Monday, December 22, 2008

Reliv is a Synthetic - Don't waste your money!

The Following article is from Dr. Mercola.

"For the longest time, I firmly believed that it was ideal to receive all your nutrition from whole, unprocessed organic foods.

I still maintain that philosophy, but have come to realize over time that a high-quality multivitamin could be a valuable complement to your diet, especially when the situations in your life make it challenging to eat consistently healthy meals.

But the key words here are: high-quality multivitamin...

If you believe that you can receive some sort of nutrient insurance from cheap, synthetic multivitamins, you are seriously mistaken.

When it comes to synthetic multivitamins, boatloads of research exist -- research that details how your body can only absorb a small percentage of the nutrients (and potentially use even less). It's very clear that your body will absorb greater amounts of nutrients if the multivitamin comes in a non-synthetic natural whole food form.1

What I came to appreciate over the years, both through valued patients treated in my clinic and dedicated newsletter subscribers, is that most people want the insurance of a multivitamin -- to make sure they have all their bases covered...

So last year I introduced my Whole Food Multivitamin.

The overwhelming response and popularity of this product clearly confirmed your interest in having this nutritional support.

There is so much interest that now, I'm taking it a step further -- and providing you with a HIGH-POTENCY multivitamin for that little extra insurance that you might need.

And I decided that my formula must not only contain rich concentrations of essential vitamins, but also provide the added bonus of important minerals... minerals which are lacking in many high-potency multivitamins.

To me, (and you'll see why shortly), adding essential minerals significantly enhances the value of the overall formula.

In the end, I just had to do it. If you have been with me for a few years, you know I am passionate about learning and providing you with the absolute best possible tools to help you take control of your health. It is my goal to constantly improve all the products we offer, and that is precisely what I did with my Whole Food Multivitamin.

Higher Potency and Even More Nutrients for You

Multivitamin +PLUSI received quite a bit of feedback that you wanted an even more comprehensive formula than my original Whole Food Multi. So I went back to the drawing board and worked with my team to come up with an extraordinarily powerful formula -- at a fantastic price.

Here's the stringent criteria I used to find you the best high-potency multi on the market:

  • Must AVOID additives or synthetic nutrients -- I only considered natural and whole food-based multivitamins.
  • Must be produced by a highly reputable company with the highest quality control manufacturing practices in place -- I focused on quality as a higher priority than quantity.
  • Must go beyond RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) and RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) guidelines -- In my opinion, RDA/RDI amounts define the lower limits of daily nutrient intake. I wanted the best nutrient formula to promote your optimal nutrition
  • Must include the added bonus of essential minerals -- Minerals add their unique layer of nutritional support*. Many high-potency multivitamins with rich vitamin concentrations lack important minerals.

Before I jump into all the details of this exclusive multivitamin and its power-packed formula now available to you, you might be wondering...

Why Not Just Eat All-Natural Whole Foods?

whole food Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals

Excellent question -- and one you deserve an answer to...

As you already know, I've been a proponent of eating whole foods for proper nutrition for years... and now -- eating the proper whole foods based on your Nutritional Type (NT).

So, in recommending a high-quality multivitamin, please remember that these nutritional supplements complement the food you eat. They do not take the place of a healthful diet of unprocessed organic foods, which I believe is still the best physical factor for you to achieve optimal nutrition.

However, accessing and eating high quality foods regularly may be a personal challenge for you and your family. Your busy schedule may lead you to cook healthy whole food less than you know you should -- and eat "fast food" more.

Even if you do well with your diet choices, another factor involves the actual food supply itself.

Up to 50% of the Nutrient Value of Your Food May be
Lost from the Start

A number of carefully controlled studies have provided startling evidence that by the time the food reaches your table, serious nutrient content could already be lost.

Some estimates report the nutrient value lost at over 50%!

This is largely the result of conventional farming methods that rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which deplete the soil of nutrients... nutrients that must be absorbed by plants in order to be passed on to you.

And it does not necessarily end there.

In many cases, it's likely you unknowingly further deplete the nutrients in your food -- just by the way you prepare it. For most food, cooking it will seriously impair its nutritional value.

So, realizing that you cannot always obtain the whole unprocessed foods you need -- and knowing how easy it is for valuable nutrients to be destroyed -- you now know why I believe adding a good multivitamin to complement your diet is a sound move.

Why Settle For Inferior Quality?

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of high-potency multivitamins on the market today... but there are only a few great ones out there. If you are convinced of the importance of using a multivitamin, than I would strongly encourage you to do your homework, and make sure a GREAT company produced it.

whole food Multivitamin +Plus Vital MineralsOrder Now

When I first started my investigation, I was absolutely shocked at the low quality demonstrated by so many companies. That's why I spent many long months of hard effort to research and identify what I believe is the absolute best supplement manufacturer in the U.S. today.

After much tedious and careful research, I was able to identify an outstanding supplement manufacturer -- one who allowed me to help formulate the best multivitamin possible for you.

The lab I chose has won outstanding awards on numerous occasions:

  • One of the latest awards received by this lab was the 5-Star Gold Medal of Achievement for several of its supplements. The independent research firm, NutriSearch Corporation, issued this top award to the lab in its Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.
  • Of the over 1500 products evaluated, only 4 laboratories received this top award.

Highest Quality Means Exceptional Value for You

This lab is in full compliance with current NSF Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). NSF International is an independent, not-for-profit organization. This recognized body of audit and inspection is one of the most comprehensive and quality-driven initiatives in the nutrition industry.

How to Choose Your Best Multivitamin

If you're wondering how to choose between Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals and my Whole Foods Multivitamin, let me give you my personal recommendation. If you can afford the small extra investment, take Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals! Particularly if you're under excess stress, dealing with any health concerns, or don't eat healthy foods consistently.

The high-potency formula in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals offers more nutrients, including (but not limited to) calcium, magnesium, and extra B vitamins. It's my ultimate formula, and one I believe you won't find anywhere else. We will continue to provide the high-quality formula found in Whole Foods Multivitamin.

In addition, to reach its 5-Star rating, the lab had to undergo independent laboratory analysis to verify that what is on the label is in fact in the bottle.

If you're currently using a multivitamin or considering another, please do yourself and your family a huge favor. Thoroughly check out the manufacturer and see how they stack up against these rigorous standards.

Here's an extensive list of the quality control standards and certifications that this supplement developer and manufacturer has in place today. Keep in mind, some of these standards are voluntary and may not show up when comparing against others.

Standards and certifications in place to:

  • Ensure top-quality raw materials used in the product -- Vendor Certification Program (VCP)
  • Comply with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) -- written Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)
  • Maintain the highest health standards -- GMP certification
  • Support the highest level of manufacturing quality standards -- ISO 9001 certification
  • Comply with a rigorous third-party certification of in-house lab performance -- ISO 17025 certification
  • Ensure finished products meet and exceed quality standards -- adherence to United States Pharmacopeia (USP30) specifications
  • Comply with health and safety measures -- Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002.

You can clearly see why I view this manufacturer so highly -- and why I'm excited to be working with them in delivering an exclusive high-potency multivitamin formula to you.

So, let's dive into my exclusive formula and let me show you right away...

Why Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals is Better than the Rest

Let's take a closer look at some key nutrients in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals that are often missing from other multivitamins (or found in such low amounts that their effectiveness is highly limited).

Remember, one of my top criteria for providing you with the best high-potency multivitamin was that it must contain essential minerals. As I searched for the right formula, I quickly realized that many so-called high-potency multivitamins are seriously lacking in mineral content.

However, with my unique Multi +Plus formula, you'll benefit from many specially selected minerals... including these 3 essential ones:

whole food Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals
  • Calcium -- To provide a high-level of support for your skeletal system, I chose to include a high amount of calcium in the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula*. My main reason for doing this was that, as you age, your need for calcium becomes more and more important to promote healthy bones*.

    A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that people should consume 741 mg per day of calcium to maintain neutral calcium balance.

    Realizing the importance of eating as much unprocessed whole food as possible to get the minerals you need, my Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula provides 500 mg of calcium to complement your healthy diet.

  • Magnesium -- Scientific studies have reported that magnesium is helpful in supporting your lungs and overall pulmonary system*. But some lower-potency multivitamins don't include this ingredient.

    Other research shows that magnesium intake promotes bone density health.* It also helps maintain your muscular and nervous systems.* And helps support a healthy heart, and your energy needs.*

    So you can see why magnesium is such a key mineral in my Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula.

  • Potassium -- This important mineral helps regulate your circulatory system and promotes your heart health.*

    In addition, research has shown that potassium is another important element in your bone density health.* As you age, bone density becomes an important element in your overall health.*

    Once again, please realize the importance of eating a healthy diet rich in unprocessed whole foods. Many processed foods lose valuable potassium content prior to ever reaching your table.

These minerals may be worth their weight in gold. They provide you with significant health-supporting value in complementing your diet*. They're part of the added bonus that clearly makes Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals stand apart from the rest.

But it doesn't stop here. Take a look at more of the remarkable benefits of my new high-potency multi. It's the...

High-Potency Antioxidant Formula to Help You Balance
Out Free Radicals*

First of all, I made every effort working with the award-winning lab to ensure that as many nutrients as possible ended up directly linked to their natural source. To me, this became crucial in providing you a top-notch supplement.

Multivitamin +Plus's formula has natural value built into it.

It provides you with a highly concentrated daily supplement containing more than 50 nutritional ingredients... all in a special herbal food base.

One of the challenges your body faces every day is combating free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules and fragments of molecules that may impact your body at your cellular level.

Free radicals constantly attack your body proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and DNA, and can cause potentially serious health concerns unless they are kept in check. Every cell in your body suffers an estimated 10,000 free radical hits each day. Your body does its best to fight back -- in what is an actual battlefield at the cellular level.

To help balance the effects of free radicals, Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals provides you with high-potency amounts of an exclusive antioxidant formula that includes:*

  • Natural beta-carotene -- healthy vision and immune system support*
  • Vitamin C -- promotes tissue growth and repair, and healthy gums*
  • Vitamin E -- helps support your muscular system*
  • Selenium -- bolsters your healthy immune system*
  • L-cysteine -- supports your immune and respiratory systems*
  • Lutein -- helps promote your healthy vision*
  • Lycopene -- supports your immune system*
  • Red wine proanthocyanidins -- provides cardiovascular support*
  • And select extracts and powders from over 25 fruits, vegetables, and herbs

And it gets even better ...

Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals Provides You an Incredible Formula Based on Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, and Green Foods

In addition to the outstanding nutrients already discussed, the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula includes a health-promoting blend of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and green foods...from natural sources as far as possible.

When this was impractical with certain nutrients, a highly bioavailable form was used to ensure you could take full advantage of these nutrients*.

Now you can see for yourself the remarkable ingredients included in the total Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula.

Over 2000 mg of nutrients based on vegetables, fruits, herbs and green foods are intentionally included in the Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals formula... nutrients that promote your optimal health in the following ways*:

Nutrients Your Body Systems Supported and Promoted*
Red wine proanthocyanidins Cardiovascular
Blueberry Urinary tract and immune
Garlic Digestive and immune
Green tea extract Immune
Sprouted barley juice Cardiovascular/heart
Wheat grass juice Immune and anti-aging
Broccoli Prostate and immune
Cauliflower Circulation and immune
Spirulina Nervous and tissue
Chlorella Cardiovascular and immune
Green papaya extract Digestive and skin
Beet extract Immune
Apple pectin Immune and lungs
Bromelain Respiratory and digestive
Rose hips Skeletal
Lemon bioflavonoids Immune
Rutin Circulatory and immune
Hesperidin Vascular and immune

And it doesn't stop there...

There's an additional 700 mg of a proprietary vegetable and fruit base, further promoting your optimal health, including:

  • Kale -- provides healthy prostate support*
  • Spinach -- helps support your cardiovascular and immune systems*
  • Carrot -- assists optimal vision and cholesterol level*
  • Radish -- supports your digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems*
  • Celery -- provides you with skeletal and nervous system support*
  • Apricot -- promotes your respiratory and immune systems*
  • Blackberry -- helps support your digestive and immune systems*
  • Cranberry -- supports your urinary tract and cardiovascular system*
  • Grape -- promotes healthy circulation and cholesterol level*
  • Pineapple -- provides healthy respiratory and digestive support*

Click to view Larger label
Multivitam +Plus Vital Minerals Label

A Multivitamin Indiscriminately Overloaded with Mega-Nutrients May
Do You More Harm than Good

Now, I'll be the first to admit that coming up with my own special high-potency formula was a major challenge -- and took quite a bit of time. This was necessary because indiscriminately throwing a number of nutrients together could actually cause more harm than good.


How could that be?

Well, certain amounts and types of nutrients need to be carefully measured to avoid any potential toxic buildup once they are consumed.

The bottom line... not all nutrients in certain amounts work all that well together. In fact, a sort of competition can occur between some nutrients.

So, much attention was directed to prevent this from occurring in Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals.

Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals has been carefully evaluated and selected, each ingredient has been chosen for its:*

  • Proper nutrient balance -- just like too little of a nutrient does not provide you any real benefits, too much can potentially do you more harm than good
  • Absorbability -- the key to promoting your health is absorbing as much of the nutrient as possible
  • Competitive relationship with other nutrients -- a complex evaluation is performed by the scientists to make sure the amounts and types of nutrients work well together to benefit you
  • Allergenic potential -- careful selection and measurement of the nutrient to investigate potential allergy issues
  • Long-term safety -- any potential toxic buildup balanced out

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Reliv Causes Serious Problems! Important Warning

The following is a post from one of our readers. Please read this article before you damage your body by taking Reliv.

"I to have fibromyalgia, I went on reliv, on November 4th,2008 within 3 to 4 days I could not sleep due to lots of flem in my throat, after 3 week of not sleeping one day I suddenly felt very dizzy, I was unable to walk without feeling like I was going to pass out. I sat on my couch all day, at about 6 in the evening my mother called to see how I was feeling, I told her what was going on, and she came to my house to pick me up. I called the hospital hotline and they hade me give the phone to my mom, they told her not to try to take me to the hospital herself, but to call 911 immediately. When they got there my BP which has always been fine, was at 154 over 90. I was rushed to the hospital, and on the way there my head started to hurt so bad, it caused tears to pour out of my eyes, the pain was at a ten or higher, I never want to experience that ever again. The dizziness was so bad I could not even make it to the bathroom without help, how embarrassing. I was in the hospital for three days. By the time I was let out of the hospital I had been off of the Reliv for 3 days, it took another 2 days for the dizziness to go away, and after stopping the Reliv, the flem is gone. One week later, my friend who started Reliv 1 week after me, ended up in the hospital with the same exact symptoms, she was in the hospital for 4 days. I wish I knew what steps to take to go after Reliv, it is to strange that we both had the same problems after starting Reliv, and now that we are off of it we both feel better."

Friday, November 14, 2008

Here is a Replacement for Reliv Innergize

NEW Form of Vitamin B-12 Not Found in Most Health
Food and Vitamin Stores

Imagine if there was an easy thing you could do to help recharge your energy levels.*

Imagine if that easy thing didn't require you to drink cups of caffeinated beverages, make changes in your diet, or see a doctor.

Imagine if it was so convenient to use, you'd probably tell your friends and family about it.

And imagine if it cost just pennies a day!

Well, imagine no more. Such a thing exists. And it can help recharge your energy levels any time of the day. So what is this thing that does so much to give you extra energy?*

Believe it or not, it's a...

If you often feel tired, run-down, and lacking in energy, you're not alone. Low energy is one of our country's biggest health complaints. Vitamin B-12

Some of the top reasons for this are:

  • Refined foods sold in grocery stores are depleted of vital nutrients...
  • Refined foods are loaded with sugar...
  • Refined foods are full of chemicals...
  • Refined foods are overloaded with food colorings; and...
  • Refined foods are loaded with preservatives...

...but it doesn't stop there, either.

Add the harmful effects of caffeine, pollution, conventional therapies, and the stress most of us experience everyday... and you've got yourself a recipe for energy drain.

Well, I'm here to tell you there's a new way to give yourself extra energy.* Actually, a cutting edge way to feel more energized -- without the jitteriness of caffeine.* More on this in a moment.

Now, of course, powering up with extra energy is just one of B-12's many health benefits*. So...

What Critical Health Benefits Does this Vitamin Bring to the Table?

For starters, vitamin B-12 helps folic acid regulate the formation of red blood cells, and helps your body use iron*.

In addition, it is also needed for proper digestion, food absorption, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.* It also helps keep your nervous system healthy by assisting the nerves of your body to function and communicate in an optimal manner.*

But that's not all...far from it!

B-12 also helps in cell formation and cellular longevity.* Plus, it can support female reproductive health, and promote normal nerve growth and development by maintaining the fatty sheaths.* These fatty sheaths play a vital role as they cover and protect your nerve endings.*

What's more, this workhorse of a micronutrient is critical to your circulation and adrenal hormone production -- plus, it helps boost your immunity.* And, oh yes, let's not forget...

Vitamin B-12 supports a healthy mood and feelings of well-being.* And then there's this -- it also provides excellent support for your memory, mental clarity, and concentration.*

Aside from using B-12 to give you an energy boost, when does it also make sense to supplement with this all-important vitamin? Well, there are several good reasons to take vitamin B-12

And the first reason to take it is if you are a carb type or a strict vegetarian.

If You Avoid Meat, You Probably Need to Take B-12

whole food Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals
Vegetarians have an increased need for vitamin B-12

Many people avoid red meats for a large variety of reasons. If you are one of them, you are at a high risk for developing vitamin B-12 deficiency. Why? Because plant sources have virtually no vitamin B-12. And oral forms of B-12 in nearly all supplements are practically useless, as little is absorbed into your bloodstream.

Vegetarians should take this essential micronutrient to ensure an adequate supply of it, because it is found almost exclusively in animal tissues. And, the few plant foods that are sources of B-12 are actually B-12 analogs -- not the form that provides all the benefits of the real deal.

Simply put, an analog is a substance that blocks the uptake of true B-12. The result being, your body's need for the nutrient actually increases.

Furthermore, your body's need for this nutrient may also increase if you take Metformin©. Metformin may interfere with calcium metabolism. And this interference may reduce B-12 absorption, because this absorption requires calcium.

Studies suggest that 10% to 30% of patients taking Metformin show evidence of reduced vitamin B-12 absorption. That's why it is important to speak with your doctor to discuss the best way to maintain B-12 levels when taking this medication.

Now, if getting a good night's sleep has also become increasingly more difficult for you, here's...

What Your Sleeping Difficulties May Be Trying to Tell You!

If you suffer from sleeping difficulties, I recommend taking vitamin B-12 during the day. I believe it can help you.* Here's why.

B-12 plays a vital role in melatonin production.* Melatonin has been called "the sleep hormone" because it is responsible for letting you get a good night's sleep.

As you age, it becomes increasingly more difficult to get a good night's sleep because your body becomes less efficient at making this hormone. And that's why it's a good idea to take B-12 to help you sleep like a baby each night.*

Moreover, a lack of adequate B-12 can have other annoying consequences too.

Do You or a Loved One Experience Any of the Following?

Not many know it, but if you or a family member experience:

  • Tiredness and feelings of weakness...*
  • Less-than-optimal nervous system functioning...*
  • Less-than-optimal eye health...*
  • Loss of appetite and unintended weight loss...*
  • Occasional constipation and gas...*
  • Feelings of mild moodiness...*
  • Less-than-optimal memory...*
  • A tendency toward nervousness...*
  • Less-than-optimal balance...*
  • Less-than-optimal liver or heart health...*
  • Premature grey hair...
  • Occasional digestive issues... may need to supplement with vitamin B-12, even if you eat foods rich in B-12. Oddly enough, that wasn't a typo.

You can eat plenty of meat, poultry, lamb's liver, brewer's yeast, clams, eggs, herring, mackerel, kidneys, milk, dairy products, or seafood -- and still have low levels of B-12. How can that be?

It could be because your body is unable to absorb it from your gut. You see B-12 needs the help of a protein in order to be absorbed. That protein is called intrinsic factor. And because the lining of your stomach makes intrinsic factor, people with less-than-optimal gastrointestinal health often need to supplement with B-12.*

Likewise, most people over the age of 50 have a limited ability to absorb B-12, too. Thus, the need for supplementation

Pain-Free Supplementation

With that said, the form of vitamin B-12 I'm recommending does NOT come as a pill, tablet, capsule, gelcap, or liquid.

Amazingly, it's B-12 in a spray.

A modern marvel that I believe gives most people far better results than anything else. The name of this new product is B-12 Energy Booster.* And it's only available here on

Now, here's the question you may be asking at this point:

"How can something as simple as a spray work so much better than a pill, tablet, or capsule?"

In a nutshell, I came across an American company that uses Nano technology. This breakthrough technology uses a patented NanoMist® delivery system that shrinks the size of the B-12 molecule all the way down to microscopic nanodroplets™.

How does this benefit you?

Quite simply, the B-12 in B-12 Energy Booster comes in an easily absorbed form your body can now use*.

It turns out that this fine-mist spray formula you spray into your mouth causes the essential nutrients to become absorbed rapidly. .*

As a result, it delivers more of this product's nutrients to your circulatory system, tissues and cells quickly.* And that's not all...

The tiny nanodroplets™ in each fast-acting spray are designed to release the B-12 vitamin within a steady, time-controlled manner. This ensures a longer-term benefit from each single dose, boosting efficiency even further.

Needless to say, when you combine B-12 Energy Booster's* time-release mechanism with its rapid, uniform and complete absorption, you get one incredible product. A product that, in my opinion, is clearly superior to any B-12 pill, tablet, capsule, gelcap, or liquid on the market today.

Remember -- only a small fraction of this crucial vitamin gets absorbed through your gut when you take it in a pill, tablet, capsule, or gelcap.
Let's take that a step further and shed some light on multivitamins you may find shocking...

Here's the REAL TRUTH about the B-12 in Most Multivitamins:

It all boils down to this...

Most of them contain 100-200 micrograms of B-12. But, if you actually took 500 micrograms of B-12, you'd get an absorption of about 1.8 micrograms. Let me repeat, only 1.8 out of a total of 500 micrograms. That's an absorption rate of only one third of one percent! But, that's only half of the story.

The late Victor Herbert, a renowned B-12 researcher, said that many multivitamin products on the market today contain dangerous B-12 analogs.

In other words, analogs get created when crystalline B-12 interacts with other nutrients in multivitamin products, such as vitamin C, iron and copper -- increasing your body's need for B-12. Does the company selling the multivitamin tell you this vital bit of information? Probably not!

Truth be told, most multi-vitamins sold today are a complete waste of money when it comes to their B-12 quality and performance. Now listen up:

Each 1 ounce vial of B-12 Energy Booster delivers a serving size (1,200 micrograms) of 6 sprays per day. And you get approximately 205 metered sprays in each container. Because this ends up being a 34 day supply, you actually receive a nice bonus of 4 additional days!

How can you beat that? And that's just the beginning. Another nice feature of B-12 Energy Booster* is that it...

Comes in a Tasty Natural Spearmint Flavor

And in addition to tasting great, it's absolutely FREE of...

  • Sugar
  • Yeast
  • Starch
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Gluten
  • Eggs
  • Salt
  • Dairy

Better yet, it's also FREE of artificial flavors, color, synthetics, binders, fillers, wax, shellac, talcum and animal gelatin.

The bottom line is that our B-12 Energy Booster is stimulant-free, contains only natural ingredients, and tastes great! Best of all, it's packaged in a convenient pre-metered, non-aerosol, child-resistant container that easily fits in your purse or pocket. Last but not least, it...

Click to view Larger label
Vitamin B12 Label

Costs Far Less Than a Cup of Even "Economy" Coffee

By now, you're probably wondering how much B-12 Energy Booster costs. I'm happy to tell you the price is very reasonable.

A 34-day supply normally costs just $29.97 -- an excellent value when you consider all the health-promoting and energy-boosting benefits you get*. But as part of a special introductory offer, you don't have to pay the regular price. You can get a full 34-day supply for only $17.87. That's just 52 cents a day -- far less than that cup of caffeine-loaded coffee (and you know that caffeine is certainly not a smart solution to give you more energy).

Why am I being so generous?

Because I know how much you can benefit from this breakthrough product, and I want to give you every incentive to get started right away. And whether you order one, two, three or more B-12 Energy Boosters for yourself and loved ones, you're completely protected by my...

100% Unconditional Guarantee

No doubt about it, B-12 Energy Booster* is an exceptional product. After all, it can help crank up your energy, and improve overall health and well-being*..

In fact, I'm so sure you'll be delighted with it that I'm offering the following unconditional guarantee.

If you're unsatisfied with B-12 Energy Booster for any reason at all, simply let me know anytime. Yes, you read that right. Anytime. And, of course, I will give you a prompt, courteous refund of every penny you paid. No questions asked.

How can I make such a bold guarantee? It's simple: I'm betting that once you start using it, you'll feel so good; you'll never want to be without it again.

But don't just take my word for it. Grab a no-risk supply of B-12 Energy Booster and see for yourself. You'll be glad you did.

Vitamin B-12 Spray
Vitamin B-12

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Puberty at 8? Are you sure Reliv is Good for you?

More and more we are finding that girls are going through puberty earlier and earlier and they have found that this can increase their chances for breast cancer and other health and social issues. Though the causes can be many, I did find it interesting that Soy and Soy products were one of the things listed. Since Reliv is so high in soy, this should be a concern if you have your children on the Kid's Now or any of the other Reliv Products. There are so many other options out there for vitamins, you don't need to give your children something that is so strongly Soy based.

Puberty at 8? Girls' Earlier Puberty Puts Them at Higher Risk for Cancer
POSTED BY - Dr. Mercola - October 06 2007

Girls in the United States are reaching puberty at very early ages, increasing their risk of breast cancer, social problems, and emotional problems.

While the biological signs of female puberty -- menstruation, breast development, and growth of pubic and underarm hair -- typically occurred around 13 years of age or older just decades ago, today girls as young as 8 are increasingly showing these signs.

African-American girls are particularly vulnerable to early puberty.

Aside from the social and emotional implications, early puberty exposes girls to more estrogen, which increases their risk of breast cancer because the disease thrives on estrogen.

According to biologist Sandra Steingraber, the author of the report titled "The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know," "The data indicates that if you get your first period before age 12, your risk of breast cancer is 50 percent higher than if you get it at age 16."

"For every year we could delay a girl's first menstrual period,” she says, “we could prevent thousands of breast cancers."

Theories behind what is causing the early-puberty trend abound, but the actual causes are not known. Potential causes noted in the paper include:

  • Rising childhood obesity rates and inactivity
  • Formula-feeding of infants
  • Excessive TV viewing and media use
  • Family stress
  • Exposure to environmental chemicals
Early puberty is likely an “ecological disorder,” according to Steingraber, that’s being caused by a number of environmental factors.

The Breast Cancer Fund, “The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know”

Chicago Tribune September 16, 2007

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

It is becoming increasingly common for young children, even 5- and 6-year-olds, to go through precocious puberty (aka early sexual development). The introduction of this report even states that studies have found girls as young as 2 years old entering puberty!

This is clearly a multi-faceted problem, but I believe one of its main causes stems from your environmental exposure to a whole slew of endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

These man-made chemicals affect your hormones, which control development and function in your body. There is mounting evidence that they can cause harm in the development of fetuses and children, who are particularly sensitive to the chemicals because they have not yet developed the protective mechanisms present in adult bodies.

If you think you and your children are not exposed to endocrine disrupters, think again. They’re commonly found in many household products and cosmetics, including:
  • Bovine growth hormones commonly added to commercial dairy
  • Soy foods, which are loaded with hormone-like substances
  • Bisphenol A, commonly used in many plastics such as baby bottles, food-storage containers, and the lining of soda cans
  • Phthalates, also commonly used in plastics
  • Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) -- better known as Teflon
I want to place special emphasis on soy. As many VitalVotes readers have been pointing out, soy is present in virtually every processed food, and Americans are eating it in unprecedented quantities in foods like soymilk, soy burgers, and soy ice cream.

Meanwhile, some misinformed moms are still feeding their vulnerable babies soy infant formula, which exposes their child to the equivalent of five birth control pills’ worth of estrogen every day. For this same reason, it’s also important for pregnant women to avoid eating soy, as a high estrogenic environment in utero may increase their child’s subsequent breast cancer risk.

Other environmental chemicals like PCBs and DDE (a breakdown product of the pesticide DDT) may also be associated with early sexual development in girls. Both DDE and PCBs are known to mimic, or interfere with, sex hormones.

What is even more troubling is that endocrine-disrupting environmental chemicals can actually increase your child’s risk of obesity, which in turn may increase their likelihood of early puberty.

Early Puberty is Only the Tip of the Iceberg

Meanwhile, the same chemical exposures that are causing young kids to enter puberty well before their time can also lead to increased infertility and breast cancer rates down the road.

So if you have children, or are planning to, avoiding environmental contaminants and soy foods as much as possible (unless they are in the traditional, fermented form such as natto, miso, or tempeh), is a wise choice.

Here are some measures you can take to protect yourself and your children from common toxic substances that could cause them to go into puberty years before they were designed to:
  • Store your food in glass containers whenever possible, as it is the most inert container you can use.
  • Only use natural cleaning products in your home. Most health food stores will have these available or you can search online for them.
  • Buy and eat, as much as possible, locally grown, organic foods that do not contain pesticides and added hormones.
  • Avoid processed foods, which are loaded with soy and other unsavory ingredients.
  • Switch to natural brands of toiletries, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants, and cosmetics. Use the same sources as above for these, either your local health food store or you can search online.
Finally, I encourage everyone with children or grandchildren to review Theo Colburn’s Our Stolen Future, which is one of the BEST resources on this topic.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Evidence Against Soy / Reliv

The Evidence Against Soy

soy, dow chemical, dupont, myth, health food, fermentedDow Chemical and DuPont, the same corporations that brought misery and death to millions around the world through Agent Orange, are now the driving forces behind the promotion of soy as a food for humans. They are financing anti-meat and anti-milk campaigns aimed largely at those concerned about animal welfare and the environment, trying to convince them that imitations such as "soymilk" are not only healthier than the real thing, but better for the earth too.

There is no evidence that consuming soy products can improve health, reduce environmental degradation or slow global warming. In fact, the evidence suggests quite the opposite.

The studies below regarding the effects of soy on health are eye-opening, particularly the review by the American Heart Association -- which no longer supports the health claims about soy endorsed by the U.S. government.

Overall risks and benefits of soy assessed

Latest review by American Heart Association

Soy inhibits iron absorption

Poor iron bioavailability

Poor calcium bioavailability

Calcium and zinc absorbed better from milk than from soy -- even without phytates

Soy provides no benefits with respect to heart disease risk

Soy causes bladder cancer

Soy isoflavones during pregnancy increase breast cancer risk in female offspring

High levels of cadmium in soy formula

Soy linked to peanut allergy and increased risk for asthma

Whole milk vs. soy beverage -- asthma risk

Persistent sexual arousal syndrome associated with increased soy intake

Genistein: Does it prevent or promote breast cancer?

Dr. Mercola Dr. Mercola's Comments:

If you were to carefully review the thousands of studies published on soy, I strongly believe you too would reach the conclusion that any possible benefits of consuming soy are FAR outweighed by the well documented risks.

Now, I’m not against all forms of soy. Properly fermented products like natto and tempeh have been consumed for centuries and do not wreak havoc in your body like unfermented soy products do. For example, the enzyme nattokinase—derived from natto--is a safer, more powerful option than aspirin to dissolve blood clots, and has been used safely for more than two decades.

Unfortunately, many Americans still believe that unfermented and processed soy products like soy milk, soy cheese, soy burgers and soy ice cream are good for them.

85 Percent of Consumers Believe the Lies About Soy

The rise of soy as a health food is in large part due to highly successful marketing to otherwise health conscious Americans who set the trend. According to the survey Consumer Attitudes About Nutrition 2008 (by the United Soybean Board), 85 percent of consumers now perceive soy products as healthy.

The survey also found that consumers:

  • rank soybean oil among the top three healthy oils, with 70 percent recognizing soy oil as a healthy oil, and
  • depend on soybean oil, commonly sold as vegetable oil, as one of their two most frequent cooking oils

This is a tragic case of shrewd marketing of misinformation and outright lies taking root among the masses, which will likely take some time to undo.

Ever since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a health claim for soy foods in 1999 (which said diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease), soy sales have skyrocketed. In the years between 2000 and 2007, food manufacturers in the U.S. introduced over 2,700 new foods with soy as an ingredient, including 161 new products introduced in 2007 alone.

This has resulted in a booming multi-billion dollar business. From 1992 to 2007, soy food sales increased from a paltry $300 million to nearly $4 billion, according to the Soyfoods Association of North America.

However, the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit nutrition education foundation, submitted a petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in January of this year, asking them to retract its heart-health claim from soy in light of the inconsistent and contradictory evidence showing benefits, and its many proven health risks.

What’s So Wrong With Soy?

Unlike the Asian culture, where people eat small amounts of whole soybean products, western food processors separate the soybean into two golden commodities--protein and oil. And there is nothing natural or safe about these products.

Says Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story,

“Today's high-tech processing methods not only fail to remove the anti-nutrients and toxins that are naturally present in soybeans but leave toxic and carcinogenic residues created by the high temperatures, high pressure, alkali and acid baths and petroleum solvents."

Dr. Daniel also points out the findings of numerous studies reviewed by her and other colleagues -- that soy does not reliably lower cholesterol, and in fact raises homocysteine levels in many people, which has been found to increase your risk of stroke, birth defects, and yes: heart disease.

Other common health problems linked to a high-soy diet include:

Most soy, perhaps about 80 percent or more, is also genetically modified, which adds its own batch of health concerns.

Despite these findings, many people still want to believe the hype, thinking that these studies must somehow be wrong. But the content of soy itself should be a clue. For example, non-fermented soy products contain:

  • Phytoestrogens (isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone estrogen
  • Phytates, which block your body's uptake of minerals
  • Enzyme Inhibitors, which hinder protein digestion
  • Hemaggluttin, which causes red blood cells to clump together and inhibits oxygen take-up and growth
  • High amounts of omega-6 fat, which is pro-inflammatory

You’re Consuming Soy Whether You’re Buying “Soy Products” or Not

Even if you know better than to gulp down large amounts of soy milk, slabs of tofu, and other soy snacks, you are still consuming soy if you’re eating processed food, in the form of soybean oil and lecithin. So depending on your dietary habits, your (unfermented) soy consumption could really add up.

In fact, Dr. Joseph Hibbeln at the National Institutes of Health told he estimates that soybeans, usually in the form of oil, account for 10 percent of the average person’s total calories in the United States! When you consider that 90 percent of the money Americans spend on food goes toward processed food, this amount of “accidental” soy intake is not surprising.

As a side note, I’d like to make a quick statement here to address some of my readers’ concerns about my reduced CoQ 10 supplement, ubiquinol, which also contain soy bean oil.

Unfortunately, the reduced CoQ 10 (ubiquinol) – which is the optimal form of CoQ 10 that your body needs, especially if you’re over 25 – is only produced by a multi-billion dollar Japanese pharmaceutical company that holds ALL the world patents on it. Hence, there’s no way to replace the soy, even though that would have been my preference.

However, as in all things, moderation is key. If I thought there were ANY significant health risks from consuming this small amount of soy oil, then I would not personally take two a day – which I do. I do however avoid all processed forms of soy products, and severely limit my intake of other unfermented soy, which is easy to do by simply avoiding processed and “fast” foods.

Which Soy Foods Should be Avoided … and How do You Avoid Them?

Because soy is so pervasive in the U.S. food supply, avoiding it is not an easy task.

The best way to completely avoid soy in the food supply is to buy whole foods and prepare them yourself. This may also be your only option if you’ve developed a soy allergy and need to eliminate soy from your diet entirely.

If you still prefer to buy readymade and packaged products, for whatever reason, Dr. Daniel offers a free Special Report, "Where the Soys Are," on her Web site. It lists the many "aliases" that soy might be hiding under in ingredient lists -- words like "boullion," "natural flavor" and "textured plant protein."

Which Soy Foods DO Have Health Benefits?

The few types of soy that ARE healthy are all fermented varieties. After a long fermentation process, the phytic acid and antinutrient levels of the soybeans are reduced, and their beneficial properties -- such as the creation of natural probiotics -- become available to your digestive system.

The fermentation process also greatly reduces the levels of dangerous isoflavones, which are similar to estrogen in their chemical structure, and can interfere with the action of your own estrogen production.

So if you want to eat soy that is actually good for you, following are all healthy options:

  1. Natto, fermented soybeans with a sticky texture and strong, cheese-like flavor. It's loaded with nattokinase, a very powerful blood thinner. Natto is actually a food I eat regularly, as it is the highest source of vitamin K2 on the planet and has a very powerful beneficial bacteria, bacillus subtilis. It can usually be found in any Asian grocery store.
  2. Tempeh, a fermented soybean cake with a firm texture and nutty, mushroom-like flavor.
  3. Miso, a fermented soybean paste with a salty, buttery texture (commonly used in miso soup).
  4. Soy sauce: traditionally, soy sauce is made by fermenting soybeans, salt and enzymes, however be wary because many varieties on the market are made artificially using a chemical process.

Related Articles:

Soy: Too Good to be True

Soy: Is it Healthy or is it Harmful?

Why Soy Can Damage Your Health

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Reliv is Bad for Your Health

Since I started this blog more than a year ago, many have posted comments attacking me for saying that Reliv is bad for you. I want to remind everyone reading this blog that my purpose is to post negative stories about Reliv. If you don't agree or want to post your positive stories, please post them somewhere else. I will not post them!

Wheither I am right or wrong is for each person to decide for themselves. The purpose of my blog is to give people a chance to see both sides of the story.

I will admit that Reliv has helped some people but I also firmly believe that it has done nothing or hurt even more people. The dangers of Soy are well researched and there is a lot of proof. If you are looking to make money, MLM is not the place! With Reliv and almost all of the other MLM companies more than 99% of people fail! Why go into debt to help make those at the top richer!

And please, if you are a woman and taking Reliv, I would encourage you to look into Thermography. For more info please visit, for more info.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reliv May Cause High Blood Pressure

Here is a post from one of our readers!

"I was a Reliv distributor for about one year. After using the product for
just a month or so I noticed that my normally low blood pressure 115/59 was
really high. It went up to 195/90. I was 52 years old, health and active.
I called my upline and they assured me that it would level out after a few
weeks. Well, after a few weeks I was tired of the shakes and was gaining
weight as well as very gassy. I was also told the gas would go away. Yah
right. My gas didn't go away, my blood pressure didn't come down for TWO
YEARS! I am so thankful that I quit taking the product as I have spoken
with a lot of people who have had the same experience. Reliv is high in
phyto-estrogens which promote neoangiogenisis vein production in the breasts
that feed cancer tumors. It also will put a protective coat around cancer
cells so that the bodies immune system can not penetrate and destroy it.
Please go to for more info on breast cancer and how
soy and flax help promote it."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Soy - Discover The Real Truth

What You'll Learn in Next Month's Inner Circle Expert Interview:

Daily Sunlight Can Keep Cancer Away

Have you switched to soy milk and veggie burgers because you’ve been told they are better for you?

Have you heard that people in Asian cultures live longer than Americans because they eat more soy?

If you believe soy is a healthy alternative to dairy and meat products, then you’ve got a lot of company. Millions of Americans believe they are making a healthy choice by opting for soy milk and other soy-based products.

Read the Full article and add
your own comment

But consuming soy may be more harmful than healthy.

In this month’s Inner Circle interview, you’ll discover the truth about soy, the mistaken health food. Uncover what’s fact and what’s fiction -- so you can make more informed and nutritional eating decisions.

Dr. Kaayla Daniel, an expert on soy and nutritional health, delves into how much soy in your diet is too much, what forms of soy are healthy (and which are not), and how best to add soy to your diet for your best health yet.

Dr. Daniel is the author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food. Her nutritional training and expertise includes digestive disorders, and uncovering problems associated with soy-based diets.

Dr. Daniel has appeared on such notable mediums as NPR’s People’s Pharmacy and Discovery Channel’s Medical Hotseat. She has been quoted in major publications such as the Washington Post, Oxygen, London Observer and the San Francisco Chronicle.

In 2005, she was honored with the Weston A. Price Foundation’s Integrity in Science Award.

Most recently Dr. Daniel joined forces with the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation and a group of leading scientists to present the FDA with a 65-page petition requesting that the FDA remove the heart-healthy claims being touted regarding soy products.
As an Inner Circle member this month, you’ll discover Dr. Daniel’s special insights on soy, including:

  • Is soy really the reason people in Asian cultures live longer and have fewer cases of certain cancers? Discover the surprising truth…
  • Do you know what types of soy are good for you -- and those types that aren’t? Does your diet contain harmful soy? Answers in this interview…
  • How much soy is too much? Do you know how much soy you are actually consuming? Foods that contain “hidden” soy may be in your own kitchen – find out what they are…
  • Why this supposed “health” food may be blocking your body’s ability to absorb much-needed minerals -- and blocking your ability to digest your food.

In this 2+ hour interview, Dr. Daniel shares her experience and expertise with you on the dangers of soy. Discover the whole truth about soy to attain your optimal level of health.

Read my comments on this Interview

And as an exclusive Inner Circle member, you’ll enjoy this interview in its entirety as a high-quality CD recording, with a fully illustrated transcript included. If you’re not a member yet – what in the name of good health are you waiting for?