"Please, all you who have cancer or have had cancer or have especially a CHILD with cancer - run from RELIV as soon as you possibly can! Flee from this product!
Google "dangers of soy" and read up on the first website that pops up. Documentation is provided for the link between soy and breast cancer. Soy acts like an estrogen in the breast and greatly increases the risk of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. (This is why menopausal women ceased taking estrogen - HRT - to treat hot flashes: its impact upon breast cancer risk.)
My 37yo. sister came down with estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. Her husband, a biomedical researcher at UVA who earned his post-doc degree at Johns Hopkins Medical School, poured himself into researching how to fight and prevent breast cancer. He will not permit my sister to TOUCH soy! Only the fermented versions of soy, such as tempeh, are risk-free and only in small quantities.
Please, read up on "dangers of soy" for the sake of you and your loved ones, and recognize that Reliv despite all the hype may not be the best choice for you. Yes, good nutrition can accomplish miracles, and many of the anecdotes you read/hear may be true, but you can get your hands on great nutrition without turning to a soy-based supplement. And in the long run, you may run into life-threatening problems which come only after taking Reliv for many years. (It takes years for cancers to build.)"
i am a Reliv disbeliever. I won't touch the stuff. i am an exercise science grad and all the research they made us pour over said "supplements are a waste of money", with a FEW exceptions. All the claims of it curing everything from autism to cancer just make me run faster away from it! You're absolutely right in saying there's no magic pill that cures everything. This is the ONLY reliv site I actually believe LOL!
I don't see my comments on your blog.
Are you too scared of the truth? I wrote on your blog a couple of days ago and my comments are still not on here. How long does it take?
Hi Jane,
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope that you actually have read the articles.
I have not and will not publish your first article as that is NOT the purpose of my blog. There are literally 100s of sites where Reliv Distributors are flaunting the "supposed" results of Reliv. I created this blog to give honest seekers a chance to see that Reliv does not work for everyone. Therefore I shy away from post success stories.
I understand that Reliv does help some people and if you have had results great, but that does not mean it will work for everyone. You should know this and you SHOULD be the first to tell everyone rather they trying to take advantage of them.
And no, I am not afraid of the truth, as I am sure you have already read, I sold Reliv for almost two years and I know what Reliv can and can't do. I also know of a person who indirectly died because of Reliv.
So NO, I am not afraid of the truth, on the other hand, many Reliv distributors and people like yourself are! Reliv is not a Miracle that cures everyone.
Yes, in fact Reliv does not cure. And yes, I do believe it does not work for everyone. I am not sure who is telling people they will be cured because I certainly was not told that I would be cured. I was in fact told that ReLiv is not a cure. Also, there are so manay medications and so many hopes in medication and even the medical system has people die directly and indirectly because of the hope in a system or protocol. So that is not new.
What type of advantage am I taking over people? Do you know? I in fact the product at cost and sell it at cost. So it can't be a monetary thing. My christian belief does not allow me to take advantage of people. How? By telling it will work for them? I never tell them it will work for them. I am not even selling it, I am promoting it as an addition to medication or an alternative. It is all up to the person. I am not sure who is guilty of trying to help someone when I see on the ReLiv blogs that hundred upon hundreds are being helped. If it didn't work for a few, yes, make sure a person knows it may not work and then move on to tell how many it has helped. To we dump everything overboard because it didn't work for some? Some people go into remission when they have cancer, some die. Should we just alleviate all treatment because some died? Where is the logical intellegence here? Is this blog just for fun. I also was never it would cure my son, he has Asperger's. So who are you really after and angry about? It just doesn't make sense.
Who is guilty? Maybe there are some ReLiv distributors who just don't understand you never tell anyone they are cured. Hopefully that is being taught correctly. I in fact told another distributor that I felt I was cured and she corrected me and said don't say cured.
I want to know who is taking advantage and who is guilty?? Are they really flaunting? Is my story flaunting? It it not great to help another out or do you define that as flaunting? How can you die from food unless a person took something they were severely allergic to. People indirectly die of all kinds of things. Is that what you are upset about? Apparently you have been hurt by someone or something.
Reliv's Official stand is, that their products don't cure people and I believe it says this on the containers. But every meeting I sat in, every "pre-recorded" phone call I have listened to says just the opposite. I am sure that you have been in these meetings and listened to these phones calls where people said, "I took 10 Scoops of Classic, 2 of Innergize, and 2 of FibRestore and my pain went away", or "my cancer disappeared", "my back pain went away", etc.
While they might not be saying directly that Reliv "Cured" them this is the message that is being portrayed and indirectly people are being deceived. While I was a distributor I had a whole list of problems that Reliv was "known to cure" and if I met someone who had one of these problems I was suppose to put them on one of them phone calls for them to listen to.
Now tell me, have you really never heard any of these phone calls? Have you really never heard people stand up in a Reliv meeting and say how they were helped? If I am not mistaken, this should take place in the first part of every meeting. And the purpose of this is sucker someone into buying the products because they believe they will be cured!
I am really happy to hear that you are selling your products at cost to people you know and meet. There are few distributors that will do this and it makes me happy to hear this.
Why do people think that I have an alternative motive for creating this blog? After having some many hits on this site, I believe that people are searching for answers. Before I bought into Reliv I searched the internet for pros and cons. Before I buy a computer, TV, DVD player, etc I search to see if what I am buying is really the best. Why is it wrong for me to create a place for people to post the negative about Reliv? Why is it wrong for people to know both sides of the story?
Honestly you should do some more research into soy and it's dangers. You don't need to be allergic to a food to suffer from it. Certain types of Cancers are Estrogen dominate. When you doctor tells you to stop taking soy because of the Phytoestrogens in it, then you should. But one Reliv Bronze Ambassador told a client to not listen to the doctors as they "don't know anything". The cancer this lady had was Estrogen dominate and she died a few months later. Had she stopped taking Reliv, she may have lived.
And lastly, how do we really know when Reliv is helping someone? After sitting in these meetings, after listening to peoples stories, I am shocked to what levels people will stoop to make a buck. I heard one person say Reliv fixed their back problems but the day before they had visited my mom, who is a highly trained massage therapist. The person walked out of her office pain free but the next day at the Reliv meeting said nothing about it. Reliv was the cure!
Jane, please continue to be fair with your customers but be careful about what you tell them. And if you are honest, research out for yourself the dangers of Soy. You might be surprised what you will learn. I was raised to believe that Soy was good for you but sadly we have been misled by the industry. The meat and dairy industry have spent millions to show the health advantages but so has the soy, we have been lied to on every side.
If you want to continue discussing this, please contact me @ relivwatchdog@gmail.com
Hi Jane,
Please contact me @ relivwatchdog@gmail.com and I will answer more of your questions.
Concerning soy, I think you need to do more research as you are just believing what you are being told by people who don't have all the answers. We have a personal friend who is also a Naturopathic Doctor and he has said from the very beginning that Reliv is bad bad bad and he will have nothing to do with it. Bottom line, you need to look at the research yourself and not be blinded by each persons personal preference.
And most of the research shows that Soy is ONLY healthy in it's "Fermented" state, no other way.
Please contact me and I will give you some good links and other info for you to look at.
Thank you for your article. I have a friend who is guilt -tripping me about Reliv because I have a son with autism. I told her that I was uncomfortable with the soy in the product and she sent me some pro -soy stuff. I'm not convinced. Just because some people have seen results with their autistic children doesn't mean that it will help them all or we'd all have our kids on it. My son wouldn't even take a sip of the Reliv stuff when I offered it to him (before I know it was soy based)
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