Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is Reliv good for your Children???

We just received the following from one of our readers. I put this out for all of you to read and hopefully someone will have some answers for Julie Ann.

"I have a 5 year old daughter who has been taking Reliv now for approx 3 years every day as a vitamin supplement . I stress a supplement as distinct from replacing her daily nutritional needs of fresh fruit and veg as a growing child.
In fact it has become more of a " flavour" to add to her milk drink every morning. I had even forgotten that it was a soy based supplement.
I have used various milks - never juices - as the liquid with which to blend reliv. So soy milk, A2 milk ( an Australian based milk product which purports to have the casein from cows milk taken out of it) and , for the last 12 months or so, oat milk. ( since reading about the dangers now associated with soy)

I give my daughter fresh produce daily - and try to avoid processed foods as often as possible. Navigating the minefield of additives thrown at you from every corner of the supermarket is hard and has been a long and involved learning curve for me. Harder now is the fact that my eyesight has just started its downhill slope so I have to take out glasses every time I read an ingredients listing!
Funnily enough in Australia the ingredients listings are controlled by ANZFA - and I have many friends in the food industry who have never been questioned about their products. The government here is too busy chasing up restaurants who have been not following health codes with preparation etc. Our massive explosion in obesity in the Australian population however, has finally caused some fantastic exposure and warnings about our diets which is , in turn, causing the government and the supermarket giants ( of which there are 2 ) to sit up and finally take notice of offering the consumer some healthier alternatives. ( I have always loved my regular visits to Wholefoods in your country and crave for one to open here in Adelaide . )
So you can see that I take a more than active interest in what we survive on as a human species in the world!
So it was with great fear that I recently had my daughter diagnosed with no more than 4 crowns, and 4 fillings which have to be fitted into her little mouth on her baby teeth. You can imagine the shock to learn this when I have been fastidious with her teeth cleaning and regular yearly visits to the dentist since her first tooth came through.
I do not give my daughter sugar in any form - apart from the small amounts found in yoghurt, bread , ( whole grain ) , and the naturally occurring forms in her fruit. So why this bad reaction ? We have ample amounts of fluoride in the drinking water here and I have never given my daughter bottled or filtered water.
So then I re read the back of the reliv tin -
Contains Maltodextrin, sodium chloride, fructose and sucrose.
I rang the Australian hotline when my mother first purchased reliv for my daughter and questioned them at length about the ingredients. Of particular interest to me was the calcium supplement ( as I had decided to take my daughter off cows milk ) , the iodine supplements and the all of the vitamin supplements.

My daughter has been complaining of itchy eyes for the last year.
My daughter has been complaining of bloating for the last year.
My daughter has been complaining of sore joints for the last few months.
My daughter has been unduly tired and cranky on a regular basis.
I have taken her to an eye specialist - nothing wrong.
I have had her blood checked - nothing wrong.

I will be taking her of Reliv after reading this post - too many familiar symptoms here for my liking. Is her tooth decay directly linked to reliv? Who knows as the manufacturers wont get back to me with the amounts of fructose and sucrose in their product. I am just kicking myself now that I didn't think of taking her off it ages ago.

Any other readers out there who have had reactions from their children ?"

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