Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How does Reliv Compare to Other MLMs?

Some time ago I came across this on the internet. When I first joined Reliv, my upline could not say enough about how Reliv paid the best commissions and about how good their compensation plan is. But if you look at this list below of MLM or NM companies you will see that Reliv is far from the best.

At some point I will post another article about how 1000s of people who join MLM Companies loose their money. The upline doesn't care who makes it and who doesn't. They make money with you joining and there is always another sucker to take your place when you fail.

"How Much Do MLM Companies Pay You?"

"Ever wonder how much you would be making with another MLM company?

Here are some approximate income figures based on 4 people on your first level and 16 people on your second level (you sponsor 4, they sponsor 4) each doing 100 points (points per $ vary):
  • Malibu Naturals: $56
  • Xooma: $60
  • Lexxus: $67
  • Royal Body Care: $72
  • FrutaVida: $75
  • Omnitrition: $80
  • Free Life: $84
  • Tahitian Noni: $84
  • Oxyfresh: $92
  • Agel: $100
  • Enliven: $100
  • Frutaiga: $100
  • Herbalife: $100
  • NuSkin: $100
  • Synergy: $100
  • Xango: $100
  • XELR8: $100
  • UniCity: $100
  • Isagenix: $108
  • Immunotec: $120
  • Quixtar/Amway: $120
  • Scent-sations: $120
  • Legacy: $124
  • Reliv: $128
  • Nutronix: $132
  • Melaleuca: $140
  • Nature’s Sunshine: $152
  • Waiora: $156
  • Arbonne: $160
  • New Vision: $160
  • Symmetry: $160
  • Seasilver: $170
  • Eniva: $176
  • Amigo Health: $180
  • Mannatech: $180
  • Neways: $200
  • USANA: $200
  • Vitamark: $200
  • Soma Life: $220:
  • Univera LifeSciences: $220
  • Lifeforce: $700
  • ForMor: $780
(Lifeforce and ForMor have large % payments on the 2nd level. The % are far less further in depth). These companies might be good options for those considering a strictly part time income."


Anonymous said...

WHAT IN THE WORLD???? Man do you have issues with Reliv or what? As for that list you've posted. That is nuts. If I had that many people in my organization I'd be doing about $8000 / month not $128. I've got 1 barely active person on my 1st level and a few customers, and maybe 5 customers on average ordering on 2nd level... I mean, my organization is NOTHING right now and we're still averaging $1500 / month.

The_Reliv_Watchdog said...

hehe, your post is what I would expect from a die hard Reliv distributor. You are blind to everything and everyone around you. Just because you think you are on top of the world does not mean that everyone else is. :)

Stop and look at the facts for a minute. First of all, I don't have a axe to grind and I didn't compile that list. This was done by others who compared all of these companies based on the same amount of selling. Sadly these are FACTS and Reliv does not make it to the top of the list.

Those who work extremely hard can make money but the majority fail and many loose money in the end. Many of the distributors under my upline do nothing, which means they didn't make money and their upline is not making money from them.

And did you tell everyone that you MUST sell at least 1,000 dollars a month just to get 4% or 2,000 dollars to get 8%? And did you tell everyone if they don't sell enough they loose their check from their downline? This is not to mention spending the 1000s of dollars just to have the highest discount level otherwise you don't make money anyway.

Reliv is set up to allow those at the top to make money and those at the bottom to loose. As far as the business is concerned, a former Reliv Bronze Ambassador told me that they made WAY more money selling Life-Force. And the statistics show this to be true.

But honestly I think people should look for normal work. I have seen too many of my friends get into MLMs and usually I don't want to be around them anymore. Every time they come around, every time they meet someone new, every time they meet someone at church, the only thing they talk about is what they are selling. They have no life, no one wants to be around them. Otherwise you don't make money. If you want to sacrifice friendship join a MLM. :D

The_Reliv_Watchdog said...

200+ "20 Club" Comparisons:


Note: A "20 Club" is a basis of comparison between MLM compensations plans. The question addressed is: "What is the Residual Compensation on a Group Bonus Volume of $2000 assuming that a Distributor enrolls four First Level Distributors (4 first level) who enroll four each themselves (16 second level), all of whom purchase $100 of bonusable Volume for use and/or resale?"

(Note: SSB = Stair Step Breakaway, BHU = Bottom Heavy Unilevel, UN = Unilevel, T90 = Trend 90 Unilevel, 2-Up = Australian 2-Up, ITC = Impossible To Calculate, (%/%) = Percentages paid on first 2 levels - Binary shows balanced %, ?? = Perfect scenario needed to achieve that amount and may include CAB or Matching Bonus).

These examples are as of September 2000. Compensation plans commonly change from time to time.

Company/Founded /Products-Services/Compensation Plan /20-Club Payout

1) Achievers 1992 Nutrition SSB (7%/7%) $140

2) ACN 1993 Telecom BHU (1/4%/1/4%) $5

3) Active Life 1997 Nutrition T90 (15%/45%) $780

4) Advantage Marketing 1989 Nutrition UNI (10%/15%) $280

5) Advocare 1993 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

6) AIM 1980 Nutrition SSB (3%/3%) $60

7) AIM Renaissance 1998 Tax Services Matrix (3%/3%) $60

8) Alive 1995 Cosmetics BHU (10%/10%) $200

9) All That's Natural 1997 Nutrition Binary (50%) $100??

10) All Right 1996 Cosmetics SSB (5%/5%) $100

11) Alpine 1987 Air Filtration SSB (8%/4%) $96

12) Amazon Herb / Rainforest Bioenergetics 1989 UN (10%10%) $200

13) American Longevity 1998 Nutrition BHU (8%/8%) $160

14) America's Team 1996 Nutrition T90 (30%/30%) $600

15) Amsoil 1972 Auto/Nutri SSB (9%/9%) $180

16) AmeriPlan 1989 Insurance Agency Plan ITC

17) Amway 1959 Everything SSB $195

18) Arbonne 1982 Cosmetics SSB (8%/8%) $160

19) Art Of Better Living 1996 Nutrition BHU (5%/10%) $180

20) ATN 1984 Travel Agency Plan ITC

21) Avon 1885 Cosmetics SSB (7%/7%) $140

22) Aviators 1998 Clothing T90 (20%/30%) $560

23) Awareness 1994 Nutrition BHU (10%/8%) $168

24) Benchmark USA 1996 Nutrition BHU (5%/5%) $100

25) Big Planet 1998 Telecom SSB (10%/10%) $200

26) Biometics 1993 Nutrition UNI (15%/20%) $380

27) Body Electric 1996 Nutrition 2-Up Variation ITC

28) Body Wise 1989 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

29) Brain Garden 1999 Whole Foods BHU (10%/10%) $200

30) Builder's Referral 1997 Construction BHU (10%/10%) $200

31) Care Entre' 1997 Insurance UNI (10%/7%) $182

32) Cell Tech 1982 Nutrition SSB (10%10%) $225

33) Celestial Harvest 1998 Whole Foods Matrix (2%/2%) $40

34) Changes International 1993 Nutrition T90 (15%/45%) $780

35) Charmelle 1995 Intimates SSB (5%/5%) $100

36) Conklin 1987 Everything SSB (5%/5%) $60

37) Coral Connection 1999 Nutrition Matrix (5/5/10%) $155

38) Discovery Toys 1978 Edu. Toys SSB (10%/10%) $200

39) Dynamic Essentials 1999 Telecom/Nutr. BHU (4%/5%) $96

40) Earth Angels 1996 Nutrition T90 (10%/30%) $520

41) Earth Tribe 1994 Cosmetics UNI (8%/7%) $144

42) Easy Way 1995 Nutrition BHU (8%/7%) $144

43) Electrum 1996 Nutrition T90 (15%/45%) $780

44) Energy Release 1987 Auto Parts Matrix (4/4/4%) $80

45) Energy Savers Allian. 1996 Telecom/Elec. SSB (25%/15%) $340

46) ENINA 1998 Auto/Nutr. Straight (8 3/4%) $175

47) Enrich 1985 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

48) Envion 1994 Nutrition SSB (10%/5%) $120

49) Envirotech 1993 Dri-Wash/Nutr. SSB (7%/7%) $140

50) E'ola 1991 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

51) ESA 1996 Telecom UNI (25%/15%) $340

52) Espial 1989 Household SSB (6%/6%) $120

53) Essentially Yours 1996 Nutrition Binary (50%) $625

54) E-Excel 1987 Nutrition SSB (10%/10%) $200

55) Excel 1987 Telecom BHU (1 1/4%) $8

56) Equinox 1994 Nutrition SSB (10%/5%) $120

57) Fantastic Life System 1998 Nutrition BHU (10%/15%) $280

58) First Fitness 1989 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

59) Flash Net 1995 Internet BHU (51/4%) $24

60) 4-Life 1998 Nutrition T90 (5%/25%) $420

61) ForMor 1993 Nutrition T90 (15%/45%) $780

62) Fuller Brush 1908 Household SSB (5%/4%) $84

63) Future World 1985 Education 2-UP Variation ITC

64) Freedom Star 1998 Telecom BHU (3 1/4%) $13

65) Freelife 1995 Nutrition BHU (5%/5%) $100

66) Global Essence 1993 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

67) Global Health Trax 1998 Nutrition Matrix (2 1/2%) $50

68) GMX 1992 Water Filters SSB (5%/5%) $100

69) GNLD 1996 Nutrition SSB (10%/10%) $280

70) Golden Pride 1982 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

71) Grain Mill 1990 Nutrition BHU (7%/7%) $140

72) Gourmet Coffee Club 1994 Coffee BHU (10%/10%) $200

73) Healthy America 1994 Nutrition SSB (15%/5%) $140

74) Health Thru Nutrition 1993 Nutrition SSB (10%/5%) $120

75) Herbalife 1980 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

76) Herbatrol 1994 Nutrition BHU (9 1/4%/9 1/4%) $185

77) Heritage Health 1993 Nutrition T90 (15%/45%) $780

78) Horizons Mall 1991 Everything BHU (10%/8%) $168

79) Horizons Marketing 1985 Auto/Nutr. BHU (5%/5%) $100

80) I.D.E.A. Concepts 1995 Nutrition T90 (15%/20%) $380

81) Ideal Solutions 1999 Nutrition T90 (10%/45%) $760

82) I-Link 1997 Telecom BHU (1%/1%) $20

83) Immunotec 1997 Nutrition BHU (6%/5%) $104

84) Infinity 2 1994 Nutrition Binary (65%) $200??

85) Integris 1996 Nutrition SSB (7%/7%) $140

86) ITI 1998 Telecom Matrix (1/4%) $6

87) Jafra 1956 Cosmetics SSB (5%/5%) $100

88) Japan Life 1985 Magnets SSB (5%/5%) $100

89) Jet Set Life Tech 1993 Auto SSB (20%/20%) $400

90) Jewels By Park Lane 1955 Jewelry SSB (10%/10%) $200

91) Kaire 1992 Nutrition BHU (10%/10%) $200

92) KareMor 1991 Nutrition SSB (10%/10%) $200

93) Kings Way 1995 Nutrition BHU (8%/8%) $160

94) KM.Net 1999 Everything Binary (2/3) $200

95) Lady Remington 1987 Jewelry SSN (10%/5%) $120

96) Lametco 1991 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

97) Leading Minds 1998 Nutrition UNI (25%/5%) $180

98) Legacy USA 1998 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

99) Le Natural 1994 Nutrition SSB (10%/10%) $200

100) Lexus Intl. 2000 Fem. Hygiene Binary ITC $0

101) Life Dynamics 1998 Nutrition SSB (2%/3%) $56

102) Life Force 1996 Nutrition T90 (15%/40%) $700

103 Life Link 1995 Groceries UNI (5%/15%) $260

104) Life Plus 1992 Nutrition T90 (5%/25%) $440

105) Life Science Tech. 1998 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

106) Life Source Pet 1996 Pet Supplies BHU (5%/5%) $100

107) Lifetek 1997 Nutrition UNI (15%/10%) $220

108) Lifetime Solutions 1996 Cleaning BHU (10%/10%) $200

109) Longevity Network 1994 Nutrition Binary (2/3) $160??

110) Mannatech 1992 Nutrition Hybrid (40%) $300

111) Market America 1991 Everything Binary (50%) $300??

112) Mary Kay 1963 Cosmetics SSB (4%/4%) $80

113) Matol 1984 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

114) Melaleuca 1985 Nutrition Matrix (5X7) $140

115) Metabolife 1996 Weight Loss UNI (7 1/4%) $145

116) MIRA 1998 Everything BHU (4%/4%) $80

117) Momentum 2000 1998 Nutrition Matrix (5%/5%) $100

118) Morinda 1996 Nutrition BHU (1%/5%) $84

119) Multi-Pure 1970 Water UNI (25%/5%) $180

120) Nanci Corp. 1987 Nutrition BHU (6%/6%) $120

121) Natural Body Lines 1998 Nutrition Binary (50%) $300??

122) Nature's Sunshine 1972 Nutrition SSB (12%/4%) $112

123) Nature's Gold 1996 Nutrition Matrix (12%/14%) $208

124) Nature's Own 1994 Nutrition Binary (50%) $200??

125) NEFX 1999 Nutrition UNI (6%/6%) $120

126) Net Wear 1999 Marketing Wear Matrix (20%/20%) $400

127) New Image 1995 Nutrition BHU (5%/10%) $180

128) New Resolution 1992 Nutrition SSB (10%/10%) $200

129) New Vision 1995 Nutrition BHU (5%/8%) $148

130) New York Fitness 1994 Nutrition BHU (10%/10%) $200

131) Neways 1987 Nutrition Hybrid (7%/12%) $220

132) Nikken 1975 Magnetics SSB (6%/6%) $120

133) Noevir 1964 Cosmetics SSB (15%/15%) $300

134) NSA 1969 Nutr./Filters SSB (8%/8%) $160

135) Nu-Botanical 1995 Nutrition SSB (7%/7%) $140

136) NuSkin 1984 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

137) Nutramerica 1997 Nutrition SSB (5%/10%) $180

138) Nutrition For Life 1983 Nutrition Matrix (1%/10%) $164

139) Oasis 1999 Nutrition BHU (5%/5%) $100

140) Omnitrition 1989 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

141) Online Exchange 1994 Web Hosting T90 (12%/36%) $624

142) Out Of Sight 1997 Telecom Matrix (3%/3%) $60

143) Oxyfresh 1983 Nutrition SSB (5%/10%) $180

144) Pola USA 1954 Cosmetics SSB (3%/3%) $60

145) Prepaid Legal 1972 Legal Services SSB $210

146) PriceNet USA 1999 Everything SSB (3%/3%) $60

147) Primerica 1977 Insurance SSB ITC

148) Quest IV Health 1996 Magnets/Nutr. T90 (15%/40%) $700

149) Quest For Life 1998 Nutrition SSB (10%/10%) $200

150) Quick Shop 1999 Everything UNI (10%/10%) $200

151) Quixtar 1999 Everything SSB $195

152) Rainforest 1994 Nutrition UNI (10%/20%) $360

153) Reliv 1988 Nutrition SSB (5%/4%) $84

154) Renaissance For Life 1995 Nutrition Binary (1/3) ITC

155) Rexall 1993 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

156) Re-Vita 1986 Nutrition BHU (25%/5%) $180

157) R-Garden 1990 Nutrition BHU (7%/7%) $140

158) Right Solutions 1994 Nutrition BIN/UNI (5%/5%) $100

159) Rose Garden 1997 Cosmetics Matrix (3%/3%) $60

160) Rose Marie Collec. 1996 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

161) Royal Body Care 1991 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

162) Scriptures 1995 Nutrition Matrix (15/10%) $240

163) Secure Independ. 1989 Financial Agency Plan ITC

164) Shaklee 1956 Nutrition SSB (8%/8%) $160

165) Shaperite 1989 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

166) Skybiz 2000 1998 Web Hosting Binary (2/3) $150

167) Skycom 1992 Telecom SSB (10%/10%) $200

168) Soaring Eagle 1991 Nutrition SSB (25%/10%) $260

169) Sportron 1993 Nutrition BHU (4%/4%) $80

170) Springboard 1995 Nutrition BHU (8%/8%) $160

171) Starlight 1993 Nutrition SSB (5%/5%) $100

172) Star Touch 1996 Telecom BHU (3 1/2%) $20

173) Streamline 1993 Nutrition BHU (5%/10%) $180

174) Sunrider 1982 Nutrition SSB (6%/4%) $88

175) SupraLife 1997 Nutrition BHU (8%/7%) $144

176) Symmetry 1995 Nutrition SSB (10/5%+4% $168

177) Team-Up 1991 Nutrition SSB (2%/4%) $72

178) Telefreedom 1999 Telecom BHU (3%/3%) $60

179) Travel-Link 1998 Travel Agency Binary (50%) ITC

180) Trek Alliance 1998 Everything SSB (10%/10%) $200

181) TriStar Online 1998 Nutrition Binary (2/3) $200??

182) Tupperware Inc. 1951 Tupperware SSB (3 1/4%) $65

183) 21st Century Nutra. 1998 Nutrition T90 15%/45% $780

184) Universal Consumer 1988 Tax Services UNI (3%/3%) $60

185) United Health Prog. 1990 Dental Agency (20%/4%) $144

186) Uniware 1996 Clothing SSB (7%/7%) $140

187) USANA 1992 Nutrition Binary (50%) $200

188) USA Talks 1992 Telecom UNI (2%/2%) $40

189) Usborne Books 1998 Books SSB (11%/11%) $220

190) VAXA 1978 Nutrition BHU (5%/5%) $100

191) Vision For Life 1987 Nutrition BIN/UNI $200

192) Vitality Labs 1998 Nutrition BHU (10%/5%) $120

193) Viva America 1985 Nutrition SSB (10%/5%) $120

194) Vivian Woodard 1989 Cosmetics SSB (5%/5%) $100

195) Voyager Group 2000-Reorganized Nutrition T90 (5%/30%) $500

196) Wachters 1995 Nutrition SSB (11%/11%) $220

197) Watkins 1932 Kitchen SSB (5%/3%) $68

198) Wellness 1977 Nutrition SSB (4%/4%) $80

199) WorIdNet 1993 Everything Matrix $56

200) Young Living Oils 1983 Oils BHU (5%/10%) $150

201) Younger Living 1986 Nutrition BHU (20%/10%) $240

202) Zenith Four Planet 1981 Cleansers SSB (15%/15%) $300

Source: MLMTruth Magazine; Editor Michael Klimick