"All I want to know is it all Reliv Distributors say????????? It is expensive and after taking Now, Innergize and Fiberstore for 3 months I feel no different??? I cannot justify the expense of this product and taking it twice a day, or maybe 3 in some cases, makes me question the product. Am I peeing it down the toilet????????"
"Hello Poster - First of all thank you for taking the time to read my blog and for sending in a comment.
Sadly the only thing many Reliv distributors, most of the ones I know, care about is making money and they will tell you anything to get you to continue to take their products. This is also true of most, if not all MLMs.
Many of these Distributors have given up jobs, sometimes good paying jobs, in the hopes of making a fortune selling some "super product" but sadly the only way they can is by forcing these products on friends or family or simply by outright lying.
While Reliv might have a good mixture of vitamins, because of the high soy content and the high price, sadly you are just simply peeing them down the toilet. Your body can only handle so many vitamins and anything extra is just passed through your system and down the toilet.
Personally I just take a cheap vitamin from the store like One A Day or something similar. If you eat a good, well balanced diet, then a multi-vitamin may not even be needed. "
Sadly the only thing many Reliv distributors, most of the ones I know, care about is making money and they will tell you anything to get you to continue to take their products. This is also true of most, if not all MLMs.
Many of these Distributors have given up jobs, sometimes good paying jobs, in the hopes of making a fortune selling some "super product" but sadly the only way they can is by forcing these products on friends or family or simply by outright lying.
While Reliv might have a good mixture of vitamins, because of the high soy content and the high price, sadly you are just simply peeing them down the toilet. Your body can only handle so many vitamins and anything extra is just passed through your system and down the toilet.
Personally I just take a cheap vitamin from the store like One A Day or something similar. If you eat a good, well balanced diet, then a multi-vitamin may not even be needed. "
Hiya, Just wondering if anyone had come up with a magnesium lowering effect of reliv?? I'm wondering (am a MA at mo but suspect that I and another friend are now suffering magnesium deficiency, possibly as a result of taking reliv).
Will tell whole story later when have time as really busy right now - has been quite scary (I've had heart arrhythmia, friend has had seizures)
Best wishes
Schia :)
I was given a CD about Reliv. Hoping to here about the product and ingredients all I heard was how I could make money selling the product. My doctor said my vit. D level is low and I see none of their products with high levels of Vit D or calcium. I am not going to continue buying their products. I like life extensions products better.
A few years back when i was taking Reliv i asked a few distributers how much fruit and vegetables do i need to eat to get a proper vitamin intake i'm still waiting for there anwer.
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