutrients and producing low levels of the toxin, lysinoalanine.

From there, it's a matter of cleaning up the undesirable, beany taste of soy milk, either by presoaking beans beforehand with baking soda or "deodorizing" them using a process similar to refining oil. Sweeteners (raw cane crystals, barley malt or brown rice syrup) and flavorings mask any remaining "beaniness," Dr. Daniel says.

And, remember, non-fermented soy products like tofu, soy milk and meatless foods made from textured vegetable protein also contain phytic acid, one of many anti-nutrients it's wise to avoid at all costs.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Mirage of Multilevel Marketing

The Mirage of Multilevel Marketing

Stephen Barrett, M.D.

Don't be surprised if a friend or acquaintance tries to sell you vitamins, herbs, homeopathic remedies, weight-loss powders, or other health-related products. Millions of Americans have signed up as distributors for multilevel companies that market such products from person to person. Often they have tried the products, concluded that they work, and become suppliers to support their habit.

Multilevel marketing (also called network marketing) is a form of direct sales in which independent distributors sell products, usually in their customers' home or by telephone. In theory, distributors can make money not only from their own sales but also from those of the people they recruit.

Becoming an MLM distributor is simple and requires no real knowledge of health or nutrition. Many people do so initially in order to buy their own products at a discount. For a small sum of money -- usually between $35 and $100 -- these companies sell a distributor kit that includes product literature, sales aids (such as a videotape or audiotape), price lists, order forms, and a detailed instructional manual. Most MLM companies publish a magazine or newsletter containing company news, philosophical essays, product information, success stories, and photographs of top salespeople. The application form is usually a single page that asks only for identifying information. Millions of Americans have signed up, including many physicians attracted by the idea that selling MLM products can offset losses attributable to managed care.

Distributors can buy products "wholesale," sell them "retail," and recruit other distributors who can do the same. When enough distributors have been enrolled, the recruiter is eligible to collect a percentage of their sales. Companies suggest that this process provides a great money-making opportunity. However, it is unlikely that people who don't join during the first few months of operation or become one of the early distributors in their community can build enough of a sales pyramid to do well. And many who stock up on products to meet sales goals get stuck with unsold products that cost thousands of dollars. Some companies permit direct ordering of their products, which avoids this problem.

Dubious Claims

More than a hundred multilevel companies are marketing health-related products. Most claim that their products are effective for preventing or treating disease. A few companies merely suggest that people will feel better, look better, or have more energy if they supplement their diet with extra nutrients. When clear-cut therapeutic claims are made in product literature, the company is an easy target for government enforcement action. Some companies run this risk, hoping that the government won't take action until their customer base is well established. Other companies make no claims in their literature but rely on testimonials, encouraging people to try their products and credit them for any improvement that occurs.

Most multilevel companies tell distributors not to make claims for the products except for those found in company literature. (That way the company can deny responsibility for what distributors do.) However, many companies hold sales meetings at which people are encouraged to tell their story to the others in attendance. Some companies sponsor telephone conference calls during which leading distributors describe their financial success, give sales tips, and describe their personal experiences with the products. Testimonials also may be published in company magazines, audiotapes or videotapes. Testimonial claims can trigger enforcement action, but since it is time-consuming to collect evidence of their use, government agencies seldom bother to do so.

Government enforcement action against multilevel companies has not been vigorous. These companies are usually left alone unless their promotions become so conspicuous and their sales volume so great that an agency feels compelled to intervene. Even then, few interventions have substantial impact once a company is well established.

Recent Promotions

During the past 15 years, I have investigated more than 50 multilevel companies marketing health products. Here are some recent examples:

Body Wise International, of Carlsbad, California, markets "fitness" products and weight-management products. In 1995 the FTC charged the company with making unsubstantiated claims that Cardio Wise was "designed to give an extra margin of insurance against heart disease" and that its weight-management products would foster weight loss without dieting. The company signed an FTC consent agreement prohibiting it from making unsubstantiated health-related claims in the future.

Mary Kay, well known for its cosmetic products, is now marketing a $29.50-per-month daily supplement packet alleged "to help bridge the gap between what a healthy diet provides and what a woman needs for optimum health and beauty." Tufts University Diet & Nutrition Letter has observed: (1) the supplements contain huge amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, which almost all Americans get from their food; (2) they lack iron, which might benefit some women of childbearing age; and (3) more rationally formulated multivitamin/mineral preparations are available elsewhere for one tenth the cost.

In 1993, Melaleuca Inc., of Idaho Falls, Idaho, began offering a "wellness assessment" by a company that provided in-home testing. The procedure included a questionnaire, a blood cholesterol test, a blood-pressure reading, and an estimate of the percentage of body fat. The resultant report evaluated personal risk factors and recommeneds modifications in diet, exercise habits, and lifestyle. The recommendations includde taking a "balanced vitamin/mineral supplement every day" and "working closely with a 'Vitality for Life counselor' (a Melaleuca distributor) to implement the suggested changes. Prospects were then encouraged to purchase a "Vitality Pack" of "55 different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, all in the proper amounts and proper proportions," which wholesales for $263.40 for an annual supply. Although the health-risk appraisal could provide useful information, the Vitality Pack is a waste of money. People who wish to take a multivitamin/multimineral formula can obtain equivalent nutrients at a drugstore for less than $50 per year. The company also marketed a patented "fat conversion activity bar," an expensive candy bar whose ingredients are claimed to make exercise easier by "inhibiting the body's ability to hold on to fat."

Matol Botanical International, a Canadian firm, markets Km, a foul-tasting extract of 14 common herbs. Km was originally marketed as Matol, which was claimed to be effective for ailments ranging from arthritis to cancer, as well as for rejuvenation. Canada's Health Protection Branch took action that resulted in an order for the company to advertise only the product name, price, and contents. In 1988 the FDA attempted to block importation of Matol into the United States. However, the company evaded the ban by adding an ingredient and changing the product's name. The product literature acknowledges that Km has never been tested for effectiveness against any disease and states that distributors should not diagnose or recommend its products for any specific disease. However, many distributors do so

Nature's Sunshine Products, of Spanish Fork, Utah, markets herbs, vitamins, other nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies, skin and hair-care products, water treatment systems, cooking utensils, and a weight-loss plan. Its more than 400 products include many that are claimed to "nourish" or "support" various body organs. Its salespeople, dubbed "Natural Health Counselors," are taught to use iridology (a bogus diagnostic procedure in which the eyes are examined), applied kinesiology (a bogus muscle-testing procedure), and other dubious methods to convince people that they need the products.

Nu Skin International, Inc., of Provo, Utah, sells body-care products and dietary supplements.

Nu Skin's Interior Design division markets expensive antioxidant, phytochemical, and "active enzyme" products. The enzyme products are said to be important because "the majority of cooked or processed foods we eat lack an ideal level of enzyme activity" needed for digestion. This statement is nonsense because the enzymes needed for digestion are made by the body's digestive organs. In 1993, the company and three of its distributors agreed to pay a total of $1,225,000 to settle FTC charges that they made unsubstantiated claims for Nutriol Hair Fitness Preparation and two skin-care products. In 1997, the company agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle charges that it had made unsubstantiated claims for five more of its products. The products, which contained chromium picolinate and L-carnitine were falsely claimed to reduce fat, increase metabolism, and preserve or build muscle.

Sunrider Corporation, of Torrance, California, claims that its herbal concoctions can help "regenerate" the body. Although some ingredients can exert pharmacologic effects on the body, there is little evidence they can cure major diseases or that Sunrider distributors are qualified to advise people about how to use them properly. During the mid-1980s the FDA ordered Sunrider to stop making health claims for several of its products. In 1989 the company signed a consent agreement to pay $175,000 to the state of California and to stop representing that its products have any effect on disease or medical conditions. The company toned down its literature but continued to make therapeutic claims in testimonial tapes included in its distributor kits. In 1992 a jury in Phoenix, Arizona, concluded that Sunrider had violated Arizona's racketeering laws and awarded $650,000 to a woman who claimed she had been misled by company representations and had become ill after using some of its products. On January 7, 1997, The Wall Street Journal reported that Sunrider's president and his wife were indicted for conspiracy, tax evasion, and smuggling. The article stated that they had (1) underreported their 1987-90 income by more than $125 million, (2) used foreign companies they controlled to overcharge Sunrider for ingredients so the company could understate its profits, (3) wired millions of dollars to pay the inflated charges, but "recycled" the money to purchase U.S. real estate and Chinese antiques, and (4) filed falsely low customs declarations to reduce the import duty on dozens of art works.

Motivation: Powerful but Misguided

The "success" of network marketing lies in the enthusiasm of its participants. Most people who think they have been helped by an unorthodox method enjoy sharing their success stories with their friends. People who give such testimonials are usually motivated by a sincere wish to help their fellow humans. Since people tend to believe what others tell them about personal experiences, testimonials can be powerful persuaders.

Perhaps the trickiest misconception about quackery is that personal experience is the best way to tell whether something works. When someone feels better after having used a product or procedure, it is natural to give credit to whatever was done. However, this is unwise. Most ailments are self-limiting, and even incurable conditions can have sufficient day-to-day variation to enable bogus methods to gain large followings. In addition, taking action often produces temporary relief of symptoms (a placebo effect). For these reasons, scientific experimentation is almost always necessary to establish whether health methods are really effective. Instead of testing their products, multilevel companies urge customers to try them and credit them if they feel better. Some products are popular because they contain caffeine, ephedrine (a stimulant), valerian (a tranquilizer), or other substances that produce mood-altering effects.

Another factor in gaining devotees is the emotional impact of group activities. Imagine, for example, that you have been feeling lonely, bored, depressed or tired. One day a friend tells you that "improving your nutrition" can help you feel better. After selling you some products, the friend inquires regularly to find out how you are doing. You seem to feel somewhat better. From time to time you are invited to interesting lectures where you meet people like yourself. Then you are asked to become a distributor. This keep you busy, raises your income, and provides an easy way to approach old friends and make new ones -- all in an atmosphere of enthusiasm. Some of your customers express gratitude, giving you a feeling of accomplishment. People who increase their income, their social horizons, or their self-esteem can get a psychological boost that not only can improve their mood but also may alleviate emotionally-based symptoms.

Multilevel companies refer to this process as "sharing" and suggest that everyone involved is a "winner." That simply isn't true. The entire process is built on a foundation of deception. The main winners are the company's owners and the small percentage of distributors who become sales leaders. The losers are millions of Americans who waste money and absorb the misinformation.

Do you think multilevel participants are qualified to judge whether prospective customers need supplements -- or medical care? Even though curative claims are forbidden by the written policies of each company, the sales process encourages customers to experiment with self-treatment. It may also promote distrust of legitimate health professionals and their treatment methods.

Some people would argue that the apparent benefits of "believing" in the products outweigh the risks involved. Do you think that people need false beliefs in order to feel healthy or succeed in life? Would you like to believe that something can help you when in fact it is worthless? Should our society support an industry that is trying to mislead us? Can't Americans do something better with the billion or more dollars being wasted each year on multilevel "health" products?


Consumers would be wise to avoid multilevel products altogether. Those that have nutritional value (such as vitamins and low-cholesterol foods) are invariably overpriced and may be unnecessary as well. Those promoted as remedies are either unproven, bogus, or intended for conditions that are unsuitable for self-medication.

Government agencies should police the multilevel marketplace aggressively, using undercover investigators and filing criminal charges when wrongdoing is detected. People who feel they have been defrauded by MLM companies should file complaints with their state attorney general and with local FDA and FTC offices. A letter detailing the events may be sufficient to trigger an investigation; and the more complaints received, the more likely that corrective action will be taken.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sexual Deveolopment at age 2 - Is Reliv a Cause?

I know we have published an article like this before but again the information is coming out about Children reaching an early puberty. There are so many factors that cause this and Soy is one of them. Giving your Children Reliv's Kid's NOW is not such a good thing as you may have been led to believe. If you really think your children need vitamins, I would suggest that you use the good old Flinstone Vitamins or looking for something else that does not have such a high soy content.

Puberty at the Age of 8

U.S. girls are reaching puberty at younger ages than ever before. In the 1990s, breast development -- the first sign of puberty in girls -- at age 8 was considered an abnormal event that should be investigated by an endocrinologist.

However, by 1999, following a 1997 study thgirls, children, youngat found almost half of African Americans and 15 percent of whites had begun breast development by age 8, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society suggested changing what is viewed as “normal.”

They suggested changing puberty at age 8 from abnormal to normal, and lowering the abnormal puberty age to 7 for white girls and 6 for African American girls.

But while some experts believe the shift is nothing to worry about, others, including parents, are alarmed.

Early puberty, which exposes girls to estrogen for more of their lives, is linked to breast cancer and other health risks, but scientists are at a loss of how to study the potential causes for early puberty, which include:
  • Hormones in food
  • Pesticides in produce
  • Phthalates in plastics and cosmetics
  • Obesity, which exposes girls to more estrogen
  • Stress from living in a fatherless household
  • Sexually suggestive TV shows
Conducting a study to test these factors is next to impossible because there are so many estrogen-like chemicals in the environment that there are no control populations to balance out the study.

And while scientists grapple with how to figure out what’s causing girls to develop at younger and younger ages, parents are forced to have adult conversations with their children much sooner than expected.

Dr. MercolaDr. Mercola's Comments:

Instead of acknowledging that girls reaching puberty at increasingly younger ages is a sign that something is wrong, some “experts” would rather just change the definition of what’s considered normal!

Well, that sure is one approach to the problem. If you don’t like the facts just change the definition and your facts instantly change.

In reality, something is wrong, very wrong, when 5-, 6- and 8-year-old girls are starting puberty. Some studies have even found girls as young as 2 who are starting sexual development.

Not only do these children have to deal with an unfairly increased risk of breast cancer down the road, but they lose precious years of their childhood because their bodies have matured faster than their minds.

The signs of precocious puberty (aka early sexual development) include:

For girls before age 8:
  • Breasts
  • Armpit or pubic hair
  • First menstruation
For boys before age 9:
  • Enlarged testicles and penis
  • Armpit or pubic hair
  • Facial hair
This is clearly a multi-faceted problem. As increasing numbers of children struggle to keep to a healthy weight, obesity and overweight could very well be playing a role.

Overweight children have increased amounts of insulin, an increased ability to convert hormones into estrogen and an increased ability to store environmental toxins, all of which could contribute to early puberty.

Then again, your children may be exposed to hormone-mimicking chemicals before they are even born.

"Thanks to their mothers' exposure, even babies in the womb have measurable doses of the hormone-mimicking chemicals," said Theo Colborn, author of Our Stolen Future, which is one of the BEST resources on this topic.

Environmental Chemicals Can Mimic Your Hormones

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals affect your hormones, which control development and function in your body. There is mounting evidence that they can cause harm in the development of fetuses and children, who are particularly sensitive to the chemicals because they have not yet developed the protective mechanisms present in adult bodies.

Where are these man-made chemicals found?
  • Bovine growth hormones commonly added to commercial dairy
  • Soy foods, which are loaded with hormone-like substances
  • Bisphenol A, commonly used in many plastics such as baby bottles, food-storage containers, and the lining of soda cans
  • Phthalates, also commonly used in plastics
  • Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) -- better known as Teflon
Other environmental chemicals like PCBs and DDE (a breakdown product of the pesticide DDT) may also be associated with early sexual development in girls. Both DDE and PCBs are known to mimic, or interfere with, sex hormones.

Some misinformed moms are even feeding their vulnerable babies soy infant formula, which exposes their child to the equivalent of five birth control pills’ worth of estrogen every day. For this same reason, it’s also important for pregnant women to avoid eating soy, as a high estrogenic environment in utero may increase their child’s subsequent breast cancer risk.

Remember that your children can be exposed to these chemicals directly, or they can be exposed while they’re still in the womb. So if you’re a woman who is planning to have children, it’s crucial that you limit your exposure to these chemicals as much as possible by:
  • Storing your food in glass containers whenever possible, as it is the most inert container you can use.
  • Only using natural cleaning products in your home. Most health food stores will have these available or you can search online for them.
  • Avoiding processed foods, which are loaded with soy and other unsavory ingredients.
  • Switching to natural brands of toiletries, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants, and cosmetics. Use the same sources as above for these, either your local health food store or you can search online.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Reliv Tore Apart My Family - Be Warned

The following is a comment that we received to our Post about Cults and MLMs. I thought that this was worth publishing in the main blog as a post because it gives a serious warning to people joining Reliv or other MLMs. The drive to make money can cause you to turn away from family and friends who are unwilling to accept your new way of life. Reliv and MLMs are dangerous and I encourage you to stay WAY away from the business part of it. If you want to try the products, buy them on eBay. Please send us your stories and be sure to read our past stories.

"After reading this I can tell you first hand that this is so true. As a bystander overlooking my family I can tell you that my Aunt and Uncle are really big into this "Reliv" thing. So much to where they have shunned their whole family and told all of us that we are non-Christians for the way that we are acting about not wanting to take Reliv. They have literally called all of us liars and that we are the reason that all of this is is nothing that they have done but we are the ones doing and saying everything. They have totally disobeyed my grandparents and broken their hearts about all of this all because "Reliv" the so-called miracle medicine would help them live forever and be like teenagers again when in fact all it did was make them even sicker and less better and not even realizing what they are doing because they are so brainwashed in this "Reliv" stuff! So I just wanted to let everyone know to beware of this because it can happen to your family and has happened to many others relivs goal is to take control! STAY AWAY FROM RELIV!!!!"