"I already decided to take a pass after getting a hard sell to be a distributor and little real information on the product. The idea that a sales call would start out with listening to a recording or talking to someone on the phone set the bells off but when I asked if the product was regulated in any way, this person couldn't say. I have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and the thought of a "miracle product" that would help reduce the inflammation and give me energy was enticing. The reality is that this is just the thing that could have made my condition much worse and set off major flare ups.
But in the end, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, well, it's a duck. This product and company has a bad stink. I want to thank the person responsible for this site for putting out a very important message to help others from falling prey to these snake oil salespeople. Thank you for a great service!"
But in the end, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, well, it's a duck. This product and company has a bad stink. I want to thank the person responsible for this site for putting out a very important message to help others from falling prey to these snake oil salespeople. Thank you for a great service!"
While visiting my sister who is a distributor or Reliv, she handed me a lemon flavored Innergize Reliv sports drink. I took a swig and at first it tasted ok,,,However, shortly after, I noticed I had a vile strong metallic taste in my mouth. Throughout the day, I noticed that my sense of taste was effected. I did not drink anything but water, nor did I eat anything unusual. But everytime I ate, this strong metallic aftertaste disturbed me. I looked up the ingredients and noticed that this Innergize Drink contains many minerals such as OPTIZINC, which is a strong form of zinc oxide. I must have had a reaction. It is imperative that Distributors warn or note to potential customers that allergic reactions may be possible. Be up front....Don't let someone find out the hard way. It is now the next afternoon. I still can't taste food...Hope this vile taste leaves me soon.
This is incredible timing!! I was just approached by the most enthusiastic, upbeat woman this very week! I have MS and of course would LOVE some help dealing with the crazy symptoms I experience.From her point of view, "By good golly, I know just the program you should be on. Reliv!" Thanks for the heads up!!
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