Hello Readers - Here is a response that we got to our last article that was posted. Just another reason to avoid Reliv. Please if you are new to our blog and or you are an avid Reliv lover, please take the time to read our other articles before you come to a conclusion. Especially read about the dangers of Soy.
"I believe Reliv can be hazardous to your health. I have hypothyroidism and have had it for approximately 10 years and have been on Levoxyl to control it for approximately 10 years. I stupidly let a friend talk me into taking the product to help with my low energy. So August 5, 2008 I started taking Reliv Now, Innergize and Fiberestore. The stuff tastes absolutely awful. I took it for about a week and started noticing that after I took the product I would feel lightheaded and dizzy like my blood sugar was dropping, with hypothyroidism I do have spells of hypoglycemia at times. So I started paying attention to what I was eating and making sure I was not eating something to trigger my blood sugar. But my diet had not changed so could find no triggers. Then I noticed I had a headache. Thought it was sinus related took Ibuprofen and sinus medicine but would not touch the headache or relieve any symptoms. Also started noticing extreme nausea to the point that I did not want to eat or would have this nagging feeling like I need to eat but nothing satisfied that nagging feeling. Then noticed that I became extremely fatigued sleeping 12 hours and still wanting to sleep more. Not able to function in my normal daily routine of taking care of family and working was almost unaccomplishable and some days it was. So after a week and a half of these symptoms I decided to go to the doctor for some relief. They do not have a clue what is wrong with me. I said it was my thyroid. They drew labs everything was normal except my TSH had jumped from 2.5 to 3.98.
When I was deciding to take the Reliv that was one of my concerns was that it was a soy product but my friend and her upline were all like oh it is processed different and does not give any one problems that have thyroid problems. One of the uplines is supposedly a nurse. Any way I am sorry but I am off the product and will never take it again or anything like it with soy or that high in vitamins. Moderation people moderation in the vitamins.
Needless to say my friend and her uplines are still calling and saying oh you need to continue with the product because these symptoms are just your body cleansing itself. I am sorry but headache and nausea for almost two weeks is not the body cleansing it self. It is the body telling you something is wrong. Any one with thyroid problems needs to do their research before taking this product. If I have one more upline call me and tell me they had thyroid problems or someone they knew had thyroid problems and is doing great on the product I will probably throw-up and scream at them. I HATE Reliv.
I am so mad at myself for having sucker written on my forehead and not listening to my gut when I found out the product was heavy in soy and saying No Thank You I will pass.
Thanks for the blog page and info about Reliv."
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