Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lawsuit Against Reliv Over Lead Exposure

The Following is copied from, http://www.3footcrowbar.com/2013/08/why-i-believe-reliv-international-is_14.html

Why I Believe Reliv' International Is Going Back To $1.35

Disclosure: I am short RELV. Here are some the reasons why.

I believe we are going back to somewhere around $1.35 -- not just because that is where the stock had previously been trading, and not just because that is near book value. But because the hype that exploded the stock price does not compensate for the poor fundamentals. And by the way, was the recent press release timed to divert attention from the California litigation?

RELV at 1.35
See, Reliv International (RELV) is in the middle of an accusation of "failure to warn consumers that they have been exposed to lead from several of the company's nutritional health products. Lead is a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm." ~ Case: CIV1300429 Superior Court of the State of California

That complaint was initiated in January of 2013 by Environment Research Center, ("ERC")a non-profit corporation. A proposed stipulated consent judgment was later signed by Reliv's CFO and attorney. As usual, the defendant does not have to admit guilt. Nonetheless, according to the proposed consent judgment, as signed by Reliv's representatives,
  • Civil penalties must be paid "pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 25249.7(b)(1)"
  • A portion of the above penalty is to be paid to the office of Environmental Hazard Assessment.
And most telling of all,
  • "Since receiving ERC's Notices of Violation, Reliv has revised the formula for all of the covered Products to bring the lead levels in the Covered products that are manufactured going forward to below 0.5 micrograms per day, the level at which a warning would be required pursuant to Proposition 65." (Source: Proposed Stipulated Consent Judgment)
How can one bring levels below a required limit without implying that one had been above it?
Reliv brings lead levels down

proposed consent judgment signed by Reliv
And what was the big deal with the press release announcing "exclusive rights" to Lunasin? Reliv's price exploded. Ryan Montgomery, Reliv president claimed, "For the first time we own an ingredient in its entirety, from the extraction process to the patented mechanisms of action within the body. And lunasin isn't just any ingredient; it's the world's first epigenetic superfood." ~ Press Release"Reliv Acquires Exclusive Rights to 'Superfood' Lunasin"

It is hard to know exactly what Mr. Montgomery meant. Certainly he is not claiming to own the natural ingredient, lunasin. He may however be referring to the trademark Lunasin,which according to its registration is for synthetic peptides. (USPTO Trademark Registration(See my last article below, or on Seeking Alpha: Reliv' the Hype.)

Add to all of this Reliv's disclosure that some of its products contain genetically modified organisms and one wonders what kind of reaction the distributors will have when the news gets out.
some of Reliv

RELV SEC filed 10-k

So why do I believe that Reliv's price will go down in the long run? Not "just because" of the points mentioned above. I don't think that any of the above matters as much as the simple fact that Reliv appears to be losing its distributor base -- one year at a time. And with that decrease, its sales are also decreasing -- one year at a time. The numbers say it all ....


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bemer Mat Natural Healing Without Vitamins

I don't usually get involved in suggesting any other products but I would encourage you to look at this one. I AM NOT making any money off this.

"Those of you who know me, know I have a passion for improving health naturally.  I am really excited about a medical device I have recently been introduced to by Dr. Todd Weilly.    We have long known  that micro circulation is the key to good health, whether it be our brain, eyes, limbs, digestion………..I would ask you to take the time to watch the short video below that will explain how easy it can be to restore micro circulation improving eye health, neuropathy, healing decubitus ulcers, many other diseases that are caused by poor circulation.  I have had nothing short of miraculous results in my clinic helping people improve  feeling to their legs and getting rid of their “pins and needles” by restoring circulation to their extremities.   I have had several people notice an improvement with one treatment who suffered from glaucoma and macular degeneration.  One gentlemen left my office to go to the eye doctor for his check up on his glaucoma and the doctor said it was gone! Several of my clients have stated that after one treatment their  “pepper spots” in their eyes have disappeared.  Two of my clients have poor circulation and swelling due to knee surgery.  Both showed immediate improvement after treatment with reduced swelling and pain. I have two clients who have neuropathy due to chemo in the feet.  Both have felt tremendous relief after several treatments with the pain and swelling improving.   The matt does nothing more than improve micro circulation.  The body does the healing without the negative side effects of medicine, or surgery. Of course each person is going to have different results as their body potentially is going to heal on its own time but what we have seen so far is nothing short of amazing!   Please take a few minutes to watch the video and be amazed.  This technology has been in used in  42 countries of the world, was developed in Germany 15 years ago. Finally it is in the USA!


Sincerely, Dee Miller

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is Reliv good for your Children???

We just received the following from one of our readers. I put this out for all of you to read and hopefully someone will have some answers for Julie Ann.

"I have a 5 year old daughter who has been taking Reliv now for approx 3 years every day as a vitamin supplement . I stress a supplement as distinct from replacing her daily nutritional needs of fresh fruit and veg as a growing child.
In fact it has become more of a " flavour" to add to her milk drink every morning. I had even forgotten that it was a soy based supplement.
I have used various milks - never juices - as the liquid with which to blend reliv. So soy milk, A2 milk ( an Australian based milk product which purports to have the casein from cows milk taken out of it) and , for the last 12 months or so, oat milk. ( since reading about the dangers now associated with soy)

I give my daughter fresh produce daily - and try to avoid processed foods as often as possible. Navigating the minefield of additives thrown at you from every corner of the supermarket is hard and has been a long and involved learning curve for me. Harder now is the fact that my eyesight has just started its downhill slope so I have to take out glasses every time I read an ingredients listing!
Funnily enough in Australia the ingredients listings are controlled by ANZFA - and I have many friends in the food industry who have never been questioned about their products. The government here is too busy chasing up restaurants who have been not following health codes with preparation etc. Our massive explosion in obesity in the Australian population however, has finally caused some fantastic exposure and warnings about our diets which is , in turn, causing the government and the supermarket giants ( of which there are 2 ) to sit up and finally take notice of offering the consumer some healthier alternatives. ( I have always loved my regular visits to Wholefoods in your country and crave for one to open here in Adelaide . )
So you can see that I take a more than active interest in what we survive on as a human species in the world!
So it was with great fear that I recently had my daughter diagnosed with no more than 4 crowns, and 4 fillings which have to be fitted into her little mouth on her baby teeth. You can imagine the shock to learn this when I have been fastidious with her teeth cleaning and regular yearly visits to the dentist since her first tooth came through.
I do not give my daughter sugar in any form - apart from the small amounts found in yoghurt, bread , ( whole grain ) , and the naturally occurring forms in her fruit. So why this bad reaction ? We have ample amounts of fluoride in the drinking water here and I have never given my daughter bottled or filtered water.
So then I re read the back of the reliv tin -
Contains Maltodextrin, sodium chloride, fructose and sucrose.
I rang the Australian hotline when my mother first purchased reliv for my daughter and questioned them at length about the ingredients. Of particular interest to me was the calcium supplement ( as I had decided to take my daughter off cows milk ) , the iodine supplements and the all of the vitamin supplements.

My daughter has been complaining of itchy eyes for the last year.
My daughter has been complaining of bloating for the last year.
My daughter has been complaining of sore joints for the last few months.
My daughter has been unduly tired and cranky on a regular basis.
I have taken her to an eye specialist - nothing wrong.
I have had her blood checked - nothing wrong.

I will be taking her of Reliv after reading this post - too many familiar symptoms here for my liking. Is her tooth decay directly linked to reliv? Who knows as the manufacturers wont get back to me with the amounts of fructose and sucrose in their product. I am just kicking myself now that I didn't think of taking her off it ages ago.

Any other readers out there who have had reactions from their children ?"