Friday, October 7, 2011

Reliv Testimonial BS

Below is a comment we got from one of our readers. Please take a moment to send in your stories. Remember we aren't looking for your positive stories. There are too many websites out there sharing them. This blog was created to give people a chance to see the other side of Reliv without having to dig through all the BS.

"I just want to start off with a THANK YOU! i never heard this product before, and actually went to a meeting yesterday about it. the Testimonials seemed very believable! however the people seemed a bit odd in some way. Anyways i decided i shouldnt make any decisions until i tried it. i got a sample didnt see any real energy. I talked to my bf and told me it was probably a scam. thats when i went on and found you!! now i am 100% confident that this is some BS! im so glad i didnt waste my money and any more time listening to peoples bs story!...once again thank you."

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