Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Soy Cancer Warning - by Clair Weaver

I found this following article to be very interesting and I would encourage my readers to read it carefully and more importantly, consider it carefully. One of my posters said that the information that I had was outdated but this article published in Jan of 2007 can't be so outdated. According to this article and many others, Soy can accelerate the growth of Tumors. If you read the Success Stories of Reliv, you will find some that claim Reliv will cure but here is my question, How can it cure everything when it's so high in Soy? If you doctor tells you to avoid Soy, I would suggest avoiding Reliv also!

Soy Cancer Warning
by Clair Weaver

January 14, 2007 12:00

CANCER patients are being warned to avoid foods rich in soy because they can accelerate the growth of tumours.

The Cancer Council NSW will issue guidelines today, warning about the dangers of high-soy diets and soy supplements for cancer patients and those people in remission from cancer.

At particular risk are people suffering from hormone-dependent cancers, including breast and prostate cancer - the two most common types of cancer in Australia.

Cancer survivors are also being urged to avoid high doses of soy, as they may be more vulnerable to a relapse.

Research has found high consumption of soy products can also limit the effectiveness of conventional medicines used to treat the disease.

"There is evidence to suggest that women with existing breast cancer or past breast cancer should be cautious in consuming large quantities of soy foods or phyto-oestrogen supplements,'' a position statement from the Cancer Council says.

"Women with current or past breast cancer should be aware of the risks of potential tumour growth when taking soy products.

"The Cancer Council does not support the use of health claims on food labels that suggest soy foods or phyto-oestrogens protect against the development of cancer.''

Health experts are particularly concerned that breast-cancer sufferers who take soy or phyto-oestrogen supplements could feed the disease and reduce the effectiveness of their treatment.

Soy, which is present in soy beans, soy milk, tofu, tempeh and some breads, contains phyto-oestrogens that mimic the actions of hormones in the body.

This means it may interfere with cancer drugs such as Tamoxifen, which works by suppressing the female hormone oestrogen.

Men with prostate cancer are also being warned against high soy consumption, as phyto-oestrogens may imitate the male hormone androgen.

Although the Cancer Council has warned against soy supplements, it believes an occasional intake of soy food is still safe for cancer patients.

Cancer Council nutritionist Kathy Chapman said soy supplements could contain dangerously high doses of phyto-oestrogens.

"If you were a woman with breast cancer and thought, 'I'm going to radically change my diet and have very large portions of soy at every meal', it could be a problem,'' Ms Chapman said.

"For someone who has tofu once or twice a week and drinks a bit of soya milk, it's not so much of a problem.''

Soy has earned a reputation as a natural "superfood'' that cuts the risk of breast or prostate cancer, and is commonly included in women's health supplements.

This claim was based on findings that cancer rates were lower in Asia, where soy consumption is high.

But soy would lower the risk of contracting cancer "only a little'', according to the Cancer Council.

"While they may have a protective effect, there is also some evidence that phyto-oestrogens may stimulate the growth of existing hormone-dependent cancers,'' the council's statement said.

The risk of contracting other non-hormone-dependent cancers, including bowel cancer, would be unaffected by soy intake.

The Cancer Council was prompted to investigate the issue after being inundated with questions about the role of soy in cancer patients' diets.

"We felt we were getting a lot of calls on our hotline about this topic,'' Ms Chapman said.

Breast-cancer survivor Susie Musarra was surprised by the new evidence about soy.

The Sydney mother of two was diagnosed five years ago. She followed a healthy diet, containing plenty of fruit and vegetable juices, during chemotherapy treatment.

"It's really confusing, because you get a lot of conflicting information about what to eat,'' she said. "It's good to have this advice, because it helps you make an informed decision - and the Cancer Council is a reputable source.''


Anonymous said...

I was on a cancer forum looking for products for testimonies on reliv, I am going to be a distributor, people that have cancer have been using the reliv products with positive results so how can you put down products or a company based on the establishment
matbe you should help people for a change, maybe you should go on the reliv calls like I did and here real people getting postive results where the so called docs let them down

The_Reliv_Watchdog said...

Hello Pat,

Honestly I haven't seen someone so blinded by Reliv yet. It appears that you have read a few things on some forum, listened to a few phone calls and you have swallowed the whole Reliv story hook line and sinker.

Many of the Reliv Distributors don't care about you or your health. They are trying to get rich, that is the purpose of all MLMs, "Get Rich Quick".

I believe that many of "Reliv Stories" that you are told in the meetings and on their "Phone Calls with Real People" are nothing more than lies to sell products. Since you have never met these people how do you know any different? When Reliv first came out with their Simplicity line I was shocked at who quickly they had "Stories and Phone Calls" for you to call and listen to success stories. But I noticed something, all of these stories and phone calls were done by their Ambassadors, which are the higher level Distributors. These guys are making money and they don't care.

Now before I go any further, I will say that I am sure Reliv has helped some people. Natural Remedies also help people but anyone who uses them also knows that what works for one doesn't work for the next. Don't just accept that Reliv cures everyone, it doesn't.

What you read about Soy on my blog is true and if your doctor tells you or someone that you are trying to push these products onto that they should not take soy, then you had better listen!!! Certian types of cancer are fed by Soy and if you tell someone like this to take Reliv YOU are the one killing them!

If you haven't please read this posting. I know both of these people personally, the one writing and the one who died. Reliv, Soy, and Cancer are no joke and no one can tell me otherwise as I have seen it first hand!