Sunday, January 18, 2009

Journalist Says "Consult Doctor" Before Taking Reliv

The following is a post by one of our readers and I thought that I would put it in the main area for you to read along with my response. Sadly it is misguided people like this that lead many honest seekers astray. But at the same time, there is a VERY important point made by this person. Please read her comments and then mine!

"I noticed a few innacuracies in your article and as a journalist feel irritated by your less than factual reporting. If you're putting information out there you are responcible for millions of people reading what you're saying. This is not just innocent blogging. I am not selling Reliv but I have tried it and never felt happier or stronger. How can you not benefit from something that's just herbs and vitamins? Soy Sential you all are talking about is for menopause, and you're supposed to consult your doctor first. You should have tried the product before spreading scam conspiracies about something that has been helping millions of people feel healthy and support their families with an aditional income. P.S. There is an ingridient panel on the back of each product if you did your research u would have known that. I have a feeling this is written by someone who is interested in selling chemo. "

Hello Sofia!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I do hope that you have read more than just a few articles. But I am assuming that you haven't as by now you would have found the articles where I have said more than ONCE that I rarely write the information posted on my blog. Most of the info comes from scientific studies, university research, other MLM Watchdogs, and people's personal experiences. I am not sure what inaccuracy you are referring to but I wonder if it's not just how you perceive information being a presented.

Honestly I don't understand why you care about Reliv since you have already stated that you don't sell it nor did you experience any results from the products. Since you felt no changes after taking Reliv you should be the first person to stand up and tell people to stop wasting so much money on a product that isn't working. Why spent 40, 100, or even 200+ dollars a month on a product that doesn't make any difference in your life? Why not just take a simple vitamin and donate the rest of the money you would have wasted to some cause like feeding children in Africa???

Honestly I am shocked that you are a journalist, as I can see, you know almost nothing about Reliv or the facts involved. But then maybe it is because of people like you, presenting false information that have corrupted our Newspapers and News Reports. Reliv is NOT just vitamins and Herbs. First and foremost it's very high in soy, which if you have read any of my articles would know already is deadly. Secondly Reliv uses very little natural products in their formulas. Most of their ingredients are chemicals or synthetically made. I can't believe for one minute that this is safe! There are too many other products that I have suggested taking that are 100% natural and don't contain soy.

I am so thankful that you made it CLEAR that Reliv SoySentials should ONLY be taken after consulting with your Doctor first. I sold Reliv for 2 years, I have attended many Reliv meetings and NEVER did I hear them say this. But I agree 100% with this statement. Please DON'T take Reliv without consulting with your doctor first. (Assuming he is not a distributor.)

And as I stated above, I have used the products myself, I know people that have used the products. I have seen both positive and negative results from the products. One person that I know of died as an indirect result of using Reliv. She did consult with her Doctor and was told to STOP using anything with Soy in it. This lady then went and told her Distributor (Who was one of Reliv Bronze Ambassadors) what the doctor had said and the distributor told her that the doctors don't know anything, Reliv will cure her cancer, and that she should take larger amounts. Sadly she listened and soon the cancer had spread through her whole body and she died a few months later. Her dying words were, she wished she could sue Reliv. Reliv IS NOT helping Millions of people. Reliv is helping some, some have no results, and some are hurt by the products. And you mentioned money, more than 99% of distirbutors fail after joining and so honestly Reliv isn't a good choice for making money.

This is why I have created this blog is to give people, honest seekers, a chance to read the negative side for themselves so that they can make an honest decision before taking the Reliv products.

Thank you again for reading my blog and I hope that you become an honest seeker and will spend more time looking at the facts before you make judgments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was recently contacted by a distributor who now won't leave me alone. He is constantly asking me to listen to personal testimonies and to go to meetings about Reliv. I explained that I don't have the time or the money and I'm on vitamins that are working just fine, but he's very persistant and it's becoming quite annoying.