Monday, September 6, 2010

Pushy Reliv Distributors - Reliv Does Not Work

Hi - I just love your blog and how open it is for comments and opinions and others' stories. I have a story I would like to submit, if you would like to publish it.

A friend I've known for years has gotten big into the Reliv scheme over the last 2 years. We have the same health issue and she credits Reliv for helping her get pregnant (though she was also taking fertility pills at the same time....) She knows how badly I want to have a baby and started nagging (and nagging and nagging) at me to try Reliv. I had a lot of questions about it, but she would never answer them - just skirted around it and said we should get together with an old teacher-friend who is really high up on the Reliv pyramid. Every question I asked warranted a 3-way call with the two of them and I was very uncomfortable. This was my first inclination that something wasn't right.

Regrettably, I let her talk me into trying it, and spent way too much money on a starter make a long story short, I've been on Classic, Innergize, Fibrestore and SoySentials for over 6 months and have not noticed the SLIGHTEST bit of change in my life. My husband even tried it for a few weeks as well and he agreed there was absolutely no difference in the way he felt, and he takes meds for a couple of issues that our Reliv distributors swore Reliv would all but cure. Never happened. I quit taking it three weeks ago and still can't tell that anything is even missing. This friend harassed (it's the only word that fits) the living daylights out of me every single week, wanting to know what days would be good for me to listen to some "encouraging stories" (never even asked me if I wanted to) or what time would I be there for the weekly conference, even though I never said I would go. I asked many times to hear some stories from people that did not really find any benefit from Reliv, but of course, she did not know of any. I asked several times for her not to call me about phone conferences anymore, but she still did, and I always felt like it was a guilt-trip to get me to listen to another story or another request to buy into the company. It got to the point (and still is) where I couldn't even text her to say hi - the conversation immediately turned to Reliv.

A huge red flag for me to realize this is truly a pyramid scheme is this -- while on the phone with this distributor friend, she asked when I would need to get more product from her and I mentioned that I was set for awhile, b/c I had purchased some on Ebay. She flipped out and basically said that if I wasn't going to buy it from her, she couldn't continue to "help" me anymore. My question was this-- if Reliv is so deadset on helping people "feel better and get healthy" and that is truly their only motive as they say it is, why does it matter where I buy it from? It's simply b/c she was not making the profit on my purchase that she got so upset.

I was asked hundreds of times when I was going to "invest" in the company. I answered the same every time - right now, I do not have that kind of money to throw into something, and I didn't. These distributors are so hellbent on moving up the ladder that they are willing to tell you whatever you need to hear to get your money in their pocket.

I'm skeptical to believe anyone when they say this product cured some ailment they had. I do not believe there is anything beneficial about this product. I will never buy it again and I will never endorse it. It's nothing but a pyramid scheme. It's ridiculously expensive and you'd be better off to buy a bottle of multivitamins for a percentage of the cost.


Anonymous said...

I would also like to add (I wrote the above message) that I had a dr appt today in which the dr clearly blamed the Reliv for my digestion problems. I was originally diagnosed as lactose-intolerant and possibly gluten-intolerant, and it all started around the same time I started Reliv, but dumb me never put 2+2 together. Now that I have been off Reliv for a few weeks, I have been eating gluten and lots of dairy w/ absolutely NO issues whatsoever. To top it off, whenever I spoke to my distributor/friend, she always said that it was Reliv that was going to CURE these issues for me.

Never happened.

Anonymous said...

I have recently starting taking the Reliv Now with Lemon Innergize - I have been taking the product for a month now - and have also bought the Reliv for kids for my 2 year old son.

My friend told me about this business opportunity she had been offered and explained about the products and the benefits etc.

I decided to order a can from her to try it for myself.

I must say I did notice a difference after about a week of taking the product - I had more energy and just felt generally better. Although I did wonder if these feelings were down to all the water I had be consuming in a bid to loose my baby weight.

However, I ran out of the product 3 days ago and I feel awful. Even as I am writing this I feel shaky, nervous and anxious - almost on the verge of a panic attack.

Again I am not sure whether this is due to the fact that I have stopped taking the Reliv or down to the fact that I have just gone cold turkey on the chocolate consumption.

I have also been approached to invest in the business side of Reliv. My friend also held a three way conversation with a Reliv Mentor, herself and me. It all sounded like this man was reading from a script - but then I started taking the products and started to change my mind. I then had a presentation at my house and was given all of the Reliv paperwork, brochures etc.

I have been talking about this so called 'miracle product' to absolutely everyone.

However, after now feeling so ill and finding lots of negative reports about the company and the products I am starting to feel rather foolish and very disappointed. I am also very concerned about the number of reports stating that Reliv and its ingredients can actually be dangerous to your health - potentially lethal.

I really am very confused as to what to do. I feel that I should take my son off of the products but am concerned that he may also start feeling unwell like me. Although he has only been on the kids product for 4 days.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

The_Reliv_Watchdog said...

Hi - I have had one person a few years ago that posted she was unable to stop taking Reliv due to the withdrawal symptoms. I don't remember exactly what she wrote but I know she tried many different ways to stop taking the products but felt so bad that she continued taking it. I would suggest that if you can, stop and don't start again.

I have post many articles about the dangers of Soy for Children and so I suggest that you read those articles and then decide for your child. If it's only been a few days then he shouldn't have any problems getting off the product. Also you could take him off slowly by skipping here and there.

And don't start doing the business. The only way you will ever make money is by talking to your friends, family, and everyone you meet about Reliv. It will get to the point that no one will want you around as that's all you will talk about. If you decide to continue taking the product, then buy from eBay. You can find good deals there and you save yourself the effort of joining.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I just started using Reliv last week and 3-5 hours after drinking a shake I feel my heart starting to race (like I'm jacked up on caffeine). Also I am waking up at night with my mind racing and cannot get back to sleep. Before I started Reliv I slept like a baby and felt great!

I'm sure my distributor will say my body is cleansing, but I know better. I will not be continuing with the product. I am going back to my multi vitamin, extra vitamin D, and fish oil supplement.

Anonymous said...

(I wrote the original article above about pushy distributors.)

I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in the way I felt while on it. I, too, felt jittery when taking it, but that was the only change I ever felt.

I just wanted to add that since I've stopped taking Reliv, I've not heard one single word from my "friend." She no longer texts, emails, calls....nothing.

I would also agree with Reliv Watchdog - do NOT sell this garbage. You'll find yourself bringing it up in every single conversation just to drum up business, and it's true that no one will want to be around you anymore.

I would think your child could probably come off it easily if he's only been on it 4 days.

Best of luck to you. :)

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who is caught up in this Reliv sales scam.She wants to get rich fast and they have her believing that she will.They brainwash thier distributers by constant bombardment of false claims of cures of chronic conditions.I love her but she has pushed me away because I will not buy the product.I'm glad to see peoples true claims about the ill effects of this product.She is a smart woman but I cannot believe she has fallen for this pyramid BS.